Chapter 2

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After that class I felt something I've felt a thousand times before, attraction. I was attracted to Carter. Simple as that. He caught my eye and I wanted more. Not so much the relationship kind of more considering I barely last a couple of months in a relationship but just anything more.

As I walk to my next class, I'm met in the hall by none other then Dean. Walking along side me with a sly grin on his face he says, "Hey gorgeous."

"Ever the charmer, Dean." I respond with a slight eye roll but also the slightest of grins on my face.

"Oh come on, you know you still love me."

I snort. "Did I ever?"

We stop at my locker where I can switch out my books and he leans against them looking at me with a humorous gaze. I decide against asking him what's on his mind because even though it's conceited, I know it's me. He has made it very clear he wants a second chance and even though it was fun, I just can't do it. Plus that lingering attraction for Carter is still playing in my mind.

However, he starts playing with my hair when he tells me, "So, I've been thinking about you a lot recently." Even though we still flirt with each other every now and then this isn't something I want right now.

"Dean, I'm sorry but you know we're over."

"Yeah but we were good together! You know it and I know it. And I also know that you still feel the sexual tension between us. Why can't we try again?"

"That was freshman year. I just don't feel the same anymore. I like hanging out with you but it's strictly as a friend now. There will always be tension but seriously it's not a big deal." I retort because it's true.

"Oh yeah? Not a big deal? Well is this a big deal?" I look at him confused for a split second before he leans in and kisses me. Shocked I don't kiss back immediately but he's actually a really nice kisser so I can't help myself when I kiss him back.

Realizing how stupid this is and how many people I already hear whispering about it, I break the kiss and take a step back. Dean's eyes are still closed with a smile on his face when I pull away. I look around nervously that people are already talking about it and once I do I meet those deep blue eyes.

Walking past us, Carter shakes his head at me a little almost looking disappointed and continues walking on. I feel a slight pain in my chest before focusing back on Dean who continues grinning at me like he just discovered Santa Clause.

A little angry at myself I say, "That was a mistake. I shouldn't have let you kiss me. I'm sorry but it's really over. I'm sure you can find someone else, I promise. Now I have to get class. Goodbye Dean."

I slam my locker shut before he can say anything and see his forlorn face before continuing to my next class.


It's finally lunch and I couldn't be happier. I go up to the snack bar to buy some food like I've always done and I am pleasantly surprised that my favorite school chef is working. She makes the absolute best burritos and never fails to brighten my day. Once I get to the front of the line I put on a warm smile and greet her. "Hi Teresa! It's been too long!"

She turns around recognizing my voice and returns a smile. "Hi sweetheart! Happy first day back! I was wondering if you were stopping by today. I saved the best burrito for you with greenchili and bacon."

"Ugh why are you so good to me!? I've had a strangely eventful day and I could use nothing more than one of your burritos."

She laughs knowing that I always appreciate her food and care. I go to give her the money and she waves me off immediately. "Not today honey. Consider this a treat for your first day back."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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