Bubble Bath

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Carbry continued to voice his displeasure about their business trip on the elevator ride to his penthouse. Even as he spoke, though, Ryker just stood there, wearing the maddeningly passive yet overwhelmingly attractive smirk of his. The man had insisted on seeing him to the door before heading home himself to be with his mate, and Carbry was taking full advantage of their time alone to tell the younger man exactly what he thought.

As the elevator doors opened, Carbry continued his tirade. "I suppose I just don't understand. It is perfectly fine to want to keep our working relationship professional, despite the fact that we're in a supremely enjoyable sexual relationship. That I understand. However, even when we're alone, you won't even let me touch you."

Ryker smirked as he exited the elevator ahead of Carbry, making a show of checking the security in the hallway before nodding his head in Carbry's direction. The man knew damn well that they'd both know if there was danger in that hallway, although Carbry supposed this was the price he paid for fucking his bodyguard. Ryker felt this frustrating urge to guard, but not touch, Carbry's body.

Still, despite his complaints, Ryker said nothing until they reached the door to Carbry and Meri's apartment. "Work is work, King Vampire. I won't let you or your abnormal sex drive distract me from my job."

Carbry rolled his eyes as he fit the key into the lock and turned, opening the door a crack before continuing. "One week. An entire week of the two of us spending all our time together, and you wouldn't even allow me to-"

A scream from Meri inside the apartment wiped all other thought from Carbry's mind as both he and Ryker charged in, weapons drawn, certain that the goddess was in danger. She screamed again, leading Car to move frantically to the direction of the noise: their bathroom.

However, when both he and Ryker entered the space, they found that she wasn't in any danger at all. And she certainly wasn't alone in the massive in-ground bathtub either. There she was, his Meri, naked and splashing around in a soapy mess with... the cowboy.

Once Car had calmed, he returned his gun to its holster as he felt himself relaxing and enjoying the show. They were both circling each other with water pistols, trying to shoot one another, and the most hilarious part was that they were wearing facemasks, the ridiculous mud-green masks contrasting with the seriousness of their expressions.

Apparently, this was his goddess' version of a spa night. In fact, they were so engrossed in their game that they hadn't noticed either Ryke or Carbry's presence.

Meriwa squealed, giggling as she dodged one of Daryl's attacks. Carbry smirked as he watched Daryl toss his pistol to the side and capture her in his arms, leading her to kick and splash so much so that she knocked over a bowl of grapes they'd left sitting by the tub next to some wine bottles, a few of which were turned over and empty.

"Dick! Now my grapes are all soapy." She grunted with the effort she was exerting to fight against him, but their cowboy held her fast, chuckling at her as she thrashed until she wore herself out.

When she stilled, he looked down at her panting form and grinned. "I win."

 At that moment, Ryker cleared his throat, making the two of them jump and the cowboy reflexively throw an empty wine bottle in their direction. The younger vampire expertly caught the bottle midair, and Meri's brilliant grin when her eyes met Carbry's was enough to melt his heart.

"Oh, you're home early."

Ryke snorted. "It was a secret. We were going to surprise our mates. Turns out our mates are having all the fun."

Meri smirked mischievously before her and the cowboy returned to the water, returning to their lighthearted wrestling and flirting. 

Scowling, Carbry clarified the situation for Ryke. "Our mates are having all the fun because you wouldn't let us have any fun on the trip."

From the bathtub, Daryl groaned and kissed Meri before he said. "Good for you, love. Staying professional and shit."

Following the praise from his cowboy, Ryke grinned proudly, prompting Carbry to roll his eyes until the noises of the two troublemakers drew his attention back to the tub.

Curiously, Carbry ventured a look at Ryker, and beyond the darkening of lust entering the man's gaze, he appeared to be unaffected by what the two people they loved were doing in the water. "What do you have on your faces?"

Meri grinned over at the two of them. "Masks. Gonna make yogurt ones. Ate instead..." 

"What I believe my Meri is saying..." Car began, as he turned to Ryker and started pulling off the man's clothing, not giving him an opportunity to protest, "...is that they attempted to make homemade face masks but ended up eating the yogurt concoction instead, so they stole my algae mud mask and used that."

"Borrowed. No steal." Daryl corrected.

"Borrowed." Car corrected himself as he began stripping off his own clothing now that Ryker was finally naked in front of him. Well, Ryke was naked save for the pants pooled around the man's ankles, pants that couldn't be pulled completely off due to the combat boots he still wore.

Ryke smirked, seemingly composed. "Your face mask?"

Car nodded, bending over to pull off Ryker's shoes so that he could fully free the man from his clothing. "Yes. Wonderful product. Quite expensive." Carbry replied. When Car was done freeing Ryke, however, he pulled back and stood before stalking over to join the other two in the tub, giving the man a taste of what it felt like to be ignored.

From next to the sink, Ryker made a frustrated sigh as Carbry entered the water and kissed first Meri then Daryl before settling on the bench beside the two of them.

After a few moments, Ryker entered the water as well, settling on the bench adjacent to them and grabbing a half-full bottle of wine and taking a drink as he watched them moving together with a dark, hungry expression.

 Maybe Car would take pity and let Ryke join them later. Although, the look of frustration on the other man's face at that moment was delightfully gratifying.

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