-()End of the sleepover()-

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Tubbo POV

Okay Tommy, we should go downstairs and eat breakfast


You are eating,like it or not.


We both walk down the stairs seeing my mom with a small smirk, she is also making breakfast. She stares as we both sit down next to each other holding hands.

 I'm only holding his hand because i know he is awkward around adults. 

After a couple minutes of awkward silence, mom finishes making breakfast and brings it over to the table.

She has egg's, bacon, and pancakes! She sit's down and start's grabbing some food from the plates. So me and Tommy do the same.

Tommy's plate has visibly less then both of our's. But at least he is eating!

After i finish up i notice he hasn't eaten anything but a couple bite's of pancake. So i elbow him to let him know he need's to eat more. 

He start's slowly eating, finishing it all in about 10 minutes. We both bring our plate's to the sink, running back upstairs afterwards.

Hey Tommy,


Wanna meet my other friends tomorrow?

Uh- Idk, what if they don't like me?

They will love you! I know it UwU

Okay, fine

Yay! I'll text them!

I text Fundy, Niki, And Eret:


you texted at 12:54:


Yo, I made a new friend wanna meet them tomorrow?


Sure! Is he nice?



Gay Man:

Sound's good


Yah he is really nice! I mean he is nice to me...TwT

So, wanna meet at that cool park with all the flowers? Around like 11:00


You mean Lotus Park?


Yah! I'm sure he will love it there

Gay Man: 

OOoOOOo it's a man?


The Life () Tommyinnit Adopted AU () Sleepy Bois Inc. () FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now