The Lake Meets Boy

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After Friday, my dad and I spent all the time we could to figure out where this "attack" might happen. By now, the entire town knows about the death of Makela Knight. They even know that the victim was found in the woods. Although, half the town heard the blown-up rumors of our small town. I haven't seen Dieter since Friday. I also haven't stopped thinking about whether or not he is indeed some sort of criminal, or if he knows anything about the Merrel Street Murderer. After all this talk about the murders and what might happen on Thursday, I decide it's too much and head over to the Lake.

It's a Tuesday night, so my dad is still at work. I take my bike and ride over to the woods where the Lake is. Once I get there I get off my bike and walk through the oak trees and green grass. Finally, I reach the tree where I carved a sign that has an arrow and says "To the Lake". I carved it in case I ever got lost. The grass begins to turn into dirt and the trees begin to decrease in number. And I find the moonlit waters I loved so much as a child. I go to sit on my moss-covered log like I always would. I stop. In the back of the log, there is a deep cut where I used to hold my law books. It's full of new books that I didn't place there, and there is a thermos beside it. I go over and touch the thermos. It's still warm. I immediately scan my surroundings for anyone. Nothing. I look at the water, no one is swimming. Nor would I on this frigid night. Then, suddenly I hear a branch crack behind me. I whip around. There is no one there.

"I knew I'd see you again." A voice behind me says.

I whip around to behind me now facing the lake. And by I instinct grab the person's arm and twist it to behind its back and pin him to the ground.

"Ow! What in the world was that for?"

I don't respond, instead, I try to figure out who it is I have pinned to the ground. The stranger is Male, weighs about 170 pounds, and 6ft. I still can't figure out who it is so I decide to take a risk and take a look at his face. I take my time and move him over just a little so I can see his face but still have him pinned down. He has a strong jawline and a small nose, then he opens his eye and I immediately recognize him.

"Dieter!" I exclaim.

"Yep! It's me," he replies.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I get off of him and he stands up and brushes himself off.

"I'm sorry! It was dumb of me to scare you like that."

"It's fine. I am just a little on edge because of the whole Merrel Street Murder thing," I reply.

"I understand. When I heard about what he did to that little girl, I couldn't help but be worried that something might happen to someone like my sister, ... or to you," he says looking up at me.

I can feel myself blushing horribly.

"But I was obviously wrong to worry about you because I think you could take anything that jerk would try to throw at you." He takes a step closer to me.

"Did I say sorry already?" I ask as he takes another step.

"Yeah, I think you said something like that." At this point, I can feel his breath on my face. He takes my hand in his. My face is as red as a tomato.

"Good, because... I really... am," I stop talking as he takes me in his arms and raises my head closer to his. He brings my lips to his, and I immediately tear myself away.

"Now I'm the one whos sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me." He says standing there, while I have my back to him looking at the Lake trying to think.

"Leo would say something like 'Love' is what came over the both of us," I say still looking at the waters. 

"Well, I might agree with him then," He says taking my hand and turning me to him.

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