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WARNING: This chapter contains scenes that could be triggering for some people.

When Riley arrived at Caroline's the day had turned for the worst; hard, thick rain fell fast from the dark sky, alight with white thunders at the horizon.

He parked his car in the driveway and made a jog for the door, trying in vain not to get wet under the storm.

This time, Caroline opened the door; she was in a pair of leggings and an oversized cardigan. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, and the absence of makeup on her face made her look younger and less threatening.

"Thank you for coming by this late," she greeted him, letting him inside the dark house.

"No problem at all," Riley replied, following her to her studio.

A table lamp that cast a warm, yellow circle on the ceiling dimly illuminated the room. On the desk, papers were scattered all over the surface, and a couple of heavy books sat open to the side. On the opposite end, a closed laptop kept company to an open bottle of wine and an empty, stained glass.

Caroline slumped in her chair that almost engulfed her entirely, and motioned for Riley to do the same.

"Wine?" she offered, lifting the bottle.

"No thanks, I'm driving," Riley replied, and Caroline silently filled her own glass.

"Working hard?" he asked, eyeing the paper debris on her desk.

"Sticky case, one of the hardest I've had in years," Caroline admitted, rubbing her face with one hand; she looked tired and demoralised.

"Want to brainstorm?" Riley offered, taking in her downbeat appearance. He wasn't sure why but he felt sorry for her. Maybe she too was carrying more than she let out to see.

But Caroline smiled back; she snapped the books closed and piled the papers. "Lawyer-client confidentiality," she explained. "And I don't want to bore you to death."

Riley smiled but didn't say anything in reply.

"So, what do you have for me?" Caroline asked eventually, leaning against the back of her chair.

"Not much," Riley admitted. "I don't have any hard copies of Alice's file because I thought it was best not to take the risk," he explained and Caroline nodded, understanding.

"All I found was a scan of her passport, her visa, the visa paperwork requested by Aidan and a few unpaid speeding tickets," he continued with his lie.

"Which I'm sure Aidan will pay for when the time will come," Caroline commented with venom. "Anyway, it's a relief," she added with a tight smile.

"Is it really?" Riley probed. If Caroline wasn't intentioned to let the matter go, he needed to know.

The woman let her eyes wander to her wine glass as she swilled the drink around, then looked back at Riley with an almost apologetic smile. "There is something about her. I just can't put my finger on it..." she mused.

Let's keep it this way.

Riley cleared his throat before speaking. "Are you sure it has nothing to do with Aidan?"

At that, Caroline sneered and, almost as if awoken from a dream, she stood and walked around the desk, leaning against it not far from Riley.

"Riley, for the last time, I don't have feelings for Aidan," she said stubbornly. "I can promise you that," she added, her tone now softer and charged with meaning.

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