Chapter 8: Sasan, Land of Purity

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So, this only recently came to mind: I can't randomly give Y/N a Djinn without messing up continuity (I seriously need to read ahead on what happens between Adventures of Sinbad and Magi because manga is expensive. I know a few general key events like the destruction of the first Sindria, but I'm ignorant on the details) and I don't really want to mess it up too badly, so I've come up with two possible choices: I can either make up a Djinn and add characters (likely dragons) to be Y/N's Household Vessel or I can give dragons a sort of unique magic which makes them more resistant to magic (two guesses as to who I thought of when I came to this decision). Again, the magic would likely be unique to dragons and even then be very rare or difficult to unlock. Let me know in comments what you think because this does has me stumped. If you want a Djinn, what kind of Djinn would you like to see? Tell me.
I own nothing
Chapter 8: Mystras
The sky was clear and the ocean was calm, a perfect day for sailing.
"Look! We're almost there, Sinbad!" Hinahoho called out.
Sinbad stood on the deck of the ship, staring out onto the horizon and the approaching landmass, smiling.
Some time had past since the Sindria trading company established itself in Reim, long enough for his hair to grow out even more. The time had come for the company to expand, and to do so meant to travel to different lands and gather business as much as they possibly could. To Sinbad, it was almost everything he and (Y/N) had talked about during her time in Tyson (minus the business): traveling the world, exploring new places, meeting different people, etc. Speaking of his friend, the dragon swooped down beside the ship, leaving a wake beneath her wings, before swooping up and transforming into a human before landing beside her friend. Sin smiled at her, noting that her beast form was a bit bigger now and her human form, well time seemed to be greatly favoring her. She took her place beside him and looked outward like him.
"Another new adventure," she said.
"Yup," He responded. "You didn't want to take a look ahead before us? Might save us from an ambush,"
She nudged his ribs lightly with her elbow.
"We are more than capable handling any ambush that comes our way, you especially. Besides, the people of Sasan are closed off as is. We don't want them even more on guard after a two ton war beast flew over their city,"
Her friend chuckled and began to tease her lightly.
"War beast? I find you rather cute, myself,"
(Y/N) cheeks flared red as she punched him on the shoulder, harder this time.
"Yeah, well your first impression of me was me unconscious with seaweed in my hair. You hardly count,"
Sinbad laughed at her retort, but stopped as she continued to speak.
"Regardless, it's gonna be an uphill battle for Sasan," She then threw him a challenging smile. "Think you can handle it?"
He gave his own in response.
"You know who you're talking to,"
The ship was docked in a port connected to a valley surrounded by sheer mountains on both sides. The path was carved stone from the mountain and slowly rose upward. Unsurprisingly, Sinbad and (Y/N) took the lead as they, Ja'far and Hinahoho traveled inland. Hinahoho was at the back studying the map with Ja'far beside him.
"Let's see, the Sasan Kingdom? We gotta pass through the mountains on foot. What kind of business do we have there?"
"Sasan in known for producing the world's finest metal," Ja'far explained. "But they've always closed their doors, refusing to trade with other countries. However, they seem to have started trading with Reim recently. If we get ahead and figure out a working trade route, we could expect to make huge profits,"
"But while we're gone, is it gonna be okay to rely on Vittel and Mahado to take care of the company? Rurumu's there, but she's gotta look after our son. She can't be working,"
"They'll be fine," (Y/N) assured the Imuchakk as Sinbad took a swing of water beside her. "Vittel will support the company as the accountant. I made sure he had a dragon's eye for detail when we left,"
Their leader nodded, handing her back the water pouch.
"Mahado's quiet, but he's a helpful man who's well-liked by other employees.'ll be our first visit to this country. I should be present as head of the company...right?"
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as Sinbad charmingly smiled over his shoulder.
"Yeah, as if you didn't want an excuse to go adventuring in a new country,"
"Hey, you would be just as guilty!"
"I am here in case you get into trouble," she clarified while putting a hand to her chest, before looking at her friend sternly. "And mostly to make sure you don't do something stupid,"
"Hey!" Sin said indignantly before the dragon tauntingly began to run ahead, forcing him to chase her.
