Chapter 5

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Athena walked towards her throne and sat down, she watched Artemis throw an apple and shot it with a silver bow while sitting on her throne. Apollo played his lyre using his Ipad instrument app while drinking tea. Hera played with her hair while Zeus played Call of Duty on his PSP. Demeter was trying to expand her farm on farmville (she's actually in the highest level).

Then she noticed Aphrodite and Poseidon was missing, she didn't actually care about Ares because he was trying to learn to use the Katana he got from Japan. She stood up and went to Poseidon's room.

Empty, that pissed her off. She was walking around the room when suddenly she heard a ring. Poseidon's phone she thought, then went off to look for it. She found it under his blankets and hurriedly opened it.

The text was from Aphrodite, it read:

Hey there Poseidon, listen, I am in Paris right now with Drew, I promised her we would be bonding today... Anyway I'll be home by midnight... See you at the bed, if you know what I mean...

Athena slightly jumped to hear Poseidon yelling "Holy ZEUS! Athena what are you doing here?" Athena looked at him with a unsure face. She didn't know if she should be guilty or mad, then she decided to be mad and yelled "What's the meaning of this? Huh? Why?"

"Uh- I - We-" Poseidon shuddered, not knowing what to exactly say

"You better explain or we are through..." Athena whined

"It was an accdien-" Poseidon tried to explain, but Athena cut him short

"You- you monster. You betrayed me-." Athena sobbered "This is my fault- I-I gave up my virginity oath for you but you-"

Athena walked out leaving Poseidon alone and guilty. He didn't know what was going on... He felt lost, but most of all mad. He quickly put his bag down and ran to Athena's room.

Poseidon opened the door after knocking twice and went straight to Athena, comforting and explaining. Athena struggled but Poseidon just tightened some more. After a little explaining he took of her shirt and began doing her. Athena refused all the time but Poseidon just went on.

Soon Poseidon tried getting himself inside her tight, wet pussy. "P-P-Pos-sss-ss-seidon... S-St-tt-t-op it-t." Athena struggled hard to get away but Poseidon would keep her in his arms.

"Why do you want to leave anyway?"

"Because your're pathetic and a liar and a lonely life and mean!"

"Hey that was from Taylor Swift!"

"Thank you Captain Obvious!"

"Hey that's from 9gag!"

"Why U No keep quiet!"

"Hey that-"

"Shut up!"

Athena finally stood up and ran for the door before Poseidon can hold her back anymore. Poseidon watched her go, he loved her but he loved Aphrodite first and he knew that breaking up with her will cause another Trojan War. He stood up and checked his phone, a new message from Aphrodite, it read: Let's do it in Paris? Won't that be fun? See you there then!

Poseidon sighed knowing that the Goddess of Wisdom has a lot in store and that her love for him has been cut and knew that there can be nothing more to do.

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