Over here, My love.. (Bokutō x Insecure!Male reader x Kuroo)

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Part two of "My Love..". Requested by magicallygayer
Art is by: @/Franeridart
Cw for smut: Threesome, double penetration, Voyerism, rough sex
A small groan left (Y/n) mouth as he rubbed his eyes. He smiled softly when he remembered the nice things his husbands had done for him. He snuggled into a pillow before realizing that neither of the others were in bed with him. As soon as the words crossed his mind, he heard a soft whimper from the fort they'd made earlier.
"Kō? Surō?" He asked out.
"We're in here, love." He heard Kuroo say from the fort.
He got up from the bed and crawled his way to the fort. Another soft sound emmited from the closed curtains. He softly yawned before pulling back the curtains.
A small gasp left (Y/n)'s lips as he looked at the sight in front of him.
Bokutō had his arm wrapped around Kuroo's neck with Kuroo's dick buried inside his ass.
"W-Woah.. Guys" the (h/c) male whined, looking away a bit.
"What's wrong, kitten? Don't you like the sight? Come here and help poor Kōtarō out" Kuroo purred.
(Y/n) quickly nodded and stripped himself of his shirt. Kuroo turned Bokutō around and smiled.
"Little owl. Our kitten is gonna help finish you off, okay?" Kuroo said with a smirk.
Bokutō nodded before looking at (Y/n). He whined at the loss when he felt Kuroo pull out of him.
"You two are going to do exactly what I say, when I say it, got that?"
Both Bokutō and (Y/n) nodded. They knew exactly what type of night this would be. Kuroo smirked and nodded.
"Make out for me. I want to see you two whining for more" the ravenette said, moving too the side.
Bokutō pulled (Y/n) into his lap before smashing his lips against the other. (Y/n) let out a soft moan before returning the kiss. Bokutō started to softly grind his hips upwards, pulling more moans from the (h/c) male.
This went on for a bit with Kuroo watching in the background.
"Kō please. I need more" (Y/n) softly moaned.
The owl-like male looked at Kuroo to see if it was okay. When he received a nod, he flipped the (h/c) male over. Bokutō poured a generous amount of lube on his fingers before putting two inside of (Y/n).
"Fuck! Kō!" The latter moaned out and gripped at nothing in particular.
"Is this okay, little prince?" Bokutō asked, not moving anything until (Y/n) answered.
(Y/n) nodded.
"I'm okay. Just please. I need more"
Bokutō smirked before moving his fingers quickly within his husband.
"Do you like that, (Y/n)? Hmm? Do you want more pounding into you?"
(Y/n) nodded, moving his hips backwards to match Bokutō's fingers. Said male added another finger, stretching out the (h/c) males hole.
"Fuck~ Please. Put it in. I need you in me." (Y/n) whined.
"Go ahead, little owl. Let him feel good."
Bokutō nodded and took his fingers out of (Y/n) ass and whipped the remaining lube onto the cock.
"You ready, prince?"
(Y/n) nodded and with that Bokutō couldn't help but bottom out into the other.
"Fuck! Ah!" (Y/n) almost screamed out.
"Shit. Prince. Relax. You're so tight"
Bokutō let out a moan. He gave the other a couple of minutes to adjust. However, when (Y/n) started to roll his hips, he couldn't help but grab them and pound into his ass.
"How about we give our master a show, little prince. Would you like that?" Bokutō commented, leaning over the others frame.
The (h/c) male nodded. He didn't care at this point. His brain had turned to mush with how much pleasure he was receiving. Bokutō smirked and shifted enough to where (Y/n) was facing Kuroo. He grabbed the others hair and pulled him upwards.
"Does our kitten like this? I bet he loves feeling Kō stuffing him, hmm?"
The words passed through the males ears causing him to nod. Kōtarō wrapped his arms around the others chest and softly bit his neck.
"Kō. Make room. I want to have a little fun too!~" Kuroo purred out, making his way closer to the other two.
(Y/n) looked at the ravenette and whimpered softly.
"Shhh~ Don't worry, Kitten. It will only hurt for a bit. You know this"
The (h/c) male nodded and closed his eyes. Moans kept leaving his mouth as the owl-like male kept pushing into him. He couldn't help but arch his back when he felt two of Kuroo's fingers at his entrance.
"Little owl. Slow down, please"
