Chapter 7 - Escape Plan

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Joanne and Martin had been held captive for almost two weeks, Ivanna needed to keep up the pretence that the pair had run away on a secret vacation whilst her lackies employed by Roberts Wells worked on capturing the other girls and Paul as well as dispose of anyone or everything that got in their way. Robert wanted revenge for the loss of his company and illegitimate son and Ivanna wanted to ensure he got it. The rewards for her were beyond her wildest dreams.

Martin was woken in his cell by a burley guard who was fat, tattooed and had hairy shoulders showing from the arms of an ill fitting vest he was wearing. 

"Up! Up!" The guard demanded pulling him from the bed.

Martin struggled to his feet and was dragged from his cell into the main chamber of the underground complex. The filthy white gown he was wearing was removed and he was chained naked to one of the walls. He was positioned with his arms above his head and feet spread apart on the floor.

From her cell Joanne could here the commotion of her boyfriend struggling and being pulled from his accommodation. She began to worry about his safety when suddenly her cell door was flung open. 

Ivanna appeared in the doorway, "Please follow me. We seem to have got off on the wrong foot, as you like to say in England. I'm not here to harm you and I will not do so if you can help me." Joanne, sensed that this was some kind of trap but silently listened to what Ivanna wanted. "I have moved your lover to a new location in the building. You will join him shortly, but I will need you to write an email to your friends and colleagues - just so they know you are safe - you understand. You have obviously been enjoying a lovers secret holiday" Ivanna laughed.

"And if I don't?" Joanne had to ask the million dollar question.

"Come with me and find out." Ivanna replied. "Guard, please..."

The burley guard had returned and entered Jo's cell and pulled her along the corridor to the chamber where Martin had been positioned. A white cloth had been placed at the end where Martin had been chained and a table with chair had been placed just off centre of the room, next to the bar that ran centrally through the middle. The chair faced the white sheet.

"Strip!" Ivanna ordered Jo. She reached behind untied the small bow and let her gown fall to the floor. She stood naked by the chair. "Sit!" Ivanna ordered again. Joanne didn't move so the guard intervened and Joanne had no choice but do as she was told.  The guard chained her to to the table so she was unable to get up but her hands had enough slack to move.

 "Good," Ivanna said, "Here is a laptop. Please open your email."

Ivanna sat a laptop on the table in front of Joanne expecting her to do as instructed, but Joanne refused to co-operate.

"So you will not help then." Ivanna slipped on some thick rubber gloves and the burley guard dropped the white sheet to the floor. "Perhaps you will be more willing to help knowing your boyfriend is watching."

Joanne looked up and saw her naked boyfriend chained to the wall in front of her. "Martin!" She gasped.

"Jo - don't do it!" He shouted.

The guard punched him hard in the stomach, he pulled out a piece of cloth from one of his pockets and gagged Martin to prevent further interruption.

Joanne looked horrified but then managed composed herself. 

Ivanna walked over to Martin and picked up what appeared to be two wet sponges. She connected them to two cables. The sponges were dipped into a bucket containing some liquid and the guard then poured it over Martin.

"Now, can you write the email?" Ivanna asked Joanne again.

Another guard, slightly younger and skinnier than than the one in the vest played with some controls and Ivanna moved the sponges toward Martin. She placed them on his thighs. Martin began to shake.

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