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As hard as it was to try and not hold my breath, I knew deep down I had to hold my reason to. Along with the work, study, attempting to keep any sort of social life, the occasional romantic spark still being let: it was safe to say I felt as if my life was drowning.

 As if trying to keep my head above water when the tide was still only shallow was a real burden not only on myself, but everyone else. I was being mean when I didn't need to be but I didn't know why. Swallowing hard, I clutched furiously at my chest, hoping that by a scratch or simple Graze, my heart would stop racing, and my body just might entirely shut down causing me clarity. The fluorescent numbers of the alarm clock beside my bedside table teased me with a time of 6 am. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I sit up, drag my feet of the bed, and Rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I watch my legs dangling above the green polyester carpet. I stepped into the shower, toes finishing as I touch the chilled ceramic floor. 

My mind was in shreds: I would never get that moment out of my mind. I turn the dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my hair and trickle down my back. My eyes are closed over and over, each time showing me that moment like a video replaying in my mind .I put on my robes and dried my hair, then I left.I walked into the great Hall. Everywhere I look there were stacks of food. One section as a continental breakfast, the other an additional magical breakfast, I didn't know where to start first. 

The moment I slide into my chair im served an enormous platter of food, eggs, ham, piles of fried potatoes . A tureen of fruit sits in ice to keep it chilled.I looked over to the person sitting next to Marcelo. Draco spread the avocado over the toast and sprinkled tomato on top as if it were cake decorations. There was a joy and how he did it, as a form moment he was happily absorbed by a feeling of happiness that I've never seen before and it showed in his subtle smirk and soft gaze . I wondered what had made him smirk like that.  I looked back at Marcelo and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"What wrong?" I whisper to him

"Oh-um, nothing" he said

I eye him suspiciously and then I realize why he did that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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