Hinahoho and Ja'far both smiled and shrugged.
"You know, chasing her doesn't make her any less right Sinbad! We all know you just want to go on another adventure!" Hina then began to laugh. "It's an exciting feeling, isn't it?"
Ja'far just sighed.
"He'll always be a kid. And (Y/N) can be just as bad at times,"
The group eventually came to the summit of the mountain and stared down in awe at the sight of a city carve into a mountaintop.
"We've arrived at Sasan Kingdom, the land of purity!" Sinbad announced.
The four made their way through the city gates and glanced around at the marketplace before them. It was a lot less crowded than Reim, (Y/N) noted, but that just made it easier on the ears and let her think back on the research they done prior to docking.
Sasan Kingdom is a city-state constructed in ravines of high elevation. Sasan is also a religious country with devout faith in an ancient god. Any business with the "tainted" outside world was forbidden, hence the name "the land of purity." (Y/N) just hoped the religion in the kingdom had at least a neutral stance on her people considering the few other cultures who saw dragons as demons of greed and wrath needing to be destroyed. Regardless, everyone was in awe of the prestige of the city. The people, the knights at work, the city itself seemed to be sparkling.
"Amazing," Sinbad muttered, seeing the citizens garbed in fine clothes. What caught (Y/N)'s attention was that each one was adorned with a dark red feather.
"We must secure this market no matter what!" Ja'far affirmed.
Just as he spoke, people took notice of them and quickly scuttled away as if they were diseased.
"They're from the outside world,"
"They're heretics of the tainted world,"
"Do not be associated with them,"
(Y/N) blew a few strands of hair from her face.
"Well, we're off to a great start,"
Sinbad smiled at her,"
"Be a little more optimistic,"
She crossed her arms.
"You're the optimist, or at least the opportunist. I'm the realist. I have to have to balance you out,"
Their little banter was cut short as they heard banging behind them and turned to see a knight holding a large, sea green spear looking at them.
"Outsiders are prohibited from interacting with our citizens unless they have permission," He turned. "This way, please,"
With no other choice, the group was led to an officials building to negotiate for trade between their company and Sasan. Or tried too.
"Rejected," the small official stated, not even bothering to look at them. "Sasan does not conduct trade with the outside world," he then shook his quill at them. "Please return to your country,"
"This may sound like a retort, but we're seeing metal and mineral resources in Reim that are imported from Sasan," Ja'far argued.
"I would not call that a trade," the official corrected. "Those materials were supplied only to honor Sasan's friendship with the great Reim Empire. The Reim Empire has proven to have a deep understanding of our strong faith. Also, Sasan's resources are all blessing from God," he finally looked up at them. "We'll never let heretics profit off of it. If you understand, I ask you to kindly leave,"
"But," Sinbad motioned for the former assassin to stop, taking over the conversation in his typical Sinbad fashion.
"Then please tell us how we can establish a friendship with Sasan, not as merchants," (Y/N) had to hold back a laugh at the official's reaction to her friend's declaration. "I strive to learn and understand the culture and beliefs of all countries in the world. What can I do for your country? Please, tell me,"
The little man gulped and looked over at the other three. (Y/N) just shrugged and shook her head.
"Best to just tell him what he needs. He seldom accepts no,"
Understanding, the Sasan male looked back at the purple haired teen.
"The people of Sasan welcome each other and never reject devout followers. If you have the will to establish a friendly relationship, visit the Sasan Knights,"
"Sasan Knights?" (Y/N) repeated.
"The Sasan Knights are a group of high-ranking churchmen who control the Sasan church," the official explained. "The are blessed by God to lead the kingdom and protect it. If you wish to establish friendship, you must seek the Knight-King, Darius Leoxses. If your receive his approval, Sasan will recognize you as fellows,"
The nodded to the official, understanding, and thanked him for his time. They then headed out to seek the Knights. It didn't take long for them to come across a crowd gathered to see a procession.
"Incredible," Sinbad said as the Knights passed through.
