Part 17: The Professor (The final class)

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I'm nervous. Walking into that classroom again thinking maybe this time I won't be all nervous and sweaty like the first time.

I'm standing in front of the desk leaning against it watching the classroom being filled with students.

Everything sounds cool and fine.

She is here...

The wind is manipulating her hair and her hair is manipulating the time...

She enters the room and suddenly everything is focused on her as if she is the center of the universe... my universe.

Even though I am the professor, I changed the whole presentation twice last night just to impress her.

I have to get her out of my head; I am her professor and I can't have such a fantasy about her.

But then our eyes lock making me realize I don't care!

I finished the class in an hour that felt like a year. After everyone had left, I asked her to follow me to the office.

She closes the door behind her.

I turn to face her...

"Do not make a sound"

She looks confused.

I slide my hand underneath the pile of hair landing on the skin of her neck. I press my lips against hers waiting for her to open her mouth a little as a permission for my manipulative tongue to enter. Then she pushes me against the wall whispering "if we are going to do it, you will do it my way"

Suddenly, she strips my legs kissing my thighs then my soaking wet panty.

I moan.

"Look who's making a sound" she says with a smirk.

Our eyes lock again then our lips synchronize.

Feeling her fingers rubbing me over my panty weakens my knees... so I beg "I want more"

In a heart beat, she is down there sucking me in so hard I am about to finish so, I lift her up pushing her against my desk; then I help her lay down and strip her out of her clothes.

My desire leads me to her nipples as I ride her thigh using my fingers to help her get out of the chains around her body by the friction of her skin.

Moments passed but we finally broke the walls between us.

"I want you to spank me, professor"

I smirk then I get her on my knees to show out her smooth buttocks. Using the left of my power through my palms, slapping each cheek watching them get flushed and listening to her moans.

How satisfying...

"professor Louisa?" a faded voice of a student calls.

"Yes!" I respond as I finally get attached to the reality again.

" You've been quiet for awhile, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah!!"

I take a glimpse of her and notice that she is smirking as if she knows what took me out of my body to the land where we could touch and make love.

But after all it might be one of the fantasies that will eventually fade away.. and again it might not...!!

We will never know...

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