I just wanted to mention this

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I was watching a show(I forgot which one) and it said, and I quote;

"Getting a girlfriend is easy"

If getting a girlfriend was easy I'd have one.

Idk just wanted to share it

But this is pretty short so I'm gonna tell a story.

I once went camping with my mom, brother, and my mom's friend, who brought her two daughters and son, along with her boyfriend.

Well us kids went to this little playground a little ways down from where the tents were.

We were playing when we started hearing screaming.

It sounded really close so we looked around but didn't see anything.

We decided to just ignore it when the oldest of the daughters (we'll call her Kat) seen the silhouette of something tall in the distance. Well obviously we didn't believe her so I got up from the swings and looked.

Sure enough there was a silhouette of something tall in the distance.

We ran back to the tents and told the adults.

Obviously concerned they all came with us to the park and looked around, but found nothing.

Me and Kat also stayed up all night because we couldn't sleep, which I find ironic because both me and her are the oldest daughters.

That's all!

Have a good day, night, or afternoon!!

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