The one riding in the lead caught his and (Y/N)'s attention the most. There was no doubt he was this Darius they were meant to seek out. The way he carried himself and the respect you could see he carried from his men and the citizens reminded (Y/N) greatly of her mother. As he passed, the emblem on Sinbad's sword began to glow, as did one on the Knight-King's spear. (Y/N) immediately took notice of it with her sharp eyes.
"Is that what I think it is?" She thought. "We need to approach this cautiously,"
However, as she thought this, Sinbad was already blindly rushing forward, calling out.
"Pardon me! It's very nice to meet you!"
Both her and Ja'far were mortified and rushed forward.
"Wait!" Ja'far urged as (Y/N) began to yank their leader back.
"Show a little respect Sin! We'll be kicked out if you disrespect them!"
Sinbad, of course, ignored their warnings and slipped from her grasp.
"Don't worry, leave it to me," Sinbad ran behind the crowd and then walked in pace with the Knight-King. "It's a great honor to meet you, sir. I'm Sinbad, a merchant coming from the Reim Empire. I would like-,"
(Y/N) caught up to him and once again tried to get her friend under control, resisting the urge to pounce on him to keep him still.
"Sinbad!" She hissed. "What did we just say?!"
The boy fought back.
"I know what I'm doing, trust me!"
"I can't really given your behavior!"
The two struggled for a bit, barely notice a Knight pointing a spear at them, and (Y/N) even instinctively encased Sinbad in her wings to muffle his protests (or suffocate him, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do to him in that moment). Eventually, the two friends noticed three guards aiming their weapons at them, a look of astonishment, bafflement, and perhaps fear likely due to (Y/N)'s wings. The teenagers back off, returning to their other two friends, and (Y/N) let go of Sinbad as Ja'far scolded him.
"But we're here to establish a friendship," Sinbad attempted to explain to the Knights. "We're not suspicious,"
"You have a beast among your ranks!" One pointed out, directing his lance at (Y/N), who had fallen in line with Ja'far and Hinahoho, and was using her wings as a cloak again. "If they fight back, kill them!"
The dragon groaned, thinking she'd have to fly them all out of this place, until a voice called out.
"Wait!" They all glanced at the Knight-King who had stopped. "Don't taint your spears with the blood of a man who has no sense of courtesy," the Knights lowered their weapons as Darius looked ahead. "Proceed,"
The procession continued on, leaving the merchants to gaze onward.
For whatever reason, somehow, Sinbad convinced the other three to head to the quarters of the Sasan Knights right after what had just happened. He stood in front of the gates yelling.
"Pardon me! Please let me join the Knights!"
(Y/N) stood back with the other two, clutching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head slowly.
"Sin, please stop, this isn't gonna work,"
Sinbad continued to aggravate the guards until finally, at sunset, they snapped and began to chance the party. Sighing, (Y/N) turned into her beast form, scooped up her friends, and flew them to district designated for outsiders. They found themselves at the inn, eat and meal and drinking. Hinahoho d seemed to find the whole event hilarious as he laughed about it.
"You were given quiet the cold shoulder,"
Sin groaned, eating a kabob of meat.
"I underestimated how inflexible those Knights are,"
"Of course they are!" Ja'far affirmed, "it's impossible to have direct conversations with them. I'm surprised they haven't kicked us out yet,"
"I'm more surprised they haven't tried to make trophy out of (Y/N). You alright?" Sinbad asked, a hint of genuine concern in his voice as (Y/N) drank her ale. She opened one eye to look at him before taking a healthy helping and swallowing. She then smirked.
"Oh I'd pay to see any of those Knights try to skin my pelt with those toothpicks of their's,"
Sinbad sent her a mischievous grin.
"Glad to know you're okay,"
"(Y/N)! Don't encourage him!" The youngest of the group argued before turning back to their leader. "From now on, please be aware-,"
"Great! Next time, I'm determined to talk to them,"
"Using force?" Hinahoho encouraged. He was definitely starting to get tipsy if that blush on his cheeks was anything to go by. "Now you're talking. I'll glad help,"
Their only female companion sighed, but it was more a sigh of resigning to fate.
