24. Ready?

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The plan was to stay together at all cost.
There would always be some sort of trouble coming their way but this time they would face it.
"So Roxy, are you going to move to Seoul? Seok Woo has his career here as an actor and well, worldwide music tours."
"We haven't talked about that yet. Also she has a daughter, we have to figure out who she will stay with."
"Oh, I see." His sister said with a pale face.
"I know it comes with a shock. It was a shock for me, too. And I feel like a burden to Seok-"
"Don't be silly." His sister interrupted her.
"I just didn't know. Nothing to be ashamed of. And the burden of not being with you weighs heavier on my brother. I know that for sure."

Rowoon took Roxys hand and squeezed it tightly.
"You are no burden. We might not be the picture perfect couple to people on the outside, but that doesn't matter."
"Thank you, love. But what about your parents? Will they be fine with us? What about your company and what about your career? It won't affect mine as much as yours I fear."
"That's true. But it won't ruin it. I have a good standing in the business now and I am also getting old. Other idols have succeeded in those matters, too. I will contact them and their PR. Don't worry about my career. And you yourself are quite the celebrity nowadays, so it will be more understandable to fans. As far as my parents concerns, they will love you like I love you and I can't wait for you to meet them."

"What about Hye Yoon? You owe her..."
"Yes, I will meet her today to tell her everything. I think I should go to her place, so she doesn't have to drive home on her own after... the news."
"Okay. I see. That sounds like you did put some thought in it. For how long are you going to be here Roxy?"
"Oh, only for a week unfortunately. I never imagined he... well... you know." She said shyly. Rowoons sister felt bad for Roxy, knowing what trouble her brother had caused and patted her on the back.
"It's alright. But what do you guys want to do during this week. Keep it secret still or meet out in public?"
"That is up to you Seok Woo. As I said you will be affected more. If you want to set things straight first..."
"I will do that within 24 hours. Tomorrow we will show everyone."
Her heart fluttered from excitement and fear at the same time. She squeezed his hand tightly and gave him a reassuring look.

Rowoon spent the whole day on the phone talking to different managers, idols, PR agencies, his music label and his personal manager. The steam was literally coming from his brain and Roxy stood beside him the whole time, rubbing his back, massaging his head, bringing him coffee and snacks, eventually cooking dinner at home.
They ate together while discussing all the possibilities and options they had. At 7pm it was time for Rowoon to leave to meet Hye Yoon.
Roxy helped him get into his coat and he kissed her goodbye.
"I will be waiting for you." She said while she watched him leave.

Three hours later Roxy was still sitting on his couch with a stomach that planned on killing her. Waiting for her phone to buzz or the door to open.
She walked up and down the hallway until the door clicked.
She hustled over to see Rowoon enter, looking tired but overall content.

"So? How did it go?"
"Give me a hug first." He said after taking off his shoes. She helped him out of his coat and he suddenly picked her up.
"Oh!" She exclaimed and hugged him tightly as he carried her to the couch. She saddled him for a while longer when he breathed heavily and loosened his grip on her. He took her face in his hands to kiss her. He smiled and helped her sit next to him.

"It's all settled. She was... furious at first but she had the intuition since yesterday. She wanted to come over to meet you but I thought that would be overkill."
"Oh, did she? Why... oh well, I guess I understand."
He put his head in her lap and continued talking while she stroke his hair.
"She will be hurt and it is my fault and I feel horrible but it had to be done. She understands my feelings aren't true towards her and it is better to accept that than live without love."
"I feel terrible. Why do our hearts have to beat for each other and not for the people who love us? In order to be happy two precious human beings have to be sad."

"It's up to them to be happy or sad. We can not be the reason for their happiness. They both deserve to be loved. We both lived happy lives without each other. And I would have continued. But now that I have you and I know you want me too, it would be shameful to deny each of us the love we deserve."
"You are right. I love you. So much."
"I love you, too, Roxy. And tomorrow, let's go out and get your clothes, hm? I think you need to return your gown, too? And let's cancel your hotel room and move in here, deal?"
And it was sealed by a kiss.

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