+=(Little Accident)=+

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I wake up, not knowing where i am. I start grabbing my surrounding trying to find out where i am..

I hear a faint: "It's Okay Tommy, I'm here"

I look up the mysterious person and look up to see....



TI: Tubbo?!

TB: Yep, I'm right here!

TI: *Get's up*

TI: Sorry, that was probably pretty uncomfortable for you....

TB: No! It was perfectly fine! And if your still tired.....

*Awkward Silence*

TI: Uh- Okay?

*TI lays back on TB's lap*

 *After a couple minute's of awkwardly sitting there*

TI: *Fall's asleep*

Tubbo's Mom POV

It's about ten in the morning... I should check if the boy's are awake. I walk into my son's room to see, him staring down at his sleeping friend on his lap. 

How Cute! My son look's up at me, with his friend still on his lap. And stare's me dead in the eye's, telling me that if i wake up his friend it's my life on the line.

Now, i'm not scared of my son. But i know that when he is mad. He is really mad. So i take my dignity and leave his room, slowly closing the door behind me. 

Tubbo POV 

After a second of staring at us, my mum finally leave's the room. If she woke Tommy, i would've gone berserk!

 It was so awkward telling his he could go back to sleep on my lap! I don't want to have to ask that again.

I don't know why it felt nice, but it did. I felt like an older brother taking care of his younger brother. It was just nice.

I look down at Tommy to check if he is still sleeping, which he is. He has his mouth slightly open and his eye's tightly shut. 

After a bit of sitting there, i feel him start to shake. His breathing get's heavier and he start's mumbling concerning phrase's

It's my fault.

It's my fault she's dead.

Why couldn't i protect her?

I did this. 


Why couldn't i die too..?

The last one scare's me... I sit him up more in my lap and start rocking back and forth. I don't know why i did it. Just instinct i guess.

After a couple minute's he start's to calm back down. His eye's start to flutter open and his mouth slowly close's back up.


I'm here Tommy.

His eye's fully open, letting me see his nice blue eye's.


Yes, Tommy?

I'm sorry....

For what?

As far as i know he didn't do anything wrong. Even in the dream, it sounded like he just couldn't help, even though he truly wanted to.

For scaring you, and making you worry...

 And for lying to you about the eating-

It's fine Tommy. You didn't do anything wrong. 

So.. your not mad?

Now, why would i be mad?

Because i lied.

No, it's my fault for not respecting your privacy.

He look's back up at me, then back down realizing he is on my lap. He quickly got off and said:


It's fine, i put you up there.


Yah, sorry if i made you uncomfortable...

No! I mean Nah bro you didn't it's cool.

I giggle hearing Tommy try to act relaxed. Did he not realize that i was here the whole time? Did he not realize that he has saying those thing's out loud?

The word's ring in my ear...

It's my fault she died. 

Why couldn't i die too..?

I didn't like the last one, one bit. I decide that i best ask now, since asking later will result and him most likely not trusting me as much.

Tommy.. You said some weird thing's in your sleep....

Like what?

You said: 

It's my fault she's dead.

Why couldn't i die too..?

Would you care to explain?

I uh- I...

Ending it off with another cliff hanger! This one is shorter since i made a new one every day for the last couple of day's.



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The Life () Tommyinnit Adopted AU () Sleepy Bois Inc. () FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now