=-(A Happy Family Holiday)-=

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I have decided to skip to Christmas, Also Tommy isn't fully adopted yet, Just fostered. Also in my AU both the parent and the child have to sign for it to be legal.

Phil POV 

I wake up and look at my phone, It's December 24th! It's gonna be Tommy's first Christmas with us! 

I still think i got him the best gift. I get up and walk downstairs, seeing everyone already down there. Wilbur seem's to be explaining how Christmas with us goes.

We get up, open presents. Then we have a large breakfast. Afterward's we just chill around till 4:00. Then we go out skiing at the mountains that are about one hour from our house. We then come home, and eat dinner while watching a Christmas movie. Then we all go to bed.

It's very elaborate, it took a couple year's to form. But Tommy will fit perfectly!

I notice that Tommy's plate is empty, not even a stain on the plate.

P: Tommy did you already eat?

T:No, he didn't

TI: Snitch.

P: Come on Tommy, if you don't want cereal i can make something else.

TI: I'm..Fine.

P: How about pancake's? 

W: Yes! 

TI: Okay..

T: Nice

I start to make some pancakes. I'm planning on making Tommy eat, I've done it a lot lately. No son of mine is going without eating. 

Especially this close to Christmas! I flip the pancake's just before they burn.

I put them on a plate and sit them on the table. Techno, being the tyrant he is just picked one up and shoved it in his mouth. 

Wilbur picked his up with a fork, and ate it normally. Tommy, slowly picking at it, barely eating. But.. it's better than nothing. 

After a while we all get up, putting out plate's in the sink. 

P: Okay guy's, Ya'll ready to get presents?

TI: What do you mean?

P: Since only Techno is old enough to go to the store by himself, we go get everything today.I give you each about, 100 bucks? So you can get presents for everyone!

TI: 100 dollars?!

P: Yep, for family and friends!

TI: Thanks, Phil!

P: Your Welcome bud

T: Okay now that your Moment is over. You guy's ready to go?

TI+W: Mhm

They all walk out the door, waving as they leave. I gave the money Techno, let's hope he doesn't just keep all the money.

The Life () Tommyinnit Adopted AU () Sleepy Bois Inc. () FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now