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it's been 4 months without emily. emily missed being at home, missed being with her friends.. she knew that if she could do anything to come back, she would. she was so worried, worried that the team wasn't doing alright, but hotch sent updates, reassuring that it's all okay. that was until last night, hotch sent prentiss a text.

i think he's back.. but it's about declan.

declan was ian's son, who emily treated better than his own father did. she knew he had to be protected so he made sure that him and the maid went far away, no details to be said about where they were going. it was the safest bet for declan. since she got the text, she hopped on the soonest flight for quantico. she landed about 30 minutes prior to the briefing. when hotch was explaining what was going on.. that's when no one could focus.

"she's back." they all thought

"you're alive?" in unison, with broken voices, said penelope and spencer.

"i watched you die.." chimed morgan

"how could you do this? to us, your team? TO ME?" jj was so angry, emily didn't even know what to do. emily knew she'd be angry at her. she didn't think it'd be this bad. "I CRIED EVERY SECOND OF EVERYDAY THINKING YOU WERE GONE AND YOU JUST SHOW UP OUT OF NO WHERE?" she was getting angrier, and hotch had to chime in to get her to calm down.

"jennifer, i get you're upset, but right now doyle is on the loose. there's a reason that emily had to do what she did. you can be angry, but right now we need to focus on this. a young boy's life is at stake right now and we need to ensure his safety and don't let doyle get anywhere near declan." jj looked at hotch and nodded her head. blood still boiling. she was happy emily was back, relieved she was alive, but angry that she lied.  she thought it was too late. she wished she could confess her love, but it was too scary and risky. she had will to worry about. nevermind the fact that she was thinking about this, she had to push through her thoughts and work on this case. now it's time, to get this together and to end this.

they recently found out that doyle was working with an ex-partner of his. that was until they were at the airfield.. once they were there, his partner turned on him and a gun fight broke out. all people except the bau team down. doyle was shot, right by his heart, but was losing blood fast. he fell into emily's arms, and for a moment, they both saw the real person they were. the nice part to them, not the bad and ugly past. although doyle haunted emily, part of her still loved him. he was dying right in her arms and he couldn't do anything. now that they ensured declans safety, they all headed home. obviously, hotch stopped to talk to emily.

"she'll come back to you soon, it might take her some time, but she'll get over it. time heals all. the rest of the team might be mad at you, well maybe not penelope, i think she's happy you're back. i still have yet to have her drug tested" he laughed at that last part, which is rare for mr. aaron hotchner.

"i don't doubt they're mad, i get if they're confused too, but i'll be okay hotch.." she lied, she's still hurting inside.

"emily, i know you'll be okay eventually, but i know you aren't now, so if you need anything, i'm all ears." he let a small smile form on his face, embracing emily into a hug. she thanked him for being there, and for keeping the secret.

emily played a lot of online scrabble, and she played with the one and only, "cheetobreath" while prentiss had a username no one would recognize, she recognized jj. prentiss sat at her desk, letting time pass. everyone except for rossi and jj had left, but that's because they still had work to do. emily was just lost in thought. she still blamed herself for everything, the team hurting, and much more. she wish that doyle had never gotten involved with her team. oh how things would be different if lauren reynolds never came to be. she was interrupted of her thoughts when rossi came by to leave.

"what are you doing here still? you have no work to do." as he slowly approached her finding a seat next to her.

"well, for one i'm too lost in my thoughts i didn't even realize how much time passed. two, i don't even know if i want to go back home. it'll be weird seeing the place. i know it'll take time for them to you know, not be mad at me, but i don't know. sure they lost me, one person and i get that pain, i get the frustration, anger, and sadness that came along, but i also lost six amazing people. i lost my family, the only people who ever cared for me, rossi. it hurts seeing them mad at me" she didn't realize that she let that out, but she did. quite frankly, she was glad that she did.

"well, prentiss, like you said, we're a family and families get mad at each other, it's normal. i saw you talking to hotch and i'm assuming he gave you the 'give it time' talk. they'll be angry, but they love you. they really do, you mean a lot to us and it was weird losing a key asset to this team, but now that you're here, we can be whole again." rossi felt relieved talking to prentiss, he missed it.

"i know, but i just, i can handle everyone except for jj being mad at me. it hurt the worst leaving her and i get she's my best friend it'll be harder, but it was the worst being apart from her. i thought of you all so much those four months, but i thought of her the most. i wish i could've told her why i left. i wish i could've told her i was leaving and gave her a proper 'goodbye' i couldn't though, i didn't want to put you guys at risk. i don't know, am i crazy?" she thought the 'am i crazy?' part to herself, but she slipped and said it.

"it sounds to me that jj means more to you than just a best friend.. and no, you're not crazy" rossi brought a smile to her face, and to his as well.

"i don't want to admit that i do because i know she's happily married to will, and has henry. rossi, i've been in love with her the minute i saw her and i am so angry that i never told her. i thought it was obvious though." she rambled

"well honestly, it was noticeable. you can't control how you feel, but i think it's best you be honest with her. now i know you don't want to go, but i think you should go home and get some rest now." it wasn't huge advice, but it was still advice and boy was she thankful for it. rossi got up and left.

emily mumbled to herself "why did i have to fall in love with you jennifer jareau? i wish it was me, not will."

what she didn't know, was that jj heard all of rossi and emily's conversation, and overheard emily's mumble.

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