Chapter 1- Definitely likes you

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Another boring school day. As I walk into my own personal hell I notice my friends waiting in the hallway for me.

"Morning." Jaden greets me. He's kind of the only guy in the group although we do have other friends that are guys. He's wearing all black, his signature hoodie and sweatpants as always. He loves to point out embarrassing things about everyone and is rather blunt about it too, making him the funniest one in the group.

"How's your morning?" Sara asks. She's the weird and funny one in the group. Her partner in crime is none other than her best friend, Demi. Those two can always be found running away from unfortunate people they decided to mess with. Especially Demi's boyfriend Chris.

"Ok I guess." I reply my voice a little hoarse. It's too early in the morning to be talking so my voice always sounds really deep first thing.

"Can we get to class? I still need to do the English homework and you need to help me Ariyana." That's Melissa, my innocently not-so-smart friend who always asks me for "help" with the homework. What she really means is she wants me to do most of it for her. She's not that bad though. We consider her the mother of the group not just because she's the oldest but because she has no problem putting us in our place when we get too out of hand. And I don't mean nicely either. 

We all agree and head upstairs to Melissa's and Sara's first class. We all usually arrive way before the first bell so we hang out around the school until class starts.

"So where's Paris and Jordan?" I ask as we rush up the stairs. Those two are as crazy as Sara and Demi, if not crazier. Now that I think about it, my whole friend group is insane, but hilarious.

"Bothering Austin." Sara replies. I shake my head. Austin is Paris's boyfriend. While Austin is a lot more serious in contrast to Paris's joking behavior, both are really energetic. But sometimes Paris takes it too far and Jordan being there definitely won't help so I know whatever they are doing to him right now will most likely end up in a fight.

We enter the empty classroom and each of us settle in a seat around a table. I have to be careful when I put my backpack on the floor since I have my tennis racket stuffed in there. I'm the only one in the group that's on the team but thats fine since I have my own friends on the team. I help Melissa with her homework while I listen in to my other friends' conversations which are usually ridiculous.

"Bruh I know you not trying to say something with those big ass teeth Sandy." Jaden goes off on Sara. 

"Wait a minute you can't talk either with your twig legs. I would fight you but I dont want to snap you in half." Jordan says walking in with Paris right behind her.

"You better shut your mouth before I pull what's left of your hair off your head." Jaden retorts. I continue laughing at all the harmless insults my friends throw at each other. Not once was I ever brought into the roast battle but I kind of prefer it that way because I suck at thinking on the spot and I usually just listen to their conversations.

The bell for first period rings so I make my way alone to Computer Science. Unfortunately I'm the only one in the group who's interested in this career path and half my class was put there as a random elective for them. But I love computer science and engineering. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a computer engineer and I've made it a life goal. 

Entering my class full of half asleep zombies, it seems only the teacher and I seem even remotely excited to be here. I sit in my usual seat at the far back table alone. The seats are actually set up in rows with each person having their own computer but since I am terrible at initiating conversations with people I haven't bothered to get to know, I prefer sitting in the back by myself.

As the teacher starts today's lesson on tables in html, i find myself excitedly writing notes down...


It is now fifth period, right after lunch, where of course my group of friends were their usual loud and rowdy selves. And as always, security had to kick us out of the cafeteria.

I'm actually not alone in this class. I have World History with my friend Hope. She's almost a foot taller than me and  considering I'm already 5'5", you can imagine how tall she is. And not to be cliché, but yes she is a basketball player.

For some reason we actually have assigned seats in this class so I don't sit next to her. Luckily for me, the teacher hardly catches me when I sneak over to Hope to talk to her in the middle of class. Austin is also in the class, but he's too far away to talk to plus I have no idea what we would even talk about since we aren't very close.

"So how's your day been?" Hope asks as I slide into an empty desk behind her 

"Fine. You?" 

"It's been alright. I-" Just then this guy I sometimes talk to, Alex, turns in his seat and interrupts.

"Hey Ariyana, was the math test today hard?" He inquires. I stare at him a bit longer than necessary before I answer him. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it, but he's kind of  cute. Dark curly hair and vibrant green eyes I wouldn't mind staring in forever. With a defined chin and a body not too muscled but definitely not scrawny, he could make any girl melt. 

Alex stares back at me expectantly and what I think is a hint of amusement as he awaits my answer.

"Oh! Yeah it was easy. It was basically the same thing as the study guide so if you understood that then you're good." I say after coming back to reality.

"Ok great thanks. We'll compare answers tommorow right? " He says with a wide smile.

"Of course, how else am I supposed to know how many answers you probably got wrong?" I say teasingly with a smirk. 

"Funny, because I usually end up helping you understand your mistakes." Alex retorts with his own smirk. I giggle.

"Oh really? Guess we'll find out tommorow" I challenge him.

"Guess we will." He says before turning back into his seat.

"First of all, how rude that I was interrupted like that and second, " Hope lowers her voice. "He definitely likes you."

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