Chapter 3

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"Techno?" I awoke from my slumber at the sound of my name. Why was someone at my house anyway; the only people who know about the location is Philza and Dream. I stretched my arms, letting them fall to the ground with a slight thump. My hands ran through the gra- wait a second. Shit. My eyes shot open in an instant. I could hear waves churning under the cliff, and trees surrounded me. Worst of all, Dream was still cuddled tightly to my side, snoring peacefully.

"Um, brother?" I hear Ghostbur's confused voice.

"W-what do you want? Why are you here," I answer, my voice quivered slightly.

"I was going for a walk with Friend; Phil told me Friend would love it!" Ghostbur chatted back happily; I could hear a sheep bleating in the near distance. "So why are you here?" He asked. Thank gosh he was oblivious, or this would be so much worse. Dream snored peacefully beside me, snuggling into my waist as I sat up.

"I-I was just... well I-" I started, trying to make up a lie, but it certainly wasn't easy. How was I supposed to explain why I was cuddling with my supposed enemy.

"It's ok if you can't tell me; a lot of people do that to me," Ghostbur exclaimed. I felt sympathy for my brother for a split second. He was so oblivious and dumb as a ghost, but I was so thankful for it. Friend let out an annoyed bah in the distance.

"I think your sheep wants to leave," More like leave me the hell alone. I thought to myself. Ghostbur's eyes gleamed when he turned around to greet the sheep.

"Come on, Friend! Let's go back to Phil," Ghostbur hummed, leading the sheep towards L'manburg. I let out a long sigh of relief. He was gone, but worry still pricked through me. Ghostbur being oblivious was good and also bad. He didn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

"Dream, wake up," I whispered softly into my lover's ear. His only response was a snore. I rolled my eyes, nudging my arm into his side. Dream's eyes squinted open.

"Huh, whydyou do that," His words slurred. His morning voice is so cute, I thought to myself. He sat up, looking at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"Look around, dumbass," I replied jokingly. Dream looked around for a second before his eyes rested on me once again. He looked confused. Does he not get it? "Well, boyfriend of mine, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm in dream SMP land," My monotone voice droned.

"What's so bad about that?" Dream asked quietly, almost like he was ashamed at his own stupidity. I buried my head in my hand, mumbling curses before replying.

"Well, Dream, if you have forgotten, I'm not allowed to be here. Normally it wouldn't be much of a problem, but I'm here with someone who is supposed to be my enemy. Now imagine you walk into the woods and see your brother cuddling with his enemy? Ghostbur doesn't need to imagine it because he just saw," I explained sarcastically. Dream's eyes widened slightly.

"Do you need me to kill him?" He asked, pulling out a water bucket from his inventory. My eyes widened.

"If you kill my Brother again, I'm breaking up with you," I growled, turning away from Dream. I could hear him let out a small chuckle. The grass crunched as he moved towards me. Shivers went down my spine as he kissed my neck softly.

"Noted," he hummed in my ear. I could never stay mad at him for anything. He could make me fall back in love with him all over again whenever he wanted. He was my only weakness. "I know you're not mad at me; I can see you smiling," he cooed.

"Whatever, you big idiot," I chuckled. I turned around, facing him once more. I leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, which apparently wasn't enough for him as he almost immediately kissed me back on my lips.

I looked at the sky. The sun loomed high and bright, casting rays of warmth down on the land. I wanted to bask in the sunlight and hang out with Dream, but the risk of being caught was too possible for my comfort. I sighed, opening my mouth to break the news I had to leave.

"I know you need to leave," Dream hummed sadly, "but please, I just want an hour more with my boyfriend." He rested his head on my shoulder, looking at me with big, pleading eyes.

"Fine, but if we get caught, it's your fault," I scoffed, punching his arm playfully. I blushed as Dream grabbed my hand and pulled me off the ground.

"I know the perfect place to go," He hummed, leading me through the woods. The surrounding woods became more and more familiar until I noticed we were around Pogtopia. I looked away as we passed 2 dirt blocks. I knew what was behind them. My Adam's apple bobbed as I gulped heavily to prevent tears. I was not going to cry in front of Dream.

He lead me deeper into the woods, far past where I had ever gone before. It was dark and damp, not a very pleasant area. But I knew Dream would never take me to such a dreadful place. Soon enough, the trees gave way to a field of flowers. Poppies, cornflowers, roses, lilies, and more than I could name covered the grassy floor. The air was fresh and sweet, influenced by all the flora that surrounded it.

Dream sat down and drew me close to him, so I was sitting in his lap. "Do you like it?" He asked softly, his eyes melting into mine. I leaned in and pressing my lips to his softly, giggling as he eagerly kissed me back.

"I love it," I whispered.

We spent the next hour in complete peace. Dream played with my hair gently, weaving a flower through the locks every now and then. We talked about life and how much we loved each other (which soon turned into an "I love you more!" argument.) It felt so good to spend time with Dream in a warm environment, just like the old times. But of course, I had to leave eventually.

"Goodbye, babe," Dream muttered. He hugged my waist to his body with one hand and with the other nudged my chin up to kiss me. I sat in his embrace, wishing I could stay in the moment forever.

"Come back to our spot tonight," I whispered, breaking away from the kiss. We looked at each other for a moment more before I pulled out a violet potion and downed the whole thing. My body tingled as it disappeared into thin air.

I walked by way back to the nether portal, feeling more at peace and alive than I had in ages.


I gripped the lead tightly in my hand, keeping Friend close by as we walked a narrow piece of pathing back home. Oh no, not MY home! I would NEVER make Friend go to the sewers. I'm taking Friend to Phil.

My mind flashed back to a few hours prior. It was so great seeing Dream and Technoblade were friends. I always worried my brother was too anti-social for his own good. Now that I think about it, I'd never seen Technoblade looking so relaxed.

I opened Phil's house door quietly, making sure to not disturb him. Leading Friend into the house, I tye his leash to a pole to keep him in place. The wooden floor creaks as I walk across it, heading for the door once again. Friend makes an angry noise as I turn the door nob.

"Don't worry, Friend, I will come to see you later!" I exclaimed. A smile spread across my face as I spoke to my beloved blue sheep.

I made sure it wasn't raining before I stepped outside. The air was still damp from yesterday, reminding me of my accidental near-death experience. I walked along the path towards my sewers. From where I was, I could see the van lights on, showing there was a meeting going on. I better go and say hi!

I opened the van door, shrinking away at the sound of arguing. Why did the alive always fight? I was about to leave them, but Tubbo cut in.

"Hi Ghostbur, how's your day been?" He greeted me politely. A smile returned to my face in an instant.

"It's been good! I hung out with Phil, took Friend out, and saw Techno and Dream together!" I told about my day happily, not noticing the looks of confusion on everyone's faces.

"What do you mean you saw them together?" Quackity asked quickly. Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting for my response.

"Well, I walking Friend and I saw them sitting next to each other! Dream was sleeping on Techno, and-

Yup, that will be all for this chapter. I hate it very much, but I don't have enough energy to redo it. It gonna start getting very interesting soon, don't worry!. 

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