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Emily opened her eyes and blankly stared at the ceiling only a few feet above her head, the same dull, stained ceiling she'd been staring at every morning and every night for the past two months.

With a heavy sigh, she turned to her side; she wasn't usually one for brooding, her sparse bursts of bad mood would come and go to be quickly forgotten into the sea of oblivious optimism that allowed her constant peace of mind. But recently a prickly sense of annoyance had been returning every waking day to keep her company like an unwanted guest.

Truth was, she was already miserable in her new life.

She missed her favourite food and the champagne, she missed the fabric of her expensive clothes on her skin and the sparkles of diamonds on her wrists.

She missed the thrill of the chase.

For that reason, she tried to fill her days with past times aimed at stimulating her mind and satisfying her ego. Her favourite hobby was to try and break as many rules as possible without being issued a warning.

And she was fucking great at it.

Because the dynamics of prison life seemed to have been made especially for people like her.

No fellow inmates, nor guards were immune to her charm.

Her ability to determine the flow of power allowed her easy access to the decision-makers in a group and her mastery in reading people, made scheming the big heads into getting her way so easy, it was almost boring.


Emily sat up on her bunk bed and let her legs dangle from the edge, rubbing her face with her hands and that's when the lights went on announcing the beginning of yet another day that the woman greeted with a sluggish grunt.

With an agile jump, she was on the floor and, without much enthusiasm, she pulled on her usual grey joggers and sweater combo and filled the kettle for her tea.

The food was hideous.

With another grimace, she opened the breakfast box that was resting on the little desk at the opposite side of the bunk bed and removed the bread and butter, the only things she enjoyed out of the package.

She hated the rest, but at least she could save it and trade the extra food for a few cigarettes that, in return, she would exchange for a favour.

And she was already owed a lot of those.

Once the water boiled, she plopped in a bag of Yorkshire tea and sat on the chair near the desk, spreading the butter on her white bread, waiting for her cuppa to become the deep brown colour that she loved.

Then the cell door unlocked and Emily observed it with curiosity, wondering if it was already eight and she had lost track of time, along with her mind.

But as the door opened, a young woman appeared on the threshold; her lost, disoriented eyes indicating she was a new arrival.

"This is your new roommate, Thompson," the guard announced and Emily watched the older woman quickly show the girl around the small cell, pointing out the obvious as she hinted to the bunk bed, toilet and tiny closet that furnished the space.

Or lack thereof.

Then the door locked and the two were left alone.

The girl looked at Emily and smiled timidly, evidently not sure what to do with herself as her eyes wandered around her new home.

Emily observed her silently from behind her cup of tea, taking in the girl's petite, pale figure, ignited by copper hair styled into two plaits; her alert eyes were green like olives and emanated the true wittiness that Emily believed lay under her fragile appearance.

Placing her mug on the desk, the brunette suddenly stood and took a step closer to the new arrival.

"Top bunk is mine," she declared, keeping her tone neutral.

The red-headed nodded and placed her few personal belongings on the bottom bed, then turned around with renewed spirit.

"I'm Abigail," she said, offering her hand. "But you can call me, Abby."

Emily took her hand and shook it firmly, "I'm Emily and you must call me Emily."

Then she smiled warmly to soften the tone of her words.

"So, what heinous crime has brought you before me?" Emily asked, returning to her tea.

Abigail sat heavily on the bed, her hands resting numbly in her laps as she said, "I thought it would be a great idea to join my brother in his A class business."

Emily nodded without much interest and focused on another sip of tea.

"What about you?" Abigail asked, in a clear attempt at keeping the conversation going.

Emily put down her mug and a vicious smirk lifted her lips to the side.

"I shot my boyfriend."

Hello my lovelies! Soooooo... here we go!

One chapter is over but yes, you guessed it, there's more to come!

I don't want to spoiler anything so I'll try to keep my excitement to a minimum as I annouce The Right Side of Wrong! All I will say is: some characters will stay, others...well, you'll see!

If you've made it this far, well, I hope you've enjoyed the story but mostly I want you to know how grateful I am for you support! Each read, vote, comment and feedback have been so helpuf and motivational for the development of Drink Me and I couldn't have done without you all!

 @DreamerGurl169 @mylasstory  @tallulahohara @gabyseve14  @_unknownxo  you deserve a special mention for sticking with the story and putting up with the character's shenanigans! <3    @MarieMincey2 thank you for bringing tears to my eyes with you dry comments!

A special thanks goes to @JosieGrenwood123 for tolerating my relentless questioning about grammar, sentence structure, character development and much more! Couldn't have done it without you girl! <3

Despite the hiatus, I won't be a stranger; in fact, I will be making announcements regarding the sequel's plot, aesthetics, characters, release date and much more on my Instagram account (skyj.wright) so check me up if you haven't yet, and if you already follow me, stay tune for all those juicy updates!

We will bid farwell for now and we hope to see you soon.






John Smith,




Dr patel and (yes)

Mr Stevens.

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