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Breakfast was the delicious, I feel like to have more and more.....

But if I sat there then I'm sure I'm going to be late...

I didn't even know that Keerti makes such delicious food...

I thought mom made today, with new recipe so I agree to give a cheeky kiss..
But it happened unexpected, to me ofcourse....

But as I promised I kiss her, on her right cheek, they were soft, I can agree.

Ahem... Arjun? What's this yaar?

Ignore it...

I left for my office I have to check on the progress...

MY work finished early today, by 7.pm only, so I went home early...

The whole house was silent....

Mom-dad were busy in talking stuffs,

Others may be in room...

I wished them and went to my room...

And saw that lights were still off..


I switch on the light, only to saw my wife...

MY WIFE..... It feels strange but good.

Sleeping peacefully on that..


Why this girl have to sleep on sofa?

I quickly took a shower and changed into some t-shirt and track pants...

And tried to woke her up...

But I tell you, she is a heavy sleeper!

As it was dinner time, mom came and ask me is keerti awake or not..

I showed her how her new daughter is sleeping in uncomfortable position!

"leaving that bed, she is sleeping here! She is really insane...." I said and mom laugh seeing her antics...

She, too, tried to woke her but she only shift finding more comfortable position....

Mom said, "Let's have our dinner, she is really exhausted, we will woke her up later..."

We all settled on dinning table..

Priya ask , "mom where is Bhabhi?"

"oh, she is sleeping..." mom said and started serving...

"aunty, is she alright? OR we can doc!" vishal said in caring tone, but I didn't like it... God knows why...

Before mom says anything, I said..
" 'my wife' is fine infact very good, just she is exhausted, she is sleeping..."

He raised his hands in surrender and started eating..

After eating I went upstairs to woke her...

After trying for 5 times, I gave up! Then I removed her necklace and sandal, and tuck her under blanket and sat with my laptop...

Around 9.30pm,I started feeling sleepy so I kept aside my laptop and slept....
As at 10 in morning I have my important meeting with my investors of my hotels....
At 6. I woke..

Advantage of sleeping early... 😬😁

I freshen up and came in my room to saw, keerti was hanging down...
Half on sofa and half in air...
And in one hand the phone was still on....

ARJUN👑 AND KEERTI ~A Twisted Love Story..(COMPLETED ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now