The boy who swallowed the sun (Hinata x Seme!Male Reader)

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I have a soft spot for Hinata. Just cuz it says Seme doesn't mean smut. Yuh nasties. /j
I hope you guys like it!
Also I'm sorry in advance for so many fucking Pov changes.

A soft sigh left (Y/n)’s mouth as he listened to a certain song. The honey dripped voice rang through his ears as he ignored what was going on outside. He had feelings for someone. A boy who was way too hyper for his size. And he’d found a song that expressed exactly what he thought. Suneater by Leanna Firestone. Her voice sang through his ears as he pictures a certain orange haired ball of light. His cheeks dusted pink as he walked a bit aways behind the team.

You see, practice had just ended, and per usual, Daichi was treating them to some meat buns.

He watched Noya jump on Hinata’s back as the two stumbled over. A soft laugh left his mouth. That sound alerted a certain silver haired male to the other.
“(Y/N)! Why are you walking by yourself! Get up here.” Sugawara called to the other.
(Y/n) slightly jumped at the sudden noise over his music. He pulled an earbud out and turned his music down. He had to tune into the world now. He walked a little quicker to catch up. Taaka wrapped his arm around the others neck as he grinned.
“Everything alright, (Y/n)? You’ve been lost in thought a lot recently.”
‘No. Everythings not alright! I fell in love with someone way out of my league!’
(Y/n) really wanted to tell someone, anyone, how he felt, but every time he tried, something would come up and he’d give up.
“Just a bit stressed. I’m okay though. I promise” He replied.
Tanaka quirked an eyebrow but just left it be.
“Alright!,” Daichi called, walking out of Ukai’s store, “Dig in.”
The captain tossed a couple of bags. There were two buns for everyone. The team shouted a thank you before grabbing their portion. (Y/n) was about to grab his when Hinata held two meat buns in front of him.
“Here! You always choose the last two buns, so I grabbed some for you! I thought you might actually want fresher ones” the ginger babbled, making (Y/n) smile.
“Thanks” He said, grabbing them before watching the ball of sunshine skip off to grab two more for himself.
“Ew” was all he heard from a bit farther beside him.
(Y/n) jumped a bit before realizing it was just Tsukishima being his salty self.
“What are you saying ew for?” the (h/c) male asked.
“Isn’t it blatantly obvious? You and the shorty over there. You two are so obviously crushing on each other and both of you are too dense to see it” Tsukishima scoffed a bit.
(Y/n) was about to retaliate when Yamaguchi spoke up.
“He’s actually right, (Y/n). Hinata never grabs meat buns for someone else. He usually has to hold himself back from eating them all.”
(Y/n) stopped. He was right. It was out of character for Hinata to grab someone else meat buns. He sighed in defeat and put his earbud back in. It took a sec, but he realized he hadn’t been able to hear all of Suneater. He shoved a meat bun in his mouth to keep it from falling out of his hand and pulled his phone out.

~Hinata’s POV~

Hinata grinned softly as he skipped back to get another set of meat buns. Once he had the second set, Noya rushed up and almost tackled him down a second time.
“Dude! Are you okay? Are you sick?” The shorted male panicked and grabbed the other’s face.
Hinata gave him a confused look and responded.
“No? I’m not sick. Why are you asking?” the ginger replied, pulling his face out of his senpai’s hands.
Noya frowned and rolled his eyes.
“You never hand off meat buns. You’ve always had to hold yourself back. Is there something wro-” Noya stopped as soon as it came to realization, “You have a crush on (Y/n), don’t you.”
Hinata’s face lit up. He didn’t say anything, which further confirmed Noya’s suspicion.
“No way! That’s so cool!”
“Cool? I… I thought you would be disgusted”
“Disgusted? About what? You liking another guy? No fucking way. You do you, my friend. I’m just here to help.” Noya said with a huge grin on his face.
Hinata grinned back and beamed with happiness. He looked back at his crush and smiled lovingly. He had a plan to tell (Y/n) how he felt, but he needed to get some evidence that the male liked him back. But that didn’t really get to happen.

~(Y/n)’s POV~

(Y/n) let out a soft breath as he walked towards the school. The words that were said to him by the blonde bounced around his head, irritating him. He gave an angry grunt and grabbed his head.
“Damn it! Why can’t I just man up and tell him! All I have to do is walk up to him and just say ‘Hey Hinata? Do you possibly want to go on a date with me?’. That's it! Why is it so hard!?”
The only problem with talking outloud was he didn’t realize that there was a certain libero eavesdropping.
A sigh left his mouth as he finished the trek to school.

~Noya’s POV~

Noya’s mouth hung open as he listened in on (Y/n)’s conversation with himself. The shorter male took a shortcut to school, running the whole way there. He saw Hinata and quickly called his kouhai’s name. The ginger male turned towards him and smiled.
“There’s no time for greetings, come here.”
Noya yanked Hinata to the side, making the other yelp.
“What's going on?” the ginger asked, a bit concerned.
Noya was almost bursting with excitement as he spoke.
“So. I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but I was walking to school today and may or may not have overheard (Y/n) talking to himself,” Hinata looked interested, so Noya kept talking, “I think, I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I overheard (Y/n) saying he wanted to ask you on a date!”
Hinata blushed, looking away. He tried sputtering out a ‘there’s no way’ but was cut off by Coach Ukai telling everyone to get their asses in the gym.

~Hinata POV~

Hinata couldn’t help but sneak glances at (Y/n) throughout all of practice. Though (Y/n) looked preoccupied by things going on in his head. He watched the other scrunch his face up multiple times through practice. He giggled softly when the coach grumped at the taller to get it together. After practice, Hinata grabbed (Y/n) by the arm, leading him away from the rest of the team.
Hinata sighed a bit and looked at the ground.
“(Y/n)-” He was cut off by the taller male.
“Hinata listen. I haven’t been completely honest with you. I have this big ass crush on you and I can’t lie to you. You’re like a ball of sunshine. You always are so kind and sweet. You have this goofy aura around you that only gets bigger anytime you’re around Noya, Tanaka, Kuroo, Kenma or Bokuto. It's so cute and- ugh. I’m babbling again aren’t I. Sorry.”
Hinata couldn’t help but blush a dark red. He grinned so goofily, making (Y/n) laugh a bit.
“(Y/n)! You should’ve said something earlier! Do you know how much I’ve been looking for signs that you like me?!” Hinata looked so excited.
(Y/n) grinned down at the ginger and laughed.
“Then. You wouldn’t mind going to the movies with me on Saturday?”
Hinata nodded with the huge goofy smile still plastered on his face. (Y/n) said a small ‘great’ before pecking Hinata’s cheek.
“Come on. Lets go get changed for school”
Not really Seme, but you get the point. :))))
Kinda like this one. It's loosely based off of the song Suneater by Leanna Firestone. SHES AMAZING! YOU GUYS SHOULD CHECK HER OUT!!
Anyways. See you guys in the next chapter

Up next: Kyotani x Male reader

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