Chapter 1

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My eyes flutter open at the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock. Though annoying, I couldn't be bothered to turn it off. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping the noise would go away on its own. After my head starts pounding from the loud noise, I finally accept defeat.

I reach my hand around my bed and grip onto my phone, bringing it to my face. The early morning light coming from my window was dull, and I wasn't prepared for the fluorescent gleam of my phone screen. I hiss in annoyance, taking a second to let my eyes adjust before turning off the alarm. My head was pounded, my mouth was dry, and my whole body felt sore. The slightest movement made me exhausted. I snuggled back into my blanket and squeezed my eyes shut, though I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

Another alarm rang throughout my room, interrupting my peace. I sighed, grabbing my phone and turning off the alarm once more. 8 am. I heaved myself up, ignoring the sting of pain in my leg.

My gaze drifted over to the window. A thick layer of snow coated the visible roof. It was calming, but also very repetitive, but I guess that's my fault, as I chose to live here. My leg screamed in protest as I walked towards the heap of clothes in the corner of my room. I very well knew most of everything here was dirty, but I didn't care. I dug through the pile, grabbing out some sweatpants and a sweater. My movements were painfully slow as I threw the clothes on.

I walked over to the mirror, loathing the reflection. It wasn't my long pink hair, dead eyes, eye bags, and resting scowl I hated. No. It was my pig-like ears, tusks, and the slight pinkish hue of my skin. All the things that had resulted from my weird mutated appearance rushed to my head. I shake away the memories. If I don't remember, it will be like it never happened. I tell myself.

I heard a dinging sound come from across the room. I ignored it at first but soon gave in as more dings echoed through the room.

"Why is someone texting me," I grumbled to myself angrily. The phone light flashed as another text came rolling in. Dream! A weak smile spread across my face.


After I finish business with the child,

I'll come to visit you.

My heart thumped roughly in my chest, and my hands felt tingly. Dream's visits were the only thing keeping me sane in my 'retirement.'

I didn't want to leave my old home, but I didn't have much choice. I remembered the bitter betrayal of Tommy and his friends. I had said from the start I was helping them because I didn't like government. They had known. So I helped them; I spent days working until I had enough items to win us a battle. Without me, they wouldn't even have had a chance. After all of that, they still made a new government right in front of my eyes. I had tried to put a stop to it, to save them from another corrupted power, but it didn't work. And now, all they did was blame ME for their problems. So I had to leave.

My thoughts were interrupted by the low grumble of my stomach. I sighed and got up from my sitting place. The stairs creaked as I walked down them, heading for the main floor. I opened all my chests, finally taking out some beef. I dug into the steak, despising how chewy it was. It tasted flavorless and cold on my tongue. I felt like gagging, but my growling stomach wouldn't let me. It didn't take me long to finish the meal.

I slumped back in my chair, groaning as my head remained pounding. Maybe some fresh air will get rid of this stupid headache.

I pushed back and hoisted myself out of the chair. My leg stung in protest at each step towards the door. I opened the door, immediately shivering as a cold breeze blew into my face. It was eerily silent. The only noise was the wind rustling the leaves and the distant lapping of water on the nearby shore.

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