• 8 months pregnancy •

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"Let's just live together, Heechul ah. I can't live without you."

Heechul never really likes to sleep in one bed with someone else, even if it is Leeteuk. The only time he is fine with sleeping with Leeteuk is when they just finished having sex. So, when Leeteuk is asking Heechul to live with him his mind automatically goes 'should I' and 'why must I?'. But then, Heechul knows that their baby needs to get to know about her father and also get used to having her father around. And he knows he himself will be needing more help soon. And therefore, Heechul agrees while smiling shyly.

As expected, Leeteuk takes care of Heechul so well, doing many things for him like cooking and applying cream on his growing tummy. Sometimes, Heechul will see Leeteuk gently talking to the baby and kissing his belly. His belly might not be as big as normal pregnant women's but the bump is definitely noticeable, especially now that Heechul is entering the seventh month. Life is calm somehow and without realizing it, their bond slowly grows and strengthened.

Though, on the other hand, the company and the label have started to get antsy as until now they haven't even tell anyone about their relationship or their baby. It is like an open secret between the members and SM and the label's higher ups and the situation doesn't really sit right with the management since one wrong move and their careers will be over. After several discussions, all parties finally agree with the couple's choice to reveal it a little later near Heechul's due date so as to not cause more stress for Heechul and whether their careers get ruined or not, they will have an excuse to take some time off to take care of their baby before they go back to showbiz life.

"Have you started loving your baby properly now, Teuk ah? You have been rubbing my tummy for a while now," Heechul smiles while looking at Leeteuk who is focused on rubbing stretch mark cream on his bump. "I wonder? But really, I don't want your white sexy belly to have too many visible stretch marks on it... I know you hate it..." Leeteuk says while caressing the protruding tummy gently. The movement is paused however when he feels and sees the baby move as if she wants to give him a high five. Heechul smiles when he looks at Leeteuk's expression, Leeteuk's look of awe never gets old for him, and deep down he really thinks this side of Leeteuk is so cute.

"You know... She never stops moving like this when you are away, seems she gets restless when you're not here and she wants to always be with you... she always wants you near..", "What a violent baby.. how dare she hits her own mom. Ya, baby!" Leeteuk pouts and Heechul quickly pats him, "She is your daughter after all... just the same as you... didn't someone used to say that he will hit anyone who does not understand me? She's hitting you now, papa. So please understand me better~" Heechul says lightly which made them both laugh.

The atmosphere is so light and out of public scrutiny, they look like a normal happy family. Even if they can't get married in Korea, they both readily agree marriage is not a guarantee that both of them will be happy forever. Besides, both of them readily agree the whole process -going to another country to get married, etc is such a hassle that they are more than content to just stay this way.

Unfortunately, this little family is shaken by the news of the sudden passing of Heechul's very close friend which in effect put much more stress on Heechul's already fragile body. Heechul tries to force himself to not be too affected by it but he can't lie to himself and ends up just crying when he is alone and had lost his appetite. And since he can't drink to drown his sorrows, Heechul turns to his work to distract himself. With his busy schedule going on, as usual, Heechul goes all out so that he doesn't have to think too much. Leeteuk, who worryingly watches it all firsthand couldn't do anything besides holding Heechul close and reassuring him while also takes care of him, and even then, his own busy schedules prevent him from being able to be there all the time for Heechul

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