"And I'll gladly be the one to save you lot like the mischievous hatchlings you are,"
"No! A discussion will do," Sinbad said back. "We've done nothing wrong,"
"Were you even listening to me and (Y/N)!?" Ja'far asked. "We are both advising you not to provoke the Knights! At least I am and (Y/N) is willing to save you if you do! Speaking of, both of you, don't kid around like that!"
"Foreigners are prohibited from stepping out of their facilities during the night anyway," Hinahoho relented, taking a glance around. "Still, there are barely any customers,"
"They isolate foreigners from their citizens to prevent any kind of contact," Pointed out Ja'far. "We've yet to succeed in our negotiations with the Knights. All doors are closed,"
"Don't be so pessimistic," Sinbad said encouragingly, "Let's negotiate patiently,"
Ja'far smiled hopefully at him.
"Sin," He then noticed where's Sin's eyes had wandered to.
"Besides, their conservative attire is unfortunate, but the women of Sasan have a modest beauty within them,"
"Women, eh?" Hina said, much less enthusiastically as Ja'far sank.
"You're all about them,"
(Y/N), feeling slightly ticked off by her best friend's womanizing habits, decided then was the best time to alert her three male companions to what she knew was happening since they got there.
"We're being watching," she told them, taking another sip.
Sinbad smirked at her, thinking she was jealous.
"Oh really?"
"Yes Sin,"
"And you just happen to bring this up now?"
"Ask him why he decided to approach us,"
She pointed behind the boy and trio of male turned to see a boy around her and Sinbad's age, garbed in Knight attire, crouching behind the table (Hina was too busy being amused by (Y/N) jealousy to see him). The stranger froze a bit while Sinbad gave his companion a look. She just continued to enjoy her drink. When she was done, she looked over at the stranger.
"May we help you?"
"Will you let me sit next you?" He asked quietly, pointing to the empty spot next to Sinbad.
"There are plenty of seats," Sin pointed out. "You don't need to sit next to me,"
"No, it's not that!" He stood up bashfully. "I just wanted to have a conversation with you guys! Hey!"
One the barmaids grabbed hold of the boy and began a fire tirade that reminded (Y/N) of home.
"This is a foreigners-only facility! You're not allowed to enter! How many times do I have to tell you!?"
The foreigners took a back seat and just watch as the poor kid was chewed, not really sure if they should get involved. To his credit, the boy did try to argue back.
"I know that, but please, how about a minute?" The lady then proceeded to choke him and swing him by the neck. (Y/N) was now scarily reminded of home.
"I won't allow! Please be more aware of your position! You're the Knight-King's son!"
The four widened their eyes at the information and the two most in charge saw an opportunity. Sin grinned at (Y/N), though there was sinister intent. She sighed and rubbed her temple.
"I will allow your...dark gift once, but, only if it's necessary,"
The purple haired male was more than happy with the arrangement and the dragon politely asked what the problem was. The barmaid sat them all down at the table (save for Hinahoho who remained standing) and explained.
"He is the current Knight-King Darius's son, Mystras," Mystras rubbed his head embarrassed as the poor woman went on. "If they find out you're here, I'll suffer the consequences too! Please, you must leave at once!"
"No!" He cried. "We've got strange-looking foreigners in town! I won't leave until I hear stories about the outside world!"
"What are you saying? How can you violate the law while being a Knight?"
(Y/N), reluctantly, gave Sinbad the signal to do his thing. He happily took the woman's hand.
"Don't be so tense, my lad," the waitress was automatically blushing as Sin laid the charm on thick. "He just wants to listen to a few stories. It's a wonderful opportunity for us to speak with a Knight, too," Sinbad then did his (soon to be) famous lady killer smile. "Will you let this one pass?l
The poor woman was completely caught off guard and backed off, giving them alone time. (Y/N) then sharply starred at Sinbad.
"I can't believe I let you do that,"
He just grinned back at her.
"Aw, don't be jealous (N/N), you're the one who travels the world with me,"
"I should've stayed with my tribe,"
"Just so you could continue to miss me?"
