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The harsh sunlight streams through the window, and I squeeze my eyes shut against the intruding brightness. I'm surrounded by warmth, and my pillow keeps rising and falling underneath my head.

Except it's not a pillow.

I'm lying on Dream's chest, arm draped over his middle, leg hitched up over his waist. He's sitting up, one hand holding a glass of water, and the other propping up his head.

"Morning Rosie."

I quickly sit up, pulling my arms and legs out from the tangle of limbs. My body shivers in the abrupt rush of cold as I try and gather my senses. I remember last night, the screams, the way his pale face shivered under my touch, the way he held on to me as he fell back asleep. My head hurts, and everything is too much, far too much to handle right now, because why do I feel these things for him, after what he's done?

He stands up, and I warily stare at him in my groggy state. He steps in, too close, far too much into my personal space, and I can feel my heart beat quicken, my whole body goes on edge. His hand traces up my arm, and he glides his fingers over my shoulder and up my neck. I recoil.

"Don't touch me." I mutter, trying to get my breathing under control.

He looks surprised. "You got in my bed last night."

"I know, I know I did and I'm sorry if that sent mixed messages. It's just that I know how those nightmares feel and... and I just wanted to help." I say apologetically.

He swallows and steps in again.

"You can't deny that you feel... things for me. I know it's just not me, you do too Rosie." He whispers, eyes trained on mine.

My feet shuffle back as I shrink in his shadow. I do feel things for him, but I can't let myself feel them, because I am going to go home and I don't need to get attached to the man I'm probably going to betray.

"Don't call me Rosie." I say, half hearted snap to my words, faltering under rising panic.

He chuckles humourlessly. "Don't avoid it, princess."

"You need to back off me right now. I'm going to my room." I say firmly. He's far too close, and I'm panicking more than I should, and I really need to breathe away from him. But instead, he just steps in even closer, hand reaching out to trail up the side of my stomach.

And then I snap.

I shove him. Hard. He stumbles back in surprise as I march towards him, and shove him again.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I scream, part fear and part anger, picking up the cup of water he set on the beside table and lobbing it at his head. He ducks just at the right moment and it shatters against the wall.

"Rosie calm down!" He yells, but I just pick up his alarm clock and launch it in the same direction. He swerves and it clangs against the floor.

"Calm down? Calm down?! Go to hell! I told you not to touch me! I told you to get away from me! But apparently you don't have to listen to what I want. You don't have to do what I want. So guess what? I won't do what you tell me too!" I yell back. I am so sick and tired of him inside my head, fucking up my feelings and my thoughts. I'm sick and tired of him getting too close, touching me when I don't want him too. You can't keep pushing a person, keeping them captive for months, and still expect them to be ok.

All the pent up emotions of fury, and resentment and grief and sadness are bubbling underneath my skin and I can feel the red hotness of anger in my face.

"Princess, we can talk about this, you just need to calm down." He says, holding his hands up, palms outwards as he walks towards me. I don't move, my feet rooted to the spot, breathing heavily as he gets closer. He cups my face, fingers splaying out over my cheek, other hand dipping below my collar bones.

He still doesn't get it.

My elbow strikes the centre of his gut as I kick his shin. I push him off me as he doubles over, groaning in pain. He painfully uprights himself, confusion swirling on his face, holding his hands out as he tries to handle my losing my shit. 

"You want to fuck me, is that it? You want me to stay in your bed and obey everything you say? Huh? You want me to what? Submit to you?" My voice is climbing, rising to the point of hysterical and I don't even know why I'm saying, all the fear and horrible, horrible thoughts from the scared part of my brain pouring out. 

"Rosie you know I don't want that." His voice wavers as he wrings his hands and I stand, arms folded on my stomach. I think I've completely lost it. "Rosie just calm down and we can tal- You can talk, and I'll listen."

I just scoff. "You don't keep getting to touch me, getting to do these things to me Dream. I though this is what you wanted? Hm? You do those things for a reason, and this is a perfectly acceptable reason a person like me would think of, isn't it? It needs to change, it needs to stop, because I cannot take it anymore."

"It will stop. I had no idea, I didn't think about that, about this." He says.

"You didn't think? Did you? Well I am so sorry for you. You do understand that I am a living breathing human being? You cannot just keep fucking up, making these mistakes, because they affect me to! I am the one the keeps paying for your fuck ups and I am so goddamn sick of it. How about you actually think, for once, before you do shit. Maybe you should think about me. I can't take it anymore. I don't know how many people I tell this and they still don't listen. I. Can't. Take. It. Anymore!" I shout, hysteria bubbling in my throat.

He inches forward, but I snatch up the axe leaning against his bedside table.

"Don't you dare come anywhere near me!" I screech.

"Ok, Rosemary, put the axe down." He says soothingly. I don't drop the axe, clutching it like a lifeline, he backs away.

"Ok, I'm going to leave and let you calm down, and you let me know when I can come back in." He says, then heads out the door. I, let the axe clatter onto the floor, out of my hands, then collapse down into the bed, hands on my face. What the fuck did I just do? I just snapped, and then everything just came out and... and I don't know.

What I do know is that I need to get out of here, I need to get away, even just for a little while. I grab a bottle of water from the table, and a jumper from his chests, before slipping out the door, and out the back.


A/N I'm back! Thank you for all the beautiful messages of support! The situation thankfully has taken a turn for the better, and everything is ok right now, so I should be back on track in my writing.

Ok, so the whole chapter plan for this chapter was literally just 'Rosie goes feral". Basically I wanted to show how Rosie has just been absolutely messed up by the constant conflict of emotions she's been subjected to throughout her ordeal, by being kidnapped, held in the cell, betrayed, messed with by Dream and so on.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,

Oopsies x

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