Part 4: The affection

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Talking. That what he does, not that he is just a talker but he talks a little bit fast when he's nervous then I look into his eyes

He slows a bit


I smile..
Usually I smirk
Because I know I'll soon enough ruin his pants.

Stepping closer, I do.

I let my warm breath softly touches his neck as I whisper in his ears "I've waited decades for you. For this."
He seems shocked

His eyes widens.

His skin takes a red shade.
Not quite common in men to blush, but I guess it's the adrenaline in his veins.

His chest's movement becomes faster, noticably.I can swear I hear his heartbeats like strong drums playing in my ears and my body.

I know I look strong with my posture straightened up like this but as I play my game with him hopefully to weaken his knees I find mine catch the weakness as well.
I tend to fall easily, but he makes sure every time to be the arms I lean against. I then slide my hands on his arm landing on the palm of his hand I feel his mouth getting dry so I move closer...

And closer to touch his red beautiful lips with the hunger of mine. I hold em in mine it gets hotter, so I open my mouth to let his tongue in. Battling with mine and I really don't know why because if you think about it, we both tend to win in the end.


I step back.

Letting our lips go, but you must know I never let it go easily, so of you are watching you'll see me fighting with my own to move away for a breath.
I look into his eyes and see the sparkle, I know I caught his attention. I think the best thing about his eyes is that they never lie. It's not that he does. He never lies actually.

Extraordinary for a man.

It's just, his eyes speak when his tongue is out of words or simply too exhausted to speak.

I lift my arms, land my fingers on his neck.

If you see him you might think my fingers has sugar for his cravings, but actually they just make a tunnel transporting my feelings to him.

He closes his eyes.

It bothers me.

So I let go...

He opens his eyes looking for my touch, I smile as our eyes lock. His breaths are faster than before. He slides his hand against my back landing on that soft spot. He knows I'm most sensitive from. Moving the fingers of the other hand against my arm leaving it to land on my hip.

I move away..

Taking off my blouse, slipping out of my skirt. He dresses off his clothes as well.
There we are standing in the middle of the room, me in my bra and panty, him in his underwear.

After a moment of appreciation of each body, he rushes to me. Wrapping up himself against me.



Wrapping my legs against his waist. I close my eyes. But in a moment I find myself on the bed watching him coming closer, softly. Like a lion chasing a prey.

Taking off the rest of my clothes as well as his.


Bare skin..

Spreading my legs..

Kissing my thighs in..

I moan...

He bites with his lips..

I moan louder...




Until I was about to finish, he stops. Kissing his way to my brown top of a hill, taking advantage of it like an ice cream cone. Leading himself to my lips again.

Pushing himself inside..

Filling me with his essence.

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