"I need my mug,"
They looked at each other for a moment before snickering together. While they reconciled, Ja'far and Hinahoho immediately began to butter up Mystras with food and alcohol. They were all quite impressed by the Knight's ability to inhale food and down drink. (Y/N) raised a brow at him, half tempted to push her mug to him since it looked like he needed it more.
"Easy, you'll choke at this rate,"
"How can you eat that much?" Sinbad asked.
"A knight lives with fortitude and vigor," The red head explained between bites. "We are only allowed to eat plain food. I never get to eat such rich..." he finished up the last dish before starting a new sentence. "That was delicious,"
"So, you want to hear our stories?" Ja'far inquired with Hina jumping in.
"Why are you so fixated on it?"
Mystras frowned and let his gaze drop.
"We, the people of Sasan are prohibited by dogma from stepping out into the world. The precept is even stricter for me since I'm a Knight's apprentice. So that's why I really want to hear about the outside world!"
Sinbad looked a little surprised before closing his eyes and smiling and standing.
"I'm Sinbad, the head of Sindria Trading Company and also a Dungeon Capturer. An adventurer,"
Mystras eyes widened.
"A Dungeon Capturer?"
(Y/N) pulled out a scroll and tossed it to him.
"Here, Sinbad wrote this about all of our adventures,"
The leader nodded, before extending his hand to his friend. She smiled, shaking her head, and took it. He pulled her up as they face the Knight-King's son.
"To commemorate, let us entertain you for a while,"
Sinbad raised his sword up and called on Baal's power. Lightning filled the room as Sinbad began to tell the story.
"Taking on countless voyages, there's a man who travels the world's seas and new lands. He captures mysterious Dungeons, and was the first adventurer to obtain the spirit's almighty power. We'll now unveil the tales of Sinbad's adventures!"
The two did a small performance about their adventures together and Mystras was left mesmerized. At the end, he looked at the scroll.
"You two wrote this? We're all not that far apart in age. Amazing. There's nobody like you in this isolated kingdom of Sasan,"
(Y/N) was standing on the table behind Sinbad, wings and tail out, and had her arms and chin on his head.
"Please, he doesn't need a bigger ego," She rubbed Sin's purple locks to make sure he knew she was teasing (mostly). Her friend just smiled at her and helped her down before turning to the other male teen.
"Mystras, you don't seem too fond of Sasan,"
Mystras seem to deflate at this.
"This country is strictly bounded by dogma. There's no freedom and the people are too conservative and serious here. I'd rather breathe the air of freedom and die than living in this constricted, miserable world!"
The group had been split up into two rooms, so of course, the inseparable instinctively claimed one for themselves. Ja'far would usually protest, but...he just didn't. Sin and (Y/N) had a very odd relationship, but they were really best together.
That night, (Y/N) gazed out the window at the sky, occasionally glancing down at her wings. Sinbad snuck on her.
"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you or do I have to ask?"
She looked down.
"I feel so bad for Mystras. I can't imagine what it must be like being cooped up in a place like this,"
Sinbad raised a brow at her.
"You lived in a large tribe in an active volcano for most of your life. How is that much different?"
She looked at him, opening her wings.
"These are what make it different Sin!"
"Your wings?"
"They're not just wings, there a symbol of freedom. If a dragon doesn't like living in a tribe, they they can just leave with these. Sure, there are rules and times you have to come back by, and places you really shouldn't go if you like all your limbs, but no one is forced to stay where they don't feel they belong. We were born with these to fly, to go places few creatures go. We may live in the same spot all our lives, but with ride the wind and soar to all corners if it suits us. We go where we want and few can stop us. That's part of being a dragon,"
"You know, I'm thinking more and more, I should've been born as a dragon,"
He then frowned.
"Then you say stuff like that and I'm grateful to be human,"
She jabbed him lightly but they laughed. She then looked back at the stars.
"Still, the idea of being chained down, not being able to go where I feel called to, it makes me shiver,"
Her friend sat next to her and smiled.
"Well I won't keep you chain down, and that's a promise, so long as my best friend comes back eventually,"
"Oh don't worry, you're stuck with me making sure you behave,"
The next day, the group was back in the bar, trying to come up with a plan, when Mystras bursted in, flustered and a bit red on one cheek.
