Chapter 19: A Prince and A Message

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I own nothing
Chapter 19: The Best Laid Plans

(Y/N) had been pacing about like a tiger in a cage since this morning. Ja'far had informed her that King Rashid had scheduled a meeting between him, their company, and that witch, and of course she couldn't be present. Given that as far they knew, Maader was still unaware her magicians had failed, they had to keep the dragons a secret as who knew what that she devil would do to Sinbad at the prospect of an enraged dragoness at her doorstep. (Y/N) agreed begrudgingly, mostly because she didn't trust herself not to gut the witch on sight, but that didn't mean it didn't infuriate her beyond all reason.
"You're going to burn a hole in the rug." Cloverheart said, distracting himself with one of the many books Harun had provided them.
Smoke nearly bellowed from the girl's nostrils, but she did note the groove her feet had left and stepped off the carpet for the sake of her teacher. Bullcharge was on his back, trying to amuse himself with a piece of paper and failing.
"I can't blame her. This waiting is eating at me! We should be planning a rescue, not waiting for the king and Ja'far to come back from tea with the enemy!"
"We can't make any moves yet, dung brain!" His tribemate hissed. "We have to be strategic if we want to get out of this unscathed!"
"We're trying to rescue another warrior in order to start paying back our debt and take vengeance for our tribe! We shouldn't have to be sneaking around like scared rats! We're dragons!"
"We're not playing by dragon rules." (W/N) finally said. "It's not tribe rules dictating us here, it's human rules, human politics. If we make one wrong move, all of the tribes could end up as targets!"
Bullcharge just rolled his eyes. "Humans make things so complicated. Why can't they just battle it out, plain and simple."
"Humans break easier than dragons." Cloverheart shot back. "They need 'peaceful' measures so they don't die every time they have a disagreement."
"We're basically plotting a coop. How is that peaceful?"
"Hopefully, no one ends up dead by the end." The dragoness answered as the smaller dragon shot up.
"Wait, we're not killing that bitch!?"
(Y/N)'s claws flexed as her eyes narrowed in a bloodlust. "Oh no, death is too easy for her. After all the pain she's caused, I'll make sure every moment she has left in this world is full of agony and humiliation. Anything she's done to Sin, I'll inflict it tenfold upon her."
The males glanced between them, not sure how to answer such a declaration. They knew better than to get between another dragon and their revenge, and (Y/N) had made it blatant these past few days that she would be the one to deal with Maader, even boldly declaring her right to be the witch's judge in the letters to the tribe leaders they had sent the night before. Even beyond that, (Y/N) was thinking in the long run. Simply slaughtering Maader was justifiable with all of the evidence the tribes had against her. No one would argue the dragon's right to execute her as a war criminal, but that still would reflect poorly on their kind. Despite how loathsome and despicable her actions were, she was still human and they were not. It was only natural her own kind would likely feel sympathy for her when faced with angry dragons. However, backhanded mercy could end up benefiting them in more ways than one. After all, if the dragons spared a wretch who was responsible for a civil war, potential allies may be more willing to negotiate. As she plotted, Ja'far entered the library.
"(Y/N), we need to discuss the meeting with Maader."
Bless this boy. At times, it felt like he was the only thing keeping her from ripping her pelt off. Ja'far had been shouldering a lot, not only in Sinbad's absence but her own, and she felt incredibly guilty for it. When this mess was over, she swore to make it up to him.
(Y/N) joined him at the desk. "What do you need?"
"Rurumu and I will be 'negotiating' with Maader. We will be inviting her to the grand reintroduction of the Sindria Trading Company that King Rashid has generously agreed to attend to discuss matters of interest to Maader. Still, I'm worried this might not work."
"Even the best laid plans don't at times." (Y/N) admitted.
"Right, and if she does at any point before we're ready becomes suspicious, it could be disastrous."
"I agree." Cloverheart said. "We may be acting civil on the surface, but we all know this is just a hostage situation, and if she figures out our plan..."
"It might not end well for Wavereader." Bullcharge finished.
(Y/N) swallowed, attempting to keep her voice leveled. "Then we eliminate as much risk as we can. Ja'far, what did you have in mind?"
"Maader is bound to have documentation laying around somewhere. With her distracted, I thought you three could scope out the place and try to find Sinbad's location."
"What good would that do if we're not planning a rescue?" Bullcharge asked.
"Not much, but if anything does go wrong, if we have lookouts on standby ready to intervene, it could mean the difference between life or death for Sinbad." (Y/N) explained.
"I hope you realize that direct intervention could result in exactly what we're trying to avoid." Cloverheart pointed out.
"It's a risk I'm willing to take. Any scenario where he comes back alive is a victory to me."
