(17) ...ANGER-1...

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Its been a week since the Agarwal visited us.....
And telling you the truth.,his behavior has change...
Not like before he behave nice but still he is like a demon in full Armani suit sitting in office with full glory and shouting everyone......
Including me so I decided that I will totally avoid meeting him....

I only goes for site visit and about the reports? I send them with the interns...
Otherwise I only sit in my studio which is not mine for next 7 and half months... And create some new designs and make my own collection album......

And I am only happy with my work!!

But today he ask me to visit him as he want to discuss about some new designs...

Why!? Oh God!!

So I am on my way towards his office...

Before entering, I knock on door and wait for his permission....



It's been a week....

Meeting her and talking with Vishal..
Still same words kept ranging in my head and I'm hell irritated...

Even though Vishal forgive me for my behavior, I know he is still angry with me coz the very next day he went to his penthouse.
I am really a jerk...!!

Though she gave me each day's update reports... I can tell she is ignoring me..
And why not.... I'm really angry that she is constantly in my mind..

But she still ignores me....

Why do you care Mr. Agarwal?

Yup! Why do I care?...

Anyways, today she is coming... Actually I only ask her to visit me as I want to discuss with her about some more arrangements in same project...

But that same words kept ringing in my head and I'm really pissed off...

At around 11.30am she came..
I grant her permission and she came...
She was wearing a formal dress... Which suits her well...
Though she is hardly 5.4inche, she looks bossy...

Without wasting a minute she was on point...
That's what I like about her....

I tell her about my opinions and she told me that it will be done without any problem....
Within an hour we were done....

She was about to go, I ask her
"Ms. Kashyap , today I am coming to SAMA'S as I want to know about it too hope you don't have any problem!"

"Not at all Mr. Agarwal, after all it's yours only for next 7 and half months...." by saying this she March outside my office without giving any look... Nor angry nor sad....

What's her problem huh? I am only asking her and she! Only giving me her attitude!....

I decided that I will visit studio around 3.00pm so I am going to my new project.....



WHO the hell is he!

Showing his non existing ego 😡..

Only for next 7 months you have to bear with him then you are free Keerti.. Just ignore him as you do in last 7 days, and only focus on your work....
It's best!!

I some how calm myself....

What should I do? Gauri is not her as twinkle is sick so she is with her...
Only she knows very well me... SHE IS like elder sister to me....

😥Only 7 freaking months I have to tolerate this egoistic homo sapian and then I am free as a bird....


At 3.00pm he was here....
HIS aura was like he is the owner of this place....
Huh! 😏

GOD why don't you let me one murder grant so that I will kill him!!

He was sitting in my garden sipping his non famous coffee that too in my studio checking my studio details!! Like a boss....

Now I am thinking why not spill coffee on his face!!

From past one hour he is asking me each and every detail of each page kept in monthly files.....


MY current mood...

But I am not doing anything as I am controlling my anger...

Oh King of chocolate land save him before I kill him!!
Coz God will be not able to save him from my hands.....

Such a irritating jerk....

"Ms. Kashyap I am asking you something... Please come down from your la la land and answer the damn question I'm asking!!" He shout from his cozy sit.....

He,.. bloody idiot shout!! AGAIN!!
At me,!

That's it🌋......

"Mr. Agarwal, I guess you will be knowing each and every details from each and every files... Which are well sorted..... Even a college student can tell everything... And you are freaking business man who runs top most hotel groups.... Are you a 5-year-old-kid asking question now and then??
That day you came in my house you were my guest that's why I behave nicely with that's not mean that you will shout at me that to in my studio!!
You are only behaving like a angry man from past whole week, still I behave myself! But no today.....
Yes I agree that it's your for freaking 7 months but for only name sake that too because of my stupid clumsiness.... Which only grew your stupid ego more..! Don't be in any dream land, also I am not your any servant or your PA that you will shout at me! Keep your tongue inside your mouth...
And if anything you need you can contact me later.... But just now leave!!... 😡😡😡

By saying it I go inside my studio, inside my cubicle and started working which I only don't know. After few minutes I listen car sound which indicates that he leave. That's better.....

I was behaving nicely with him till now and he is just behaving like a blockhead!!!For past whole week he was shouting at me as if I am his some newly joined servant (which I am not) and doing tons of mistakes...

I ignore like I don't mind but today all my limits were crossed.... 😒😒...

He deserves it...

What does he thinks of himself huh? Some anger realising toy?
Not even in your dreams Mr. 😡😡😒



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