Character Bio: Katsuki Drăculești

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Name: Katsuki Drăculești

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Name: Katsuki Drăculești

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Ash blonde

Eye color: Red

Meta Ability: Necromancy

Family: Malefor Drăculești (Father)

Mitsuki Drăculești ( Mother)

Esdeath Drăculești (Older Sister)

Akame Drăculești (Older Twin Sister)

Kurome Drăculești (Younger Sister)


Physical Abilities:

Immense Strength: Due to being raised and trained by Esdeath, Katsuki possesses incredible physical strength.
With his strength, Katsuki can easily bend and break through reinforced steel, lift extremely heavy objects with little to no effort, uproot trees and buildings/structures as well as decimate them with his might. His strength is enough that even when weakened he can at least lift 150 tons.

Speed and agility: Katsuki possesses tremendous speed agility and reflexes, being able to dodge and counter-attack with deadly results, and is also skilled in hand to hand combat.

Durability: Katsuki possesses an incredible amount of durability.

Stamina: Katsuki possesses immense stamina.


His favorite animals are wolves, snakes, and weasels.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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