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And I returned to the Slytherin table , where I saw draco glaring at me.

"What you looking at Malfoy?" I spat

"You're still using the last names?"

"It doesn't matter what I call you, just answer the question"

"Oooh, someone's in a bad mood" said Marcelo

" shut it" I said, giving him a dirty look " now back to you draco, why where you glaring at me?"

" oh, it's not like you weren't talking to Mclaggen over there"

"Is it bothering Mr.Malfoy over here?"

"You know what Linda, just eat your breakfast and forget about it."

Awkwardness...Silence... That was how breakfast went until we had to head to charms class and I noticed Pancy was acting strangely around draco nowadays. I shot Blaise a confused look when she said " omg, dracy what kind of new perfume are you using?" And he was just as confused as me. I decided to ignore it .

All my classes went by in a flash and I was so tired that I couldn't wait to get back to the common room. There was a little tradition that my friend group had that we always do on Friday afternoons. We would meet in draco's dorm and play truth or dare. It sounds innocent but trust me it's not. By the time I got to the common room, I had decided to change out of my school uniform and into some casual clothes ( see image above). Because it was a Friday, you guys stayed up until 4 am, talking and laughing but you soon got irritated by Pancy and Draco getting all lovey dovey with each other. You didn't know this new emotion , you've never felt it before but all you knew is that you didn't like it. You decided to quietly slip out of the dorm . You went to sit on the  couches in the common room and decided to read until you fell asleep. You didn't notice that Marcelo had also left the dorm and was standing behind you.

" hey, what's wrong linda? I saw you leave and decided to check on you"

"Oh hey Marcelo, I'm fine I just needed to get um-err some fresh air, you know?" You lied

"Getting fresh air in the common room?" He became suspicious 

"Yeah, have a problem with it?"

"Oh no, sorry I'll leave if you want"

" no it's fine you can stay"

And he did. You guys talked for about an hour and you could see that the sun was already rising .

"Linda, I have an amazing idea!"

"Go on, tell me"

"Let's watch the sunrise together!!!" he shouted excitedly 

"Shushhhh, you'll wake up everyone. But yeah, that is a great idea but let me freshen up a bit and I'll be back, maybe you should go get a shower too, you know to wake you up a bit, we can even go to hogsmeade later too!"

"Cool, meet you in 15 mins"

"See ya"

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