Chapter 4: Dinner with the Fæ

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Feamir was not able to move while being captivated by the stranger's eyes. Everyone else was silent as well, possibly waiting for something to happen.
In the end it was the white-haired newcomer who spoke first and thus ended the trance like silence: "Caprinvur, I notice, we have a visitor?" His tone was neither showing approval or disapproval. Instead, it was like he was only stating a fact, while not being subtle with the underlying question.

"Oh, ehm yes, your Grace. Aru and Iri found this mortal wandering near the court and decided to invite her. However, I take full responsibility for keeping her here.", the horned person seemed very nervous and eager to explain, like he thought he did something wrong. "Mortal! May I introduce to you: Lord Archfæ Tirghernán, the Duke of the Silver Throne, Ruler of the Silver Forest and our monarch."

This introduction made Feamir one thing clear: Caprinvur wanted that she bowed like the others. Luckily, she was not scared by etiquette. Her father drilled aristocratic behavior into her to increase her "worth" when marring after all. The introduction by Caprin had muddled some titles together, but if this Tirghernán wanted to be called a "duke", Feamir could address him as such.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your Grace. It is my good fortune to have stumbled into here and thus be able to enjoy your wonderful feast.", she did spout these pleasantries, politely smiling and adding a courteous bow. Courtesy was annoying in her opinion, she did not like to say this sentences that have no real emotions, feelings nor any other actual meaning than sounding pleasant. But royals cared about these gestures.

And it seemed to fulfil its purpose, because Tirghernán suddenly sounded much more pleased when saying: "Well... if you enjoy the feast so much, why not being my guest of honor for tonight?"
When Feamir looked up again the scenery from before had changed. Where the clearance before was kept mostly empty to be used as a dance floor with only some small tables placed on the edges to hold some refreshments and finger food, now stood a big main table in the middle with smaller ones placed with considerable distance. Together with the chairs that as well appeared out of thin air, the scenery now looked like one for a banquet.

Duke Tirghernán gestured her to sit right beside him, while he himself choose the most luxurious chair at the head of the table. Still wearing a polite smile Feamir took the seat offered to her while Caprinvur chose the seat on the other side. But inside she was starting to feel scared somehow. She noticed the loyalty all of the people here seemed to hold for that "duke" and how everything on him excluded power. If she by accident displeased the duke... she did not know these people and they definitely did not look like normal humans and probably even thought differently. So Feamir did not feal comfortable trying to predict any behavior. Her only option was being careful and very courteous until she could get away.

Someone already set the table. Or did the table materialize with it? It was mostly the same things as before but looking a bit more noble. Instead of offering some food, now there was an elaborate dish, some kind of filet with vegetables, and the simple cups turned into silver chalices.
Tirghernán took his whine and swirled it around in his own chalice which was the only golden on all the tables.

"So, guest of honor, I did not get your name before.", he spoke smiling directly at Feamir. His smile was defeating and made him look incredibly attractive, so much in fact that Feamir's mind went blank for a moment.
"Ehm... My name is Feamir.", she nearly stumbled over these simple words. However, Tirghernán still only smiled at her. The silence was probably a bit too long to still be comfortable under normal circumstances, but it did not feel bad for Feamir. She thought that she could only stare at him for ages. At some point she understood that the duke wanted to hear her complete name though. "Feamir Arleen Vaughar... But I prefer to becalled only Feamir...", did she add suddenly feeling shy and blushing. But who would not blush, if a good-looking person shows one so much attention?

"Then, dear Feamir, please enjoy the food and the whine. If something is not too your taste, please tell me. Mortals are different from us at times.", his smile deepened, and he sounded honestly apologetic. Feamir was stunned. She only knew phrases like that as little polite lies, however Tirghernán just sounded honest. In her thoughts she did not notice the little cold glimmering his duke's eyes while he carefully observed her reaction or how obviously Caprinvur was feeling uneasy as time when by even though he tried to disguise it.

Feamir thanked Tirghernán only with a shy nod and started picking up her silver table ware. Slowly she was able to relax. The duke seemed to not have the intention to do anything bad to her, instead he seemed... rather... nice... This unexpected feast really had the possibility to be rather pleasant. Alone being in the presence of this unearthly good-looking duke could make this trip worth it. Why was she so careful before anyway? Everyone, starting with Aru and Iri told her to enjoy the night. Why was she so determined to be overly cautious before?

When the filet touched her tongue, it melted in her mouth. Even with her father hiring one of the best chefs of the country and buying the best ingredients would never be able to achieve this taste. It was perfect. It was not only technically perfect however, but it also still retained some sort of "whimsicality", so it felt like the dish, or the chef cooking it, had a "soul". Regardless of it actually being "only" meat, it showed off the incredible skills of the chef.

Feamir heard a low chuckle before she realized how engrossed she must have looked. Now the duke must have thought that she was really desperate for a simple piece of meat!
Before anything could become awkward, the Duke of the Silver Throne commented in a playful tone: "I am happy that you seem to like the food." His smile was again distinguishing any discomfort for the young woman before it could really take root in her mind. "You should also try the whine. It goes very well with the filet."

From what Feamir noticed, the whine was likely the same as the one Caprinvur recommended a few moments ago. However, her guard was down now after the handsome duke asked. Without hesitating a second time, she took a mouthful. The taste was incredible as well, she completely understood why the goat man was praising it as much before. With her little knowledge about whine, she was not able to taste what it was made of, but that was not important anymore. It somehow tasted like a sweet grape whine, but at the same time it could have been a fruit, honey or even flower whine. Sweet and matching her tastes perfectly.

"So... Feamir. Why do you not like the rest of your name? Any particular reason?", the duke had put his golden chalice back on the table and now rested his head on his hands, still gorgeously smiling.

That was a rather personal question. But there was no reason she needed to be careful with the duke. Right? She was sure she could tell him everything... Feamir took a second sip from the whine and already started to feel the alcohol getting into her head. Maybe it also already clouded her judgement, but she already trusted Tirghernán before as well... Right? Of course, that had been like that... How could someone not trust him? He was so nice to her after all.

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