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A young boy with bacon-like hair was walking down his school hallway. His plain and cheap black jacket and blue shirt made him stand out from the crowd- the crowd who had robux. His regular white shoes were not in style, and everyone made fun of him because of his looks.

"Oh, look, there's the poor bacon boy," one of the popular aesthetic girls said to her friends as he walked by. They all laughed at him.

"Hey, Su Tart! How bout' you go and get some robux, eh?" a slender boy yelled at him. The kids kept laughing.

Su Tart turned around. "Stop bullying me! Just because I'm a bacon doesn't mean you should bully me!" Su Tart told them.

"Run along, bacon boy. Or do you wanna get cooked like the rest of the bacons?" a goth boy told him. Su Tart quickly ran away from the kids and their rude comments about him.

School had always been hard for Su Tart. Bacons were usually bullied in every part of Roblox, whether they chose to be bacon or not. Su Tart was born a bacon, so the only way he could stop being bacon was buying robux, but Su Tart's family wasn't very fortunate, unlike the other kids in his school.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang, and Su Tart quickly bolted out of the school. He ran all the way back to his house, avoiding the bullies on the way. Once he finally got home, he dropped his bags on the floor and sighed.

"Hello, Su Tart!" Su Tart's dad welcomed him home. "How was school?"

Su Tart shrugged. His dad already knew that Su Tart was being bullied, but even though he talked to the teachers at his school, nothing happened.

"Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air? after all, you never get any homework." Su Tart nodded and went back outside, breathing in the fresh air.

He walked on his neighborhood's sidewalk, looking at all the houses that were next to his. They were all big and fancy and nicer than his. Some kids from his school were hanging out in front of their houses. They were the nice kids who accepted anybody into their group and had always been nice to Su Tart. They were mostly nerds, anime lovers, and other bacons. They noticed Su Tart and waved to him, but Su Tart only blushed and sped-walked away from them.

As he made his way further from his house, he started walking into a deep and dark ally. He looked around but didn't see anything dandy around him. He could barely see where he was going, and he eventually found himself lost in the ally.

He could hear breathing behind him, and he turned around to see a gang of slenders that went to his school. They smiled creepily at him and Su Tart gasped in his high-pitched voice.

"Well well well," one of the slenders said. "If it isn't puny little Su Tart."

"W-What do you want from me?" Su Tart asked. His voice was getting higher the more scared he got.

"I don't know. What should we do with him, boys?" the slender asked the other slenders.

"Why don't we beat him up?" one of them suggested. The others laughed in agreement.

"That sounds like a pleasure," the first slender said. He grabbed Su Tart by his cheap shirt and slammed him against the wall. Su Tart squealed for help, but another slender covered his mouth.

The slender started to punch his face over and over again, only stopping once Su Tart had started bleeding. He punched his eye, which gave him a black eye. Once he was done with the face, he started punching the bacon's stomach, making Su Tart scream bloody murder. The others only laughed at his pain, and Su Tart started to cry.

"STOP! PLEASE!" Su Tart begged through the slender's hand.

"We'll only stop once we're pleased with your pain!" the slender told him. Su Tart was positive he was going to die if they didn't stop.

"Hold on, boys. You can stop hurting that poor bacon," a voice from the other side of the ally said.

The slenders turned around to see who was telling them to stop, but they all gasped, and some of them ran away.

"What the hell...?" the slender who had been beating Su Tart said surprisingly.

"I said- Stop. Hurting. The. Bacon," The voice repeated.

The rest of the slenders nodded and let go of Su Tart, then started walking away. Su Tart tried to see who had saved him and scared off the bullies, but with his black eye, he couldn't make anything out.

"Who... A...You?" Su Tart mumbled. The person giggled.

"Oh, don't tell me you can't recognize my voice? I was all over the news back in the day," They continued on. "Ah, good days. Back when I had my senpai all to myself. Then she had to come along and take him from me."

Su Tart was confused. "A-You-A-Girl?" he asked the unknown figure.

The person laughed out loud. "Of course I am, silly! Do you still have no clue about who I am? I used to be famous!"

A knife suddenly hit the wall right next to Su Tart, which made him gasp. The figure moved closer to Su Tart, and in the very dim light, he suddenly recognized the person, which made him gasp again. The girl only giggled.

"Surprise, surprise! It's Tiffany Mayumi!" the girl giggled. She blocked Su Tart from escaping, which only made the boy panic more.

"Wha-Do-You-Wan-From-Me?" He asked in his high-pitched voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. In fact, I'm here to do the exact opposite. I'm here to give you a favor if you'll do the same for me."

Su Tart was confused that a serial killer was asking him- a bullied, weak, stupid bacon boy for a favor- but he tilted his head so she understood that he wanted to hear her out. Tiffany smiled and told him her request.

"I'll protect you from bullies- no more bruises, scrapes, bandages, gossip- no more anything. IF you become my new senpai."

Su Tart's face went paler than it already was. Become Tiffany Mayumi's senpai? She's a serial killer that the cops have been trying to track down for years- why would she want him to be her senpai?

But on the other hand, no more bullying- the things he's gone through for almost three years would finally come to the end- all at the cost of becoming someone's senpai? It would be a very hard thing to deal with, but...

"Alright, Tiffany. I'll become your new senpai," Su Tart agreed. Tiffany Mayumi squealed and clapped her hands together.

"Perfect. I'll see you back here tomorrow. Same time. Don't worry- all those slenders will be gone," she winked at the bacon boy. "Oh, and you might want to go on home- tell your father you tripped and fell." Then in a flash, Tiffany Mayumi was gone.

Su Tart stood up slowly, putting his weight on the wall. Once he got home, he could relax- and the next day, all the trauma would finally be over.

That afternoon and night at Su Tart's house, silence filled the house. Su Tart had been laying in his bed the entire time. All at the cost of one girl's senpai...what a great deal.

Su Tart x Tifany MayumiWhere stories live. Discover now