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Of course Carbry knew what he was doing. Daryl had seen the vampire's amused yet knowing glances before, though he had always assumed it was more from the reactions of Ryker and Meri than Daryl himself. Carbry even played along, until they were naked, before pulling back with a shuddering breath that was completely unnecessary. Before Daryl could push the man anymore, he found them both laying down with Carbry stretched out behind him, holding them close and Daryl mostly still.

"You are distracting, but this is more than just me fucking you, Daryl." Carbry was idly stroking Daryl's tail, which really wasn't fair, seeing as how the man was also effectively preventing him from teasing him likewise.

"Our whiskey." He shuddered, making a low noise as he felt Carbry run his teeth along his neck. "You're... used to being in control of everything, aren't you? "

"I'm in control of a lot. Even more than before." Carbry gently bit his shoulder, not hard enough to make him bleed, but enough for him to feel the pressure of the man's teeth. "It is natural for a vampire, I think, that as we age, we are driven to be in control. I have felt it increase over the years, anyway."

"You're all pretty close to being control freaks." Daryl laughed, feeling the man give him a playful smack before releasing him.

"Go get the whiskey." Carbry growled, and though there was the force of all the man's years behind it and it did sound terrifying, Daryl found himself grinning as he stood up and walked across the room.

He paused long enough to finish his glass, watching the vampire who lounged on the couch with his eyes on him. "Why do you look at me like that? "

"Like what?" Carbry smirked at him, just propping himself up on his elbow and idly trailing his fingers down his own chest, drawing Daryl's eyes as he walked back over to him.

"I don't know. You look at Meriwa in utter amazement and adoration all the time. Especially when you don't think anyone is looking, and you have your business look... and you have how you look at Ryker, like you know exactly how special and secretly delicate he is." Daryl sat down on the edge of the couch, filling both glasses once more.

Once he had put the bottle down, Carbry tugged him down into a half reclining position on his back and positioned himself so that he was half overtop of him. Carbry ensured that Daryl was sitting up enough that when Carbry handed him his glass, he could drink it without choking, though not an inch more. "When you look at me, I feel like you're trying to see into my soul...without letting me see into yours."

"You are surprisingly adept at reading people." Carbry chuckled softly, ducking his head to nip along Daryl's collar bone. "But you're not always right. You're fascinating. You present this face to the world, Daryl...a face that everyone loves. It's not false. You aren't lying to them, but you're much more than that face and you wear it to make people happy. You're fine with most people thinking you've got not much else going on in that magnificent head of your. And, I also know that if you really wanted to, you could probably disarm me quite handedly. You're far stronger and capable than you give yourself credit for."

Daryl offered a shrug and took a drink of the whiskey, letting the taste wash over his tongue, finding himself relaxing more into the man and the couch beneath them. "It's worse now. Whatever's going on with me, it's not the same as the shifters...I follow all their lessons and do things like they say I need to, but some of the stuff that happens to me they just don't get. And...there are parts inside of me, creatures and forms... that are worse than the Sharur. Sometimes it's just dark... and ancient and it just...wants out."

"You would never hurt anyone, Daryl." Carbry murmured against his jaw. "You have killed to survive and to protect, but whatever else there is, you would never commit wanton destruction. But...I know how it feels to have a demon inside of you that's ripping and tearing and clawing to get out."

Daryl smiled softly at the understanding in Carbry's words then nodded before finishing his whiskey and reaching out to put the glass on the table. Just before he could set the glass on the table, however, Daryl felt Carbry shift and take it gently from him. Then the man wrapped his arms around Daryl and pulled him in close. Soon, Daryl found himself on top of Carbry, and somehow the blanket that was always on the back of the couch was now covering both of them. Carbry's hands ran through his hair and down his back, and the man murmured soothingly to him in Gaelic, drawing him closer and closer to sleep.

With an odd animalistic purr building in his chest, Daryl mumbled happily. "You're not so scary, you know that, right?"

"Never to you or ours..." Carbry whispered before something tugged Daryl into blissful unconsciousness.

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