(^My New Start ^)

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Tommy POV

I wake up to the sound's of an older woman yelling. As I start to wake up I Realize it's Ms. Holland, she is the owner of the orphanage I stay at. I've never really liked her. 

"Thomas get up! You have a family of three looking for a kid." Ugh I already know how this is gonna go. I'm gonna get fostered, then some how piss them off and get thrown back into this hell hole. 

I choose a red tee shirt with a Zelda logo on it. I'm not trying to impress anyone, so i don't see the point of fully getting ready. I put on some grey short's and some sneaker's. 

As i walk up to the door and can hear Ms. Holland talking to them. Probably telling them they shouldn't waste they're time with me, and i agree with her! I just rather stay here. So i don't get my hope's up for no reason. 

After a minute, i hesitantly walk in to see, a tall blonde man with a green and white striped hat, another male with long pink hair, and a normal looking tall guy with brown hair and glasses. 

They look nice... but i should still stand my ground. I walk closer and sit in the chair in front of them. The blonde man say's: 

(P=Philza T=TechnoBlade W=WilburSoot TI= TommyInnit)

P: How are you little guy?

TI: I'm fine.

*Techno whisper's to Phil* 

P: Techno say's he like's your Zelda shirt, Don't mind him he isn't much of a talker. 

T: *Nod and awkward smile*

P: So what's your name?

TI: Thomas, But call me Tommy.

P: Oh what a nice name! I'm Philza but you can call me Phil or anything you want, This guy is Wilbur we call him Wil, and the other one is Technoblade, You can call him Techno! They are your new brother's!

Wait brother's? So they are actually adopting me...? That fast?  No way.... Whatever don't get your hope's up. You'll be back here in a week.

P: Now I have to sign some paper's, Techno and Wilbur will help grab your stuff. Now run along kid's it should only take a minute.

We walk into my room, i look back to see Wilbur and Techno Looking at everything. "I Just wanna let you know i can do it myself, you don't need to help me." I say with a tone of annoyance. 

I'm actually quite exited though, they seem much nicer than most other people i might actually like these people . But until  then, need to keep my guard up. I can't trust them just yet. 

I pack my stuff into one heavy backpack, even though i told them i don't need help Techno still grab's my bag for me. It's nice, but I can do it by myself.

We walk outside into the parking lot, they all walk up to this big white SUV. So I follow guessing that's they're car. I walk up to the opposite door to Wilbur. Techno is sitting in the passenger seat, While Da- i mean Philza is in the driver's seat (Obviously) and Wilbur is in the seat behind him. 

The Life () Tommyinnit Adopted AU () Sleepy Bois Inc. () FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now