Big News

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It had been weeks since Meri had gotten to spend any really meaningful time with her mate. Or Daryl or Ryker for that matter. Everyone was so busy all the time now. She didn't want to come off as pouty, but she missed them. All of them. Even though they were off doing good work, her bed felt cold.

With a wistful sigh, Meri flicked her eyes to clock by the TV. It was 10:15 pm. Car was supposed to be home soon at least, and Meri found herself fidgeting in anticipation of his return. Despite her antsiness, though, she was sleepier than normal and felt herself about to doze off, but the thought of Car's return was enough to keep her awake.

Her mate had been gone nearly two months, traveling and acting as mediator in places where different supernatural groups were vying for control after the fall of the Head Order. Both Carbry and Ryke were trying to prevent another war, and she couldn't blame them for being away from home for so long. But, that mission didn't change the fact that she missed all of them terribly.

Even her cowboy had been away, helping at the ranch, leaving Meri to sulk at home and sometimes use her powers, which she was still trying to figure out, to visit them individually.

She sighed again, nestling deeper into the sweater of Car's she was wearing and ignoring the slight rumble of hunger in her stomach. Had she eaten dinner? She couldn't remember, but she didn't want to get up and make anything to eat. She wasn't even watching the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie playing on the television, instead her eyes flicking absently to the clock and back to the TV.

Then, she heard the door being opened.

Meri nearly tripped in her eagerness to greet Car, eventually managing to make it to the door just as he was closing it behind him. He barely had time to deposit his bags in the corner before she flung herself into his arms.

Laughing, he caught her and hugged her close, breathing in the scent of her hair for a moment. When she pulled back, she saw that signature grin of contentment on his face as he asked, "Did you miss me?"

His voice made her shiver involuntarily, and she hugged him again, this time burying her face in his jacket.

"No," she lied, prompting another chuckle from him as he kissed her head.

After breathing in her scent for another moment, he remarked, "You smell different."

Meri shrugged, finding herself decidedly distracted by his physical presence as she replied. "I dunno. New shampoo?"

He seemed as if he were about to say something else, but she couldn't fight the sudden urge to touch him. Grinning wickedly, she slipped her hand under his shirt so that she could gently run her fingers along his toned stomach.

Whatever he'd planned to say was forgotten as he leaned into her touch, reacting to her presence as much as she was to his.

Car ducked his head and captured her lips with his own, though otherwise letting her hands do most of the work. Meri found herself pulling his shirt off impatiently, her hands roaming his skin, tracing his tattoos and returning the kiss as it deepened. When his arms were free, her vampire picked her up, guiding her legs around his waist as he carried her down the hallway and into the bedroom.


With Meri still trembling and dazed as her breathing returned to normal, she looked over to see Car with a smug expression on his face. When he caught her eye, he offered her a sweet grin before saying, "That was unexpected but welcome, a mhuirnín."

Meri snorted and rolled onto her back, hair splaying out on the pillow beneath her as she waited for her heartbeat to calm. "Welcome home, King Vampire."

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