Chapter 14 - Getting Closer

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As the Antonov cargo plane was touching down in Tokyo, the Dreamliner found itself an hour from landing in Darwin and Juliette Sweet had an urgent call to make. She made her way to the back of the aircraft and picked up the sat-phone. 

"Hello, Barney so nice to hear your voice! It's Juliette how are you?" Juliette said into the handset.

"Hi Jules, all good, just sunning myself on Casuarina Beach. I've been busy down here so great to finally get some R and R. Consulting is such hard work - I think I prefer the good old days in the field!" Barney replied. "How are things working out in Hollywood?"

Juliette gave a laugh, "It's actually Malibu, and things were going ok. I'm actually going to cut to the chase here - I'm not actually in Malibu right now, in fact if you really are on the beach at Casuarina and look up you might be able to see me."

The Englishman gave a laugh, "Really Jules hun, I'm looking up now and expecting to see you in a HALO jump outfit! Don't tell me you are on a flight to Oz? Business or pleasure - I'm kind of hoping the later?"

"Business actually and I'm really sorry to break into your R and R but I could actually do with your help and special skills." Juliette asked.

"Oh, how did I know that was coming! You want me for my specialist skills and not my body - story of my life!" Barney replied back. "I'll pack my stuff and meet you at the airport. You have a place to stay?"

"Hmmmm - well not exactly, do you have room for seven?" Juliette asked.

"Seven! Have you brought the Brady Bunch with you? Yeah, I have the room. I've recently purchased an apartment building and was planning on renting it.... seriously Jules - who would have room for seven!" The sarcasm in the reply was obvious, "Hey, we can camp I have equipment for that number - I hope your friends like camping!"

"Actually that might be ideal - I'll let you know more when we arrive. I'll drop you a full brief in an encrypted email. See you shortly Barney." 

Juliette smiled as the her good friend replied back. "See you soon Jules, I've missed you. Will be great to see you when you arrive."


The Boeing BJB787 Dreamliner made its final approach into Darwin International Airport and touched down softly onto the tarmac. The Captain requested a VIP landing and taxi to a private hanger which after a little argument and then a lengthy conversation with Aaron in Los Angles was granted. 

When safely inside the hanger the drone of the engines finally died down and the group onboard were allowed to depart the aircraft. The seven passengers made their way into a private side building where they were met by a couple of Australian customs officials and then ushered into another private room where they had to wait for their meet and greet ride.

"Paul why do you think we're being kept here?" Jessica asked her boyfriend.

"I think Juliette has used her connections here and we being kept securely waiting for someone to pick us up." he replied. 

As Paul spoke a man around six foot tall, entered the room through a side door. The man didn't look like an official. He was dressed in chino trousers and wore a loose fit cotton shirt, he looked a little like Jason Statham. Juliette spotted him and raced over.

"Barney!" She put her arms around him and hugged him then gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Hmmm - boyfriend?" Abi suggested to Drew.

"Possibly." Drew replied.

"Oh, most defiantly!" Sophie said over hearing, "Look at the way he has placed his arm around her!" The gentleman had slipped his arm around Juliette's small waist and conveniently slipped his hand down to her pert buttocks as they walked towards the rest of the group.

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