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Minho wakes up hearing his phone ringing he groaned and picks up.

"Wake up love birds I have some good news for you"

Minho rolled his eyes hearing Hyunjins teasing voice.


"We can go home now!"

        Minho jumps up and shakes Han.

"Wake up baby!"

"Aww baby Lee Know hyung has become a total softie"

"Shut up you fool"

Han opens his eyes slowly. Minho had put his phone on a speaker.
"We can go home Han!" Minho smiled.

"Hah anyway you have to checkout in 15 minutes so hurry up love birds"

"Honestly Hyunjin why did we even tell you about us"

"Because we are best friends obviously see you soon byeee"

"Sure we are bye"

Minho started quickly packing their stuff. Han wasn't going to help. The poor boy was still in his own dream world.

"Jisungie put some clothes on we're in a hurry" Minho says.
"Mm yea yea" Jisung yawned.
He felt uncomfortable sitting.
"My ass hurts" he whined.
"Well that's sad unfortunately I cannot help you" Minho was busy searching their clothes that were all over the place.
"It's your fault" Han complained.
"You wanted it. Now get up and get dressed" Minho throws some clothes to him. Han barely gets them on. Once they had packed everything well Minho did they went to the front desk.

"Finally" Seungmin says.
"Hyunjin literally called us fifteen minutes ago telling the news" Minho says annoyed.
"So what happened it's barely been a week since the fire how we can go there already" Han asks.
"Well the damages weren't so bad afterall they needed to fix the kitchen only" Chan explains.
Han was beyond happy that ment that all of the stuff that he held precious were unharmed.
"Okay lets go" he happily says.

Once they arrived at the dorm everyone went to check the kitchen it looked way better than before.
"Whoa this is amazing" Jeongin says.
"Yeah you better just admire the view and not try to cook anything" Minho teases.
"Hyung! I can cook" Jeongin pouts.
"Just leave that to Chan or we have another burned kitchen" Seungmin joins the teasing.

Minho goes to his room to unpack his belongings. He missed his own bed but now he didn't have Jisung by his side everynight. Sure he could ask him to sleep with him in there every night but he wasn't excatly sure if he wanted that either. Privacy in this household was nonexistent and the sex was definitely out of question.

Han put his bag aside he had zero interest to unpack. He sits down on his computer chair. 'Ow god my ass. Damn it Minho. All tho I may have asked for it'.

"Han may I come in" Jisung hears Seungmins voice.
"Sure" Han replies.
Seungmin walks in and he had company. Hyunjin and Felix were right behind him.

"Can we talk" Seungmin says.
"Well do I have a choice?" Han knew his fellow 00' liners were curious about him and Lee Know hyung which was understandable.
"Well not really" Seungmin sits down on Hans bed.

"Okay what is it?"
"It's about you and Lee Know hyung" Felix starts.
"Yep of course it is... What abou that?" Han lazily asks.
"Well how did this happen?" Seungmin wonders.
"It was about a month ago when he told me he had feelings for me and well I guess I have that kind of feelings too... I don't know I don't wanna talk about these things it's awkward" Han felt his face turning red. "We have been having some fun that's all" As soon as those words left Hans mouth he mentally judged himself. 'That sounded dirty.'

The others looked at each other Cringing.
"That's nasty." Hyunjin laughs.
"I didn't mean anything like that just hugs and kisses. He makes me feel good" Han spaces out for a moment thinking about Minho.
"Please we don't need to know that" Seungmin shakes his head.
"You wanted to know! We are not together. We don't know do we want to be. This is not gonna affect our work we won't be making same mistakes again okay." Han felt frustrated. He didn't know either how they end up like this it just happened.

"Ahem." Loud voice come from the doorway.
Lee Know was leaning against the wall smiling brightly.
"I see you have very interesting conversation going on please don't let me bother you." He says.

"I mean we deserve to know" Seungmin says.
"Well Han just said everything basically" Minho continues.
"It's still mind blowing tho. But I hope you are happy guys!" Felix says.
"Thanks Felix. Now if you don't mind I would like to talk to Han privately" Minho leans to give a kiss on Hans cheek.
"Ew okay we are leaving" Hyunjin makes vomiting gestures.

Once they left Minho picks up Han and lighty puts him on the bed.
"Baby listen. I've been thinking... We have known each others for years now."
"We have. Where are you going with this hyung?" Jisung says.
"Well I was thinking should we make this official?"

'Please say yes'

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