Lavender// The Nurse

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You sighed as you repaired a generator, crouched down on your knees. They ached more than ever. It felt as if it were talking forever to repair the stupid thing. You wondered why it was going so slow. Whoever the killer is must have some perk to decrease gen speed.

Then you heard it. That ear deafening screech from across the map. It was the nurse. Why didn't you hear her before? Eh, maybe you just couldn't hear her over the gears on the generator turning as you powered it up.

You heard quiet groans coming from the other side of the wall. It must've been one of your teammates injured from the nurse. Maybe she had thananphobia and that's why the gen took forever to repair.

Meg popped up from around the corner. She was slightly limping, her back was hunched over as she made her way closer to you.

"M-my back..." she trailed off, turning around so her back was no visible. A slash was was visible. Her jersey was ripped, blood surrounded the wound.

You took a closer look and you could now see the gash that looked fairly deep. You grimaced and began to bandage her up. You never did well with gore or even just a bad scratch could send chills down your spine.

Meg cringed as you put pressure on the wound, wrapping the bandage on it. You sighed once you were done. She gave you a quick nod to show her appreciation and the two of you began working on the generator once again. It went slightly faster, but not it's normal pace, which told you that someone was still injured somewhere in the match.

The generator lit up and you and Meg went your separate ways to avoid the nurse heading in your direction.

You crouched through the bushes, your heart suddenly began to beat loudly. She's nearby. You glanced around, trying to figure out where exactly she was, but you didn't see her anywhere.

You began to slowly crouch through the bushes, wanting to get out of the area that she's in. The weeds tickled your arms as they brushed against them.

It felt like the more you moved away from the heartbeat, the closer it sounded. What if you were moving towards her? You could've sworn she was back behind you somewhere. Maybe she's ahead of you somewhere.

Your first mistake, which you made often, believe it or not, was crouching around with your head down. Since you always crouched around with your head down, you could never see what was ahead of you. You always figured your head stuck out from the top of the weeds so you lowered it to avoid being seen.

Before you knew it, you bumped into something. Or rather, someone. You gulped, your heart still pounded in your chest. You slowly looked up and your eyes met the nurse herself.

You quickly got up and began to sprint, but that was after she had already hit your arm. It was just a small slash. Which was odd because you were close enough for her to cut so much deeper.

You didn't get far before she teleported in front of you as you were jumping over a window. She grabbed you and threw you over her shoulder. You wiggled as much as you could, but you had no results and she brought you into a the basement and hung you on one of the hooks.

You resisted the urge to scream in agony and just looked up, letting out a loud sigh. You looked back at the nurse once you saw she wasn't leaving.

She always left you once you were hooked. She never camped the hooks like some of the other killers do. This was new behavior from her.

She hovered directly in front of you. Your eyes met hers. It was almost as if she was examining you. Why?

Before you knew it, she floated up a bit higher so your faces were directly in front of each other. Her right hand reached out to the side of your face and gently caressed it.

As weird as the whole situation was, you couldn't help but lean closer to her hand. Her thumb smoothly moved across your cheek.

She slowly took her other hand and lifted up her mask so it was just above her lips. Without any words, she moved even closer and slowly pressed her lips against yours.

Her lips were, to your surprise, soft. For once, you didn't smell blood when you were around her. You smelt lavender. In that moment, that became your favorite scent.

Once the two of you broke apart, you resisted the urge to smile and watched as she pulled her mask back into its original spot. Without any words, she turned and floated away, leaving you confused and wanting more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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