Chapter 1: Abnormal

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Chapter 1: Abominations

Heavy rain fills the cold and dead silence of night. The thin dry tree branches wave around slowly like waving arms, as a dead silence fills the forest with not a sound to be heard. The bright full moon glows up the flat land.

The fear and adrenaline fill up Tenshi's body as he sprints from the burning house filling his nose and eyes with smoke, making his body feel as if he had fallen into the depths of hell itself. He trips and falls into the slippery and wet mud with his eyes burning from tears and smoke, with his legs feeling as they are tearing themselves apart.

He gets up as he hears deep and threatening voices chasing behind him "Don't let that abnormal escape! Get him." One of the men shouts from the back as dogs bark and men. "Come on, I can't die here!" Tenshi thinks to himself as he starts to panic.

He runs as fast as possible and in the dark a low tree branch lays low and ends up hitting his head on a tree branch and a bunch of big and intimidating men swarm him and big rottweilers with foam coming out of their mouths. They kick him around then point their rifle charged from solar energy right at his head. From the back of Tenshi's head he hears a soft woman shout with a powerful voice "Wake up!"

shoots up from his sleep in his run down apartment with wallpaper ripped off the walls and holes in his floor, The place had been abandoned for years. Perfect place for a delinquent. Its present day October 34, 2477, where all humans with god's gift are illegal.

Exactly in 2400 a explorer had crossed upon a secret underground dungeon filled with traps and at the end was a small statue. When he obtained the statue he had gone unconscious... When he had awakened he had felt completely different... He had obtained God's gift.

There are a total of 5 of these statues that's been confirmed, the Yin Yang god, God of lighting, God of fire, God of water, God of wind and earth. Whoever obtained them got immense power.

The only way to obtain a small bit of this power without the statue was to have at least one parent with God's gift, some of these powers could be combined to make new small powers that are given to the children, but because of this a small population of people have gotten too powerful and they have become illegal and to be captured on sight or killed...

Tenshi sits up in a small pool of sweat in his bed and looks around frantically, but after realizing that he was okay he just sighed "Another day... sadly'' he gets up and goes to the bathroom and messes with his soft spiky black hair, and looks at his dark red eyes in the mirror. He was tall about 6'2 and had a nice looking body. He had a tired expression on his face.

"Mann i need to shave" he grabs a razor and covers his face and a big scar from his forehead down to the bottom of his jaw stood out like a sore thumb. He looks at it and covers his face with shaving cream and shaves.

He looks into the mirror. "Alright! Let's get this day started..." he says sarcastically as he drags his feet and walks out the door with his black techware coat and pants on.

He goes down a suspicious alleyway and looks around and knocks on a door. An eye slider on the door opens and a man with a deep and serious voice asks "Password?". Tenshi sighs "Really you're making me do a password im your top customer." he shakes his head and sighs annoyed. The man says in a serious and threatening tone "Rules are rules even for you" he states looking at him with a scary expression.

Tenshi sighs "Fine fine" he mumbles then in a mocking tone says "Flowers enjoy the sun but owls do not".

The man grumbles and unlocks a bunch of bolts and opens the door and says in a more relaxed tone "Welcome back enjoy your stay blah blah blah"

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