They Don't Know About Us: Second-Year Part 27

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Chapter 27:

Cheers mixed with screams of horror. The four of them slide wickedly fast while catching glimpses of other, smaller pipes coming from different directions. Twisting and turning until the pipe soon levels off, causing them to fall to the damp floor of a stone tunnel.

Princess Phoenix has a massive smile on her face as she twirls around, happy to be back in the chamber again. Leith lets out happy sounds, sharing her joy.

"Remember," Princess Phoenix speaks to the gentlemen, "any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away." She and the firedrake enters one of the pipes, leading everyone.

Skeletons of all kinds surrounding them on the floor.

"What's that?" Ron asked, looking at the giant amounts of dead snakeskins. "Up ahead?"

"That looks like a.....snake," Lockhart suggests.

"They belong to the creature. It's her snakeskin," Princess Phoenix answered when Harry examines them.

"Maybe it's asleep," he comments.

"Bloody hell," Ron says, looking at the size of them, "whatever shed this must be sixty feet long. Or more."

A thud occurs. Lockhart passes out at the sight of large amounts of skin.

"Thank you, Greats-Grandfather!" Princess Phoenix exclaims softly with a huge smile.

"Heart of a lion, this one," Weasley says, looking down at him.

Suddenly, Lockhart's eyes open, and he quickly snatches Weasley's broken wand to scramble to his feet. "The adventure ends here, boys and princess!" He points the wand at them. "But don't fret. The world will know our story how I was too late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. I'll start with you," Lockhart turns to the Slytherin princess. "Princess Phoenix Bellamira Slytherin-Emberson of Magical Creatures." Her eyes widened at this. "Say goodbye to your memories. Obliviate!"

Fortunately, the wand explodes, blasting Lockhart off of his feet backward. It spits excellent balls of fire into the rock above. As rubble rains, the four of them leap away in different directions. Princess Phoenix and Leith found a safer spot away from the scene. Sounds of rocks fireballs echo through the tunnel.

"Leith? Are you okay?" she asked her son worriedly in her arms.

He lets out a soft grunt and nods his head.

"Phoenix? Ron? Are you guys okay?" they hear Harry asked from a pile of rocks.

"Yea, I think so," she answers, appearing out from their hiding spot.

"I'm fine," Ron answers. "Lockhart's memory charm backfired!" he tells them. "He hasn't got a clue who he is!"

"It's an odd sorta place, isn't it?" Lockhart comments, chuckling a little. "Do you live here?" he asked Weasley, holding a rock.

"No," Weasley takes the rock and hits him on the head.

Lockhart passes.

"Thanks, Weasley," Princess Phoenix smiles.

"What do I do now?" Ron asked Harry.

"You wait here and try to shift some of this rock to get us through," Harry answers. "Phoenix and I, with Leith, will find Ginny."

"This way," the young princess leads Potter towards a door guarded by stoned snakes.

They Don't Know About Us: Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now