How Sheegwa Lost Her Tail - Full Story

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Sheegwa was playing with Dongwa by the sink on the kitchen island one day when Dongwa cut off her tail with a scissor. Half her butt hair fell off too. Dongwa gulped but Sheegwa didn't notice a thing.

It was Tai Tai who saw Sheegwa. She rushed over to the sink and tried to reattach the hair and tail (which now sat about a foot away from Sheegwa on the countertop) but it was no use. It just fell off again.

Now Sheegwa wagged her stumpy little tail and saw the rest of her tail on the countertop. At first she felt a little light headed but she got better and enjoyed her new stumpy little tail. Her old long and fluffy one kept bashing her in the face whenever she swung it. Eventually her hairless rump grew new fur again and everyone was happy.

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