"I beg of you! Please, take me with you!" He pleaded with the group on his knees.
"We would love to have you join us," Ja'far tried to let him down gently. "But we're only here to establish commerce with Sasan. So.."
Both (Y/N) and Sinbad perked up, knowing someone had followed Mystras.
"Who's there?" Sinbad asked. "There's no need to hide,"
A small boy walked forward. (Y/N) could tell by looks and scent alone he and Mystras were kin.
"Spartos," Mystras said with shock. "Why are you here?"
The younger boy looked at him sadly.
"Brother...I respect you very much. Will you please stay here in Sasan? The one who's able to succeed father as the Knight-King of Sasan is none other than you,"
The elder brother grimaced and stood up, not even facing the boy.
"You should become king. Didn't you hear me? I refuse to spend the rest of my life in this isolated world,"
"All right, I'll take you with me," Sinbad cut in with a serious expression. (Y/N) nodded in agreement before adding.
"However, you can't just leave like this. I'd be a hypocrite in arguing with you coming considering my own circumstances, but you do have a responsibility with this decision,"
Mystras nodded to them.
"Yeah, I know that. Once a Sasan Knight is baptized, they must serve Sasan until the day they die. There's only one way to resign from the Knights before death,"
"Brother, that's-,"
"Spartos, be sure to tell father that I'm officially leaving the Knights,"
Spartos looked ready to cry and raced off to deliver the message.
Mystras remained with the group for the rest of the day and when night fell, he headed out onto the roof to gaze at the sky. Hinahoho and (Y/N) both found him and Ja'far and Sinbad trusted them to handle the situation.
"Hey," the Imuchakk warrior greeted as they joined him outside. "There you are,"
They both took a seat on either side of the apprentice Knight.
"It's difficult to communicate with siblings at time," The blue haired male empathized. "Fathers are hard to deal with, in any case,"
"I think it's simply the parent of the same sex," (Y/N) half jokingly added. "Even more so when that parent has a position of power you're expected to inherit," Mystras looked at both of the them as she smiled. "All three of us are children of leaders, and Hinahoho also has a younger sibling who cares about him. Regardless, the whole succession business can be exhausting,"
The two merchants then also laid down. Hina then chuckled.
"Though, I was in the opposite position as you. It was a struggle for me to get out to the outside world,"
"At least you two have siblings to leave behind," (Y/N) said with bashful smile. "My mother let her only child thus far loose onto the world to possible die or raze it in fire,"
She and her cohort laughed at this, before he took over the conversation again.
"But in either, it seems fathers are authorities one must eventually overcome,"
Mystras frowned and said nothing. Sensing he didn't want to speak, (Y/N) and Hina backed off.
The next morning, the merchants were gathered outside the inn, plotting their next move.
"Is he going to be okay?" Ja'far asked.
"We'll see," Sinbad responded as Hina stretched.
"I'm sure he's fine,"
At that moment, Sinbad and (Y/N) sensed something very familiar and saw Ruhk flutter past them. Turning, they saw an old friend hidden in the shadows.
"Hey," Yunan greeted.
"Yunan?" (Y/N) asked him, unsure if she was seeing things correctly. Her best friend was equally as astonished.
"What are you doing here?" The blonde smiled at them.
"Sinbad, (Y/N)'ve aged,"
Of course, the purple haired male freaked out and took this as an insult.
"I did not! I only grew bigger?" (Y/N) gave him a deadpanned look.
"Sin, that is aging,"
"Shut up (N/N)! I'm a handsome man now!"
"You sure about that?" Yunan taunted. Luckily, Ja'far stepped in.
"Sin, (Y/N), who's this?"
"He's the traveler that led us both to Baal's Dungeon two years ago," the dragon explained, trying to calm her friend. "Though, we're not exactly sure who he is,"
"You don't!?"
"Well that's a bummer," Yunan sassily retorted. "I've been watching you all this time," he turned to Sinbad. "You obtained a second Djinn, right?"
Sin closed one of his eyes and smiled.
"How do you know about that? You sure are a strange one. So, what bring you here this time?"