Bokutō obeyed. He slowed to a stop so that Kuroo could prep their husband. (Y/n) let out another moan as Kuroo's fingers pushed into him.
"Good boy. I'm going to prep you, okay?"
The (smaller/taller) nodded. He let soft sound flow out of his mouth as Kuroo moved his fingers. The ravenette added a third and a fourth finger, causing a loud moan from (Y/n) and a grunt from Bokutō.
"Please.." (Y/n) softly pleaded, "Please give me more.."
Kuroo carressed the side of the (h/c) males face and nodded.
"Since you asked so nicely"
The former Nekoma captian slipped a condom on. He poured a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and jerked himself off a bit.
A soft whimper came from (Y/n), since he was getting impatient. Kuroo smirked and lined himself up.
"This is going to hurt. So relax for me"
(Y/n) nodded, but gasped when he felt the tip enter him. He tried his best to relax, but there were a few times that it hurt a lot. When he knew Kuroo was fully inside, he looked up. He saw worry in the ravenette's eyes.
"Don't worry. I just need time to adjust" he squeaked out.
His two husbands nodded and waited. After a few minutes, (Y/n) nodded, giving to okay for the others to start moving. Kuroo smiled and grabbed onto the others hips. He thrusted in slowly at first but sped up after a bit.
"Fuck. Kitten. Baby Owl. You feel so good."
A soft kiss was placed on (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Holy fuck. Please speed up!" The (h/c)-ette moaned out.
Both Bokutō and Kuroo couldn't help but obey. Their thrusts were out of sync as they began to go faster. (Y/n) wrapped his arms around Kuroo's neck, burying his face into the others neck.
"I'm so close, please. Please let me cum" (Y/n) said between moans and pants.
The other two looked at each other and nodded.
"Okay. Prince. Cum for me. Go on~" Bokutō purred.
The silver haired male snaked his hand around his husbands body as he started to sloppily jerk him off.
"No one's stopping you. Come on~"
(Y/n) moaned loudly as he could feel his release build up quicker. It didn't take long before (Y/n) was seeing white. His eyes closed as he came on his and Kuroo's stomach. The two inside of his never faulterd. (Y/n) couldn't help but whimper as overstimulation coursed throughout his body.
"We said you could cum. We never said we'd stop" Kuroo purred.
It didn't take long for (Y/n) to get it up again. He couldn't help but leaning and kiss Kuroo. His moans seeping through into the others mouth.
"Fuck. You two are to hot"
Bokutō leaned forward, biting (Y/n)'s shoulder. The pleasureable feeling caused (Y/n) to arch his back and let out a loud moan.
"Fuck. Baby. I'm gonna cum," Kuroo moaned out.
Bokutō nodded in agreement as he felt a knot form in his stomach.
"How about we cum together. Doesn't that sound nice."
The two others nodded in agreement.
"Then cum when I say so."
The (h/c) haired male could barely hold back cumming due to the pleasure flowing through his body. It felt like forever until Kuroo gave the okay. (Y/n) felt his back arch as his orgasm hit him in a full wave.
Bokutō and Kuroo rode out their highs as (Y/n) sat there, panting. A soft whimper came from the submissive as the other two pulled out.
"So pretty for us. Don't you agree, baby owl?" Kuroo spoke first
"All for us" Bokutō replied.
(Y/n) could hear the love in both of their voice.
"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?"
(Y/n) nodded with a smile and was immediately picked up. He was taken to the shower where he was cleaned up before moving to the bed.
Bokutō and Kuroo wrapped their arms around him before all three males fell asleep.

(Y/n) woke up the next day with a pain in his back. He tried to get up, but two strong pairs of arms held him down. He looked towards his husbands and lovingly smiled. Both of them were asleep. He snuggled back into the bed, letting himself be engulfed in the warmth of the two others.
"I love you two dorks" he whispered to their sleeping figures.
I finished!! :D I hope you guys liked it! This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to writing smut. Though I'm not sure if I like how it turned out. It seems a little rushed to me 😅

Up next: Tadashi Yamaguchi x Male Reader

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