The Art Showcase

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When Friday came around, I went to the art museum for the art showcase. It took me a while to find it with the GPS, but I made it. When I got there, I saw the fireside girls. "Hey guys," I said as I came up to them, "Oh, hey Chase," Isabella said, "We were wondering when you were going to show up." Ginger said. Just then, Django and his dad came up to us. "Hey, you guys ready for the showcase?" Django asked, "Oh, Yeah," Milly said sounding a little nervous, "Hey, who's that?" He asked, "Oh, Chase, nice to meet you." I said as I held my hand out for a handshake, "Django, nice to meet you too." he said as he shook my hand, "Alright, so if everybody is ready, then let's go." Mr. Brown said as we followed him.

"As you can see, most of the stuff here is pretty big. Here are my giant paints and paintbrushes that I use to create most of the masterpieces here for this showcase; such as, the giant recreation of Mona Lisa, the giant realistic painting of Mount Rushmore, and the giant baby." Mr. Brown explained, "How is the baby blinking?" I asked, "I made it look alive." Mr. Brown answered. Now I was more disturbed.

"You know, you didn't have to come. Right, Chase?" Isabella asked thinking I felt like I had to, "Yeah, I know" I answered, "Then why did you?" Milly asked, "Because Django plus invitation to an art showcase equal secret ship for me to make canon." I replied, " Oh, I don't know about that." Milly said.

As I was following everyone through the showcase, Django called me from around the corner. "Hey, Chase" he called quietly. I went over to see what he needed. "Hey, what is it?" I asked, "I was wondering if you could help me with something." he answered with his hands behind his back, "Go on" I replied, "Well, I drew this picture for Milly." he said as he showed me the picture, "I was wanting to give this to her as a way of showing her how I really felt about her." he continued. My mind was swelling with excitement. "Okay, so what do you need me for?" I asked trying to contain my excitement, "Well, I was hoping Phineas and Ferb would help me with this, but they're busy with building things. So, is there any way we can make this bigger, like as big as my dad's art?" he asked, "Why? It looks amazing at the size it is. And it actually looks natural, because everything in the showcase so far looks just plain freaky." I replied, "Because all of my dad's art is huge and I just wanted to show her that I'm capable of that too." he answered, "Okay, I guess that makes sense." I replied still feeling unsure, "Tell you what, I have a Mini-Sketch in my car that we can use to project it onto a big screen." I said, "You mean it?" Django asked, "Yeah, I just need to go out and get it. I'll be right back." I replied, "Okay," Django said as I ran out the door. He looked back at Milly and quietly said, "Don't worry, Milly, you'll soon know how much I love you."

Meanwhile, I was digging through the back of my car for my mini-sketch. "Now, let's see. legal pad, high silk hat, Barbara Manatee, bandana, Oh, there is my hairbrush!" I said to myself as I was digging, "Alright, sombrero, bear trap, got to be careful not get hurt by that." I said, "AHHHHHHHOWWWWWW!!!!!!" I shouted as I accidentally hurt my hand, but not by the bear trap, "Cactus with a cowboy hat" I said as I pulled it out. I put it back in the car and pulled my hand off of it. "OW!" I said as I shook the pain off of my hand, "Oh, there it is." I said as I found the mini-sketch. I grabbed it and then I went back into the museum.

I met up with Django. "I got the mini-sketch." I told him, "Awesome," he said. We got it set up in time for everyone to come around. "Hey, Milly. I've got a BIG surprise for you." He said assuming his picture was going to be big now, "F-For me?" she asked, "For you." he replied, "Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's see it." Mr. Brown said as everyone got ready to see it, "You behind this too, Chase?" Milly asked, "Yeah, and I honestly don't know why I haven't been using my mini-sketch that much." I replied. But when I tried to turn the mini-sketch on, it wouldn't come on. I turned the switch a few more times and that's when I remembered. "Oh, that's right, I needed to change the stupid light bulb," I said. I couldn't believe I forgot about that. 

Django turned the lights back on and pulled the drawing out from underneath the mini-sketch. "So, what was your surprise?" Milly asked, "Well, I drew this picture for you, but, it's not as big as anything my Dad does." Django said as he handed her the drawing. Milly was amazed, "You drew this for me?" she asked, "Yeah, but I wanted it to be bigger to show that I was just as capable of making stuff big as my dad." Django said, "But also, to show you that I... I..." Django froze, but he took a deep breath, so he can continue. "Milly, I love you." he finally said. Milly gasped and then a tear started to stream down her cheek. "I messed up. Didn't I?" Django said as he noticed the tear, "No. Django, your art may not be big, but I can tell you this. My love for you is bigger than the summer sun itself." Milly replied. Django didn't know what to say. His eyes met with Milly's. And before they knew it, they kissed. When they noticed the kiss, they closed their eyes and embraced it. The girls were squealing and I had a big, gushy smirk on my face. After a few seconds, the two broke the kiss for air. "Hey, Milly. After the showcase, would you like to go on a date of some sort?" Django asked, "Of course, I would." Milly answered.

After the showcase, Django and Milly went out on their date while the rest of us went home. "One down, five to go," I said as I drove home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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