The male half chuckled before nodding. "All right, I'll follow your lead. Bullcharge, stay here and send a message to the tribes to send in a small group of sentries for a lookout mission. 5 to 6 dragons at the most, and their best."
"Wait, why am I staying behind!?"
"Because despite your small stature, you're as stealthy as a walrus with a bad cough."
"Am not!"
"Your voice could shatter glass. I'm surprised it hasn't yet."
(Y/N) watched with some amusement as the two dragon males went at it. Despite Cloverheart's seemingly endless barrage of sharp tongued remarks, she could tell these two were about as close as brothers. Still, she slipped away for a breather, trying to gather her thoughts. Regardless of how well thought out their plan was, despite Harun's support, despite the fact that if any sort of god of justice existed they would personally see Maader punished, anything could go wrong. Sinbad's life hung in the balance, and even the slightest misstep from her could cost him his life. The thought of losing him, it scared her more than any battle, any warrior she had ever faced. Even as she juggled these thoughts, her tail thumping about like a snake covered in fire ants, that didn't mean she was so easily snuck up on.
"You can come out, you know." She said softly. "It's rude to spy on people."
A small gasp broke as the boy with blonde hair from the previous day came stumbling out of the shadows. (Y/N) smiled as he frantically put himself together and stood upright.
"I-I wasn't spying!" He quickly lied.
She chuckled. "No, of course not."
"I was just walking by here and you walked out of the library!"
"I see."
"A-and I didn't want to bother you, so I was trying to get away."
"Well that's awfully kind of you."
He fidgeted under gaze, his cheeks a bright rosy color. (Y/N) knelt down to his eye level.
"I don't believe we've met. Which is odd since I saw you with Prince Ahbmad and Prince Sahbmad when I arrived."
She was a bit curious as she had met the other two princes. With all due respect to her master, she wasn't exactly impressed by his heirs. The eldest, Ahbmad, was as bad tempered, ill mannered, dim witted, and lazy as most revolutionaries would make royalty out to be and Sahbmad, bless his heart, was the most timid creature she had ever met. The poor boy tripped over his words at every turn, even though it was clear he was so curious about the dragons, and Cloverheart had his hands full keeping Bullcharge from eating Ahbmad for calling him a runty dragon. The lad in front of her seemed far better put together, and shockingly enough looked much more like Harun's son than the other two.
"I-um..." He bowed. "I'm Prince Alibaba Saluja."
She blinked. "Prince? You're also H-King Rashid's son."
"Eh..." He rubbed his head. "Yes? I'm not a real prince like Ahbmad and Sahbmad. I'm not supposed to be here."
"Is that what they tell you?"
He jolted a little as she gave him a questioning gaze before shyly nodding. She'd have to talk to Harun about that, if she could.
"Well I'd say you belong here more than I do." She joked. "Dragons and palaces don't really end well for certain parties, if you catch my meaning."
He giggled as she grinned and stood up. "I'm (W/N), but I mostly make humans call me (Y/N)."
"It's nice to meet you. I've never met a dragon before!"
"Well I'm glad to be the first."
The two shook hands and Alibaba gawked at her draconian features.
"Are you really from a volcano? The captain said you were, but isn't it super hot? Wouldn't you burn up?"
She chuckled. "Maybe you would, but dragons are a lot more fireproof than humans. Though, we do have ways of making sure visiting humans don't fry on us."
"Wait, if you're fireproof, how do you fight each other with fire?"
"Because, young prince, dragon fire and regular fire burn differently. It's just not common knowledge because most people wouldn't live to know the difference."
She booped his nose to tell him she was exaggerating, and he laughed.
"You know, a lot of the books I was reading said that dragons were mean and awful, but you're really nice, (Y/N)."
"I wouldn't trust any of your books, Prince Alibaba. Anything written down about us by human hands was likely written by magicians, and we get along as well as cats and dogs."
"How come?" He asked innocently.
(Y/N) clicked her tongue. It was one thing to explain it to Sinbad who was her age and experienced in the cruelty of the world or a hatchling who had to be wary of enemies, it was another to tell a human child with no place in the fight.
"Let's just say we have our reasons to dislike each other."
For a little while, she and the little prince chatted. She sated his curious questions and even let him touch her wings and tail. Eventually, Alibaba noticed how much time had passed from the moving shadows.
"Oh no! I'm gonna be late for my lesson! The teacher will mock me again!"
"Well, we can't have that now." (Y/N) said firmly. "I'm sure I can get you there in time."
"It's on the other side of the castle! Even running the whole way, we'd never make it."
She smirked. "Who said anything about running?" Her wings popped out and knelt down, back to him. "Hop on, young prince."
