Chapter 2- Is That Baby Cereal?

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"Watch out!" 

A random person yells out accompanied with the sound of thundering feet. I step out of the way just as two shapes zip past me around the corner of the school hallway. I look down the hallway they disappeared into with a startled face. Then I look back at Sara and Demi and we all burst out laughing.

"What the hell was that?!" I breathe out between my fits of laughter.

"I don't know girl but that shit was funny. Why they running like that?" Sara replies while still grinning.

"Come on y'all let's go find everyone else." Demi instructs while trying to control her own laughter.

After we finally settle down, we continue down the hallway to the cafeteria. It's the next day after what Hope said and it has been pretty uneventful in my life since then. Thinking back to it really has me thinking.

"First of all, how rude that I was interrupted like that and second, " Hope lowers her voice. "He definitely likes you."

"What? That doesn't even make sense." I proclaim. I can feel my face getting hot and I'm trying to fight back a smile.

"Yes he does. You guys were definitely flirting just now." She points out.

"No we weren't, we always fight like that." I defend myself.

"Oh so you guys have always been flirting?" She says teasingly.

I roll my eyes at the memory and smile a bit. Hope is definitely wrong about Alex liking me. I don't even think we're actually friends. More like acquaintances. It all started in History last semester when I was playfully debating with my friends on something random. It had gotten so heated that we started pulling in other people to help back up our claims. My friend Caleb had pulled Alex into the discussion and that's when the argument had gotten really ridiculous. It got to the point where I had gotten out of my seat and had jokingly told Alex to fight me. Ever since then we would talk, or rather, bicker from time to time. Oh, and I definitely won that argument; ).

After weaving through the crowd of students waiting in line for lunch in the cafeteria, Sara, Demi and I finally make it to our usual spot. Our group usually sits on the far side of the caf where there are a couple of curved booth seats in a kind of alcove and a wall of windows gives excellent lighting.

We plop down in a booth and talk while waiting for the others to show up.

"YOOO WHAT'S UP Y'ALL" Paris comes up booming.

Jordan stands behind her holding her already heated bowl of food. How in the world does she get here early enough to use the microwave? Melissa and Jaden walk in soon after.

"I need to go in for lunch." Is the first thing Melissa says as she sits down.

"You always do." I tease back.

I turn to Paris just as everyone is grabbing snacks out of her lunch bag. I never do. There's nothing good in there except for grapes, a tuna fish sandwich and her coveted bag of goldfish crackers. If you touch that without her permission, you will most likely end up dead.

"What are you eating?" Jaden asks Jordan.

I look into the off white, creamy looking substance which looks a lot like something my sister used to eat...

"Is that baby cereal?" I wonder out loud.

"Yes and what about it?" Jordan replies, getting defensive.

The whole table stops to look at her and a collective, "what the hell??" and "why??" mixed with laughter can be heard all around.

"There's nothing wrong with eating it.  Yeah it's for babies but it's sweet and taste good." Jordan explains.

"Fair point." I say trying to keep the peace.

Moving on from it, my friends and I break off to talk amongst each other. As I'm talking to Melissa about how annoying our English teacher is I hear Jordan and Jaden fighting again.

"That's why you eat baby food. Big ass baby." Jaden taunts.

"Jaden don't play with me because I will actually break your twig body in half." She says starting to get up.

Jaden jumps up with his hands jokingly in fists.

"So whatcha waiting for?"

Oh boy, here we go again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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