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a/n i'm sorry i kind of took a mental break i haven't been doing well lately, i've also had bad writer's block. i'm trying to get back into the groove again.

"wow, here you are. i thought you'd sleep forever"

"very funny jayje, but where's everyone else?"

"i told them all to go home.. get some rest. maggie and i waited for you to wake up, we couldn't leave you here."

"where is she?"

right when those words left her mouth, maggie came walking in.

"mom! you're awake, please don't scare me like that again."

"i'm sorry, but i also had to do everything to make sure you were okay. i couldn't let them get to you again. i need you here. i'm sorry i had to hide you."

"you did it to protect me, i'm just glad i got to talk to you and to see you.. if not i think i would've gone crazy."

"yeah, i'm glad too, but can you step out for a minute.. jj will call you back in, it won't take long, i promise."

"yeah that's okay, but don't leave me hanging"

"of course not."

with that she stepped out, jj had a concerned, questioning face. 

"what was that for?"

"i know we practically live together, so, well, one question is do you want to find a house that we can move into? i mean if you think we're moving too fast that's okay, we can slow down. i just figured i'd ask while i have a chance. then two, would it be okay to bring maggie home with us? she already seems to like you, at least from what i hear."

"we can start looking at houses, yeah, i don't mind that, i mean i think we should wait until we actually move in if you know what i mean.. i'm not entirely opposed to that idea, i'd love it, and i'd love to have her with us." they both smiled and came to an agreement. she called maggie back in and both of them, surprisingly, fit into the small hospital bed with emily. after a while, the team all came in to see how emily was doing. jj had fallen asleep somehow, so they were quiet.

"quite a hit you took back there prentiss."

"derek come on, you aren't losing me that easily, i can take it. besides, i have these two plus my two boys to take care of. speaking of how's my sergio doing? is penelope watching him?"

"was watching him, but she's on her way here now. heard you were awake and like immediately started the car."

"well morgan.. that's your 'babygirl' for you." prentiss said, mocking morgan's 'babygirl' thing with garcia.

"how is she knocked out on that tiny bed?"

"honestly, i don't know. both of them crawled next to me and i didn't mind, but i still don't know how she hasn't fallen off. then little miss over here has been in and out of it, but boy when both of them were knocked, i like was scared to move. i didn't want to wake them haha"

"i mean well.. yeah.. look at the small ass bed prentiss. anyway, for someone who absolutely hates the hospital.. you're here a lot. is there a reward for most hospital visits? you know what i should ask hotch when he gets here"

"shut up derek, by the way, when are they coming here?"

"i think hotch, rossi and reid will be here in about 15 and then penelope-" just then the door opened and morgan looked over, putting a finger over his mouth to tell her to talk quietly. she then in a way whisper yelled.

"hi my sweet sweet humans i am here and i am at your service, emily oh my god are you okay? oh look at you, and your girls oh my god that's cute that you all fit in there." then she takes a picture, which she always seems to love.

"hi garcia, yes i am okay, and yes they are asleep.. somehow. we're still trying to figure that out. both of them are sleeping beauty at this point."

"clearly, but i'm so glad you're okay. once you're completely healed, i don't care what you say, we are having a girls night. that's all." after a few minutes of talking, morgan told the three to come in quietly since jj and maggie were asleep. in those few minutes all garcia, morgan, and prentiss talked about was a girls night. morgan was trying to convince garcia to let him come.

"did somebody say girls night?" just then rossi, reid, and hotch walk in. 

"yes, but we'll make an exception for you."

"me too?" reid asked with his famous little smile

"not a chance haha." reids smile faded because he thought that she was serious. "kidding!"

"and bring the bottle too, don't forget that." rossi said.

"how about you hotch? let's make it a family dinner. please" 

"fine garcia, but only if i have time." 

"yes, this will be happening once miss thing over here is out of her not-so favorite place. i'm excited yes. thank you all."

"what are we all talking about?" jj finally woke up from her nap. not even realizing she fell asleep.

"goodmorning sleeping beauty. we're all just talking about a girls night, well family dinner now, for when i get out of this horrific place. you coming along? i mean i'd sure hope so."

"of course, where will it be though?"

"umm.. rossi, are you letting us come to your famous mansion that you love to tell us about every chance you get?" 

"sure, and bring the kids along so they can all play together"

"are you reading my mind?" jj asked

"never that, i just know you." 

"well i certainly cannot wait, i'm really excited, and i'm assuming.. well i don't even have to guess to know that garcia is the most excited. doesn't even surprise me if she is."

"blondie you are going to get it. though yes, i am the most excited."

they talked for a while longer, maggie woke up and they all got to know her better. they got to know her favorite things to do, set up a chess match against reid, and they all laughed. once they left it was just emily, jj, and maggie left. jj didn't want to leave her in the hospital, especially knowing how much she hated them. so she went home and packed clothes for a few nights since she didn't know how long she'd be in the hospital. 

"i hope you know i'm not leaving your side, especially in the hospital, i know how you are."

"i wouldn't want you leaving my side anyway. thank you, for all you do. it means a lot to me. you truly are the most amazing person. i love you, and i'm glad that you're the one that i love. i wouldn't have it any other way."

"i love you more, beautiful. you're stuck with me. sorry if you wanted to leave."

"never that" they smiled and kissed, then heard a small voice in the back.

"aweeee...ewww. both cute, and disgusting. disgusting because i'm right here, but cute because i'm glad that she found someone like you jj. it makes me happy seeing my mom happy."

"she makes me happier than you could ever imagine. i won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

they all laughed, smiled, and enjoyed the rest of their night before crashing. it was a long day, even though it was spent in the hospital, but they managed to get through it, together.

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