"I'm sure you both already know. Recently, Dungeons have been popping up all around the world,"
"Yeah, ever since I captured Baal, there's been sightings all around,"
"Yes...and now, the royalty and people of power are challenging Dungeons and obtaining Djinn's powers. There are Capturers in the great Reim Empire, the Kou Empire, a new power that achieved the unification of three nations, the small countries of Artemyra and Heliohapt, even your homeland, Parthevia,"
"Oh joy," (Y/N) said with gritted teeth. "The last thing those snake hearts needed, more power,"
"And finally, here in Sasan. You're not the only Capturer who holds the power of the Djinn anymore,"
"So..." Ja'far began to inquire. "There's a Capturer in this country too?"
"Yup, the most powerful man of this country, the Knight-King, Darius Leoxses," the green clad lad faced the two friends. "How are you going to face these Capturers, Sinbad? (Y/N)?"
As per usual when the duo faced a choice, they looked to each other silently. This time, (Y/N) crossed her arms and shook her head as he answered for them both.
"We're only here to discuss business,"
"I see," Yunan almost sounded disappointed.
"Our original intention was to speak with the Knight-King," (Y/N) explained. "To establish commerce with Sasan. It doesn't matter if the Knight-King is a Capturer or not,"
Sinbad then winked at the mysterious male.
"But now you got me really excited,"
"Sin, no, control yourself. We do not need to be responsible for that level of collateral damage,"
"You're both as amusing as ever! I can't wait to see what happens when Capturers come face to face," He banged his staff and floated off. "Until next time, you two,"
"He disappeared!" The former assassin yelped. "Sin! That man just disappeared!"
(Y/N) smiled jokingly.
"That man can't make a normal exit to save his life, eh Sin? Sinbad?"
Her friend wasn't looking at her and was instead focusing on the castle. Sensing what he wanted to do, (Y/N) nodded and began to lead the way.
"Come along boys, we don't want to keep Mystras waiting,"
The group entered a building as Mystras defeated a Knight and challenged his father for his freedom. Apparently, this was the only way for him to escape.
"According to the gatekeepers, the one defeated loses his head," Ja'far spoke aloud as (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"What wasteful bear dung,"
"Yeah," Sinbad agreed.
"Apprentice Knight, Mystras Leoxses," the official announced. "Knight-King, Darius Leoxses. Here now under God's dogma, a fair match commences! Begin!"
Mystras dove at his father with fast, swift strikes, nearly hitting the older man's face.
"Almost," Ja'far barely cheered.
"He's quite skilled," Hinahoho admitted.
(Y/N) wasn't as sure. Darius had barely moved and didn't seem too concerned. She could just tell by his aura he would be a formidable foe.
"It seems like you do have the skills to boast about," the king addressed his eldest son. "But attacks at this level-,"
"Shut up!" Mystras lunged.
"Strike back, Alloces!"
The Djinn emblem appeared on the spear once more as a golden barrier reflected Mystras's attack, knocking him into a pillar and ending the battle seemingly. The other Knights stared in astonishment.
"That's the power of God only accessible to the Knight-King,"
"The legendary tower that only appears when the world experiences abnormality. The Knight-King captured and obtained its power,"
Mystras somehow stood back up and walked into the arena again, despite it being clear he had little chance,"
He struck several times in vain before throwing his spear as a diversion and diving to the side to land a blow, only to be reflected once more and sent flying. Darius stood over him menacingly.
"Is that all you've got?" Mystras was in no shape to continue and seemed to accept his fate. "Here's tribute to you, Knight Mystras!"
Darius raised his spear for a finishing blow as Spartos ran to them.
"I praise your brave fight!"
Before the Knight-King could do anything, someone grabbed his spear with sizable force.
This was of course (Y/N).
"I think not," (Y/N) glared at the man with sharp eyes.
"Beast, stand aside," Darius order, noting her claws and wings which were on full display now.
"Hold him there (Y/N)!" Sinbad ordered, now standing in the arena behind Darius.
(Y/N) made certain the king took notice of her leader. Sinbad smiled, but his intentions were written plainly on his face. They had already broken the rules, so might as well break some more.

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