Chapter 4

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WARNING! Language, sexiness.

I do not own eene and reversed belongs to Asphy.

Out of the Closet

Chapter 4

Eddward stood on the branch high above them. His ice blue eyes flashed red for a second and the other four creatures began to back away slowly and cautiously. The leader was still holding Kevin, tense, unmoving as he stared above him at Eddward. They exchanged hard glares, an obvious hatred between them.

"Hello there, Eddward. I wasn't expecting you until later." The blond said in a low growl. Eddward glared harder and he jumped down from the tree with the grace of a feline, landing perfectly and silently as he did.

"Well I wasn't expecting you to be hunting what is mine." Eddward snapped back. Kevin was trembling in the leaders arms, begging with his eyes to be saved. Eddward let out a soft sigh.

"Brandon, just let the kid go. Trust me, he isn't worth your time." Eddward said gruffly. Brandon, still holding Kevin tightly, almost laughed.
"Oh but Edd, can't you smell him? His scent is driving me mad. Come on, how about I share?" Brandon proposed cruelly and pulled Kevin's hair back harder, making him gasp and whimper in pain. A loud growl ripped through Eddward's throat.

"I will give you three undeserved seconds to let him go or I will personally rip your fucking head off and feed it to your minions." Eddward said coldly. His eyes were a crimson red now, glowing with the rage he was trying so hard to restrain. If it were any other person in Brandon's grasp, Eddward would have turned away like it was nothing. But when Kevin was involved Eddward couldn't let Brandon touch HIS plaything.

"You obviously don't know who you are talking to, asshole." Brandon shot back at him. "I found him first so fuck off." Now that pissed Eddward off.

"Oh? Then maybe you can explain to me why my scent is all over him." Eddward remarked and stepped closer, making Brandon tense up more.

"Don't come any closer or I will snap his neck." Brandon threatened, backing away from him.

Now why waste such good blood like that? Come on. Just let him go. Maybe I will consider giving you a small taste of him later but I have already marked this human as mine." Eddward said, taking another cautious step forward. The four others growled behind him but he didn't flinch. This was going to be dangerous if it progressed like this.

"No you haven't! I already checked his neck..." Eddward interrupted him.

"I did mark him. But not on his neck. Check his wrists." Eddward said and Brandon let go of Kevin's hair and grabbed his arm roughly. He pulled the sleeve of his sweater up. His red eyes scanned his wrists for something. His pale wrists were still a bit red from the handcuffs. On the underside of his right wirst was a faint 'E' that looked like it had been carved into his flesh many years ago. Brandon growled in anger and frustration.

"Fine. You win this time, Vincent. Next time you won't be so lucky." His eyes flashed dangerously.

"That better be a promise, Gipson. I'll have to make time in my schedual to kick your ass." Eddward smirked and grabbed Kevin, pulling him to his chest and wrapping his arms around him protectively. The blond growled and was about to attack him when one of his followers, a small girl with curly brown hair and wide eyes came up to him.

"That's enough, Brandon. Let them go." She said, her eyes turning back to her normal hazel brown color. Brandon gritted his teeth, his fangs flashing in the dim moonlight.

"Fine..." Brandon said and turned away in a huff. "Come on, Allexis." He took her arm in a gentle fashion and walked away with the others. The girl, Allexis, looked back and gave Eddward and Kevin an apologetic look before turning back and walked away with the others.

Kevin was shaking hard against Eddward. He couldn't believe that he had come so close to death just then. He was close to tears as he clung to Eddward's jacket for comfort. He was in shock at this point. Eddward had saved him from those horrible creatures and he had defended him.

After Eddward was sure they were gone he let go of Kevin, who was still shaking and scared out of his mind. Eddward looked down at him, his eyes still blood red that glowed when the light of the moon hit them. Kevin gasped as the realization hit him. Eddward was just as dangerous as the creatures who had attacked him. Kevin stepped back from him.

"Y-you're going to hurt me now, aren't you?" Kevin said in a shaky voice. His pure green eyes were wide and frightened, trying to focus on Eddward in the dark.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Pumpkin. Though I do believe I must receive payment for the favor I just did for you." Edd moved closer but this time Kevin didn't hesitate. With his eyes wide, he turned around and ran, half stumbling through the woods as fast as he could. Eddward let out a soft, excited breath into the chilly air.

"Oh Pumpkin. You shouldn't have started running..." Eddward let his instincts take over.

GUYS I'M BACK~~! Who missed me? Well this is kind of a short chapter but I needed to update. I felt like you guys were silently hating me. So I'm sorry for the long wait! I hope you like this chapter! Reviews fuel my creativity and motivation! Thank you for all of the reviews! you guys are the best!


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