Who is Chase?

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That evening, the girls got together in the bushes at nine just as planned.

"So, how did it go with your crushes,  girls?" Isabella asked quietly, "Well, since Baljeet and Buford were hanging out together, so were me and Adyson." Ginger answered quietly, "Nothing romantic happened while we were with them." Adyson added, "Ehhhh, I understand, I didn't get anywhere with Ferb." Gretchen replied, "Yeah, Phineas is still as oblivious as he was when summer started." Isabella said, "Katie, Milly, what about you two?" she asked, "Well, with Irving, there was nothing romantic, but fun." Katie answered, "I got invited to go to a showcase at the art museum where his dad works." Milly said, "Really?! Is it like a date?!" Isabella asked, "Not really. He said I could invite some friends if I wanted to." Milly answered, "Oh, okay." Gretchen replied, "Well, maybe we can help you with dropping some hints to you having a crush on him." Isabella said, "Yeah, I would love that. Thanks, guys." Milly replied, "Hey, here he comes." Holly said.

All of the girls got quiet and watched. And that's where I come in since I'm Chase. I walked into the living room after I got done unpacking. "Alright, that's all of the boxes," I said while stretching. I thought about what to do next. 

Then, I got an idea. Since I was in Danville now, home of Phineas and Ferb, I thought it would be fun to do a little pretend wedding with drawings of six of the couples I shipped. Which were: Phineas and Isabella, Ferb and Gretchen, Baljeet and Ginger, Buford and Adyson, Irving and Katie, and Django and Milly. "Marrying Phineas and Isabella, Chase. Marrying Ferb and Gretchen, Chase. Marrying Baljeet and Ginger, Chase. Marrying Buford and Adyson, Chase. Marrying Irving and Katie, Chase. Marrying Django and Milly, also Chase." I said as I walked to each drawing. I went over to the drawing of Buford and Adyson and I did some weird things and went back to the picture of Django and Milly and said, "Ugh, I can't with that guy." But as soon as I got done being goofy, I stepped back to where I can see all drawings and proceeded with my fun.

"Do you guys take the girls to be your wedded wives?" I asked, "I do," the guys all answered in my head, "And do you girls take the guys to be your wedded husbands?" I asked, "I do!" the six girls answered from the bushes.

They covered their mouths with a gasp from each girl and they all evacuated out of the bushes before I had the chance to see them as I turned towards the bushes they were in. "Uh oh," I said. I immediately began to put everything away just to make sure no one or no one else knew about my sappy secret.

Meanwhile, the girls were running back to their clubhouse. When they got there, they were all trying to catch their breaths. "That was close." Milly said, "Too close!" Holly said, "So, what do you think, Chief? Did we earn the patch?" Gretchen asked wondering if the close call counted, "I say we earned it. I mean, we found information about Chase, we almost got caught but he didn't know it was us at least. But, OH MY GOSH! I can't believe he supports us with our crushes!" Isabella answered, "I know! It's exciting!" Gretchen exclaimed, "Maybe we should visit him about it sometime." Ginger said, "Maybe like tomorrow." Milly said, "Great idea, girls." Isabella replied, "Well if you guys are going to be doing that tomorrow, I might as well come with you guys. Because I got nothing better to do." Holly said, "Alright then, we can visit him tomorrow." Isabella said. All the girls agreed and left to go home.

Phineas and Ferb: Cute Boys x Fireside GirlsWhere stories live. Discover now