Chapter 9 - The Great Escape

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Peter made his way back to the room having emptied the bucket of excrement. In his absence Gregor had made Joanne shower again, the droplets of water had given her body a wet sheen. The massage bed had been adjusted into a 'V-shape' and placed in the centre of the room. The wooden table and chairs moved to one side. Joanne was bent over the 'V-shaped' bed and her hands were chained to the floor. Her head was at waist level, her small B-cup breasts hanging. Gregor stood behind her bent body and had spread her legs wide open and secured a metal bar between them. It was as if Joanne was the star of some strange BDSM based porn movie.

Peter gasped as Gregor left Joanne and pulled him firstly aside and then back out into the corridor by the throat. From her position Joanne could not hear what was being said but whatever it was Peter did not like it. He was arguing and being abused by the older Russian.

"You will do it. You will become a man!" Gregor shouted. "FUCK HER!"

"No, I will not." Peter said calmly, "I do not want to!"

Gregor punched Peter hard in the stomach and he doubled over in pain. Further punches were thrown and Peter fell to the floor unable to defend himself from the physical onslaught. The older Russian pulled Peter from the floor ripping his vest from his body. He threw down the material and picked Peter up slamming him against a wall, "You will stay with her and FUCK HER! If you do not I will gut you and do it myself...Your choice! You have the next 10 minutes to decide." Peter was thrown into the room with Joanne and the door slammed shut and bolted.

"Peter, Peter? Are you ok?" Joanne called to the young Ukrainian.

Peter staggered to his feet. "Yes, yes, I'm ok. Has Gregor hurt you?" he asked concerned and not worrying about his own beating.

"No, he forced me into this position though." She replied, "Are you in trouble?"

"We both are. He knows about me helping you. He knows everything. This is our punishment." Peter was at breaking point. "He wants me to...he wants me to..." Tears were forming in his eyes.

Joanne called Peter over to her "Peter please, please don't, focus on me...focus on my voice don't get upset. We cannot let Gregor win."

Peter began to regain his composure and Joanne asked him, "What does he want you to do? Tell me slowly..." 

In the back of her mind Joanne already knew what she thought Peter was going to say and he confirmed it to her, "He wants me to have sex with you. He told me to fuck you. He said I needed to become a man. I don't want to rape you."

 He was knelt directly in front of her and Joanne looked into Peters eyes, "Peter," she said softly, "What did Gregor say would happen if you don't do as he says?"

Peter looked at Joanne, "He said he would gut me and have you himself!" His head bowed to the floor and he held his gold St Christopher cross tightly.

Joanne stayed silent, thoughts running through her head. She pulled at the chains but they wouldn't work loose. The only thought she had was to allow Peter to have sex with her and hope that Gregor would be satisfied, although having seen his aggression, it seemed likely that Peter would be murdered anyway and she would be raped by the Russian guard.


Jessica sat in a plush waiting area decorated with soft furnishings and ornate lights. Paul sat with her. He didn't like not telling Jess about what was happening with her friends but due to her state he believed that it best she not know. 

"Paul McIntyre, Jessica Lane?" A young receptionist got up from behind the desk in the corner of the room and called their names. "Hello, Doctor Lieberman will see you." She smiled a wide smile and the pair got up and entered Doctor Lieberman's office. 

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