His gold eyes lit up in excitement and for a moment, (Y/N) was taken back to Tyson all those years, seeing Sin's face light with that same glow as she taught him how to fish or how to properly wrestle.
That felt like a lifetime ago now.
Alibaba climbed up, situating himself nicely between her wings and wrapping his arms around her neck.
"Got a grip?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Good, now hold on tight!"
(Y/N) leapt out the window and the boy let out a shriek, burying his face in her back. She slowed down, gliding smoothly.
"Come on, little prince, you can open your eyes. I promise the view is worth it."
Hesitantly, he opened his and immediately they filled with stars as he saw the palace and the city beneath him. The wind felt incredible against his skin and he felt weightless.
"This is amazing!"
She smiled. "You never forget your first time up in the air."
"Does it always feel like this?"
She took a happy breath. "Every time. There's an old warrior saying: We of the sky know a different freedom from those of the earth. That's what flying is to a dragon."
"I wish I had wings of my own."
She gave him a playful look. "Well, you don't necessarily need them to fly."
He looked at her hopefully. "Really?"
"Yup. My...friend, he can fly and even keep up with me, but I'm not telling how because I can tell you'd try to run off and find it yourself."
"Is he the one you and my father are trying to save?"
She looked down. "Yes. He was taken from us." She then perked. "But none of that for this moment. It's your first time flying after all. Now, point the way, little prince."
Alibaba guided (Y/N) and she took every opportunity to take a scenic route, doing light tumbles in the air and gliding between the pillars. The prince laughed through it all. Eventually, their fun came to an end as they approached an open door to a balcony. (Y/N) could hear the sounds of a tutor, loudly crowing about Alibaba's unworthiness and sucking up royally to Ahbmad and Sahbmad. Clicking her tongue and keeping a better grip on the boy on her back, (Y/N) aggressively landed right behind the tutor. The old bat swung around and yelped in fear as he was greeted by a sharp fanged, cold eyed, predatory smile.
"Pardon the intrusion, I had to borrow Prince Alibaba for a moment. Please forgive me for making his highness late."
"A-Ah, it's no trouble at all, honorable guest. I was just worried that the prince was uncharacteristically tardy. He's just so usually punctual is all!"
"Uh huh." She said, not buying his words for a second.
Fortunately for the tutor, the other two princes charged in.
"No fair! Why do you get to fly!" Ahbmad yelled as Alibaba slid off the girl's back.
"W-what was it like?" Sahbmad asked, his curiosity winning out over his shyness for once.
Alibaba was still a daydream. "It was amazing! The wind rushed around like water and it was like I was a feather!"
The first prince stamped his feet, his face red. "I want a turn! You! Dragon! Take me flying!"
"C-can I also h-have a turn?" The second prince asked more politely.
(Y/N) pondered for a moment, before bending to their eye levels, a mischievous grin on her face. "Tell you what? You princes have your studies and have business to attend to with your father. If you behave, learn well, and be nice to each other, then with your father's permission, I will take all three of your out flying tonight. In my dragon form."
The boys erupted in delight.
"Will we really get to ride a dragon!?"
"C-can you let us touch the stars?"
She chuckled. "I'm not sure I can go that high, but we can try. But only if you study well today. Deal?"
The three princes immediately dove into their studies (the first time the tutor had ever seen Ahbmad apply himself). (Y/N) walked out with a merry whistle, running into a familiar face out in the hall.
"I had wondered where you had flown off to." Kind Rashid greeted kindly. "It's quite fortunate a few staff caught sight of a flying child."
"Yes, your child to be specific." (Y/N) quirked back. "Though I don't recall meeting him with your other two sons. Quite strange, wouldn't you say?"
Rashid sighed as they walked together towards the library. "Alibaba...well, his mother was a servant in the palace once and gave birth to him in the slums. Those circumstances, though not his fault, separate him from his brothers, regardless of how I hope they'd get along."
"I figured it was something like that." The dragoness said. "He clearly takes after his father. Perhaps that's why he's my favorite."
Rashid sighed. "I figured you'd come to that conclusion. No doubt Sinbad will have the same opinion."
"I will say this now: never leave alone with Ahbmad and Sahbmad. I can only restrain that mouth of his for so long."
This time, the king laughed fully. "I suppose you're right. I worry for them, for the kind of people they will be. Their mother has a greater influence on them than I could ever hope to have, but perhaps meeting people like you and Sinbad could put them on the right path. Alibaba, well, if what you said is true, I would hope that means he won't have as winding a path."
"People like me?"
"You're good with children, (Y/N), even if you don't notice. You'd make a good mother."
"Oh don't you start too!" She snapped.
"What? It's the truth."
"Ugh, you and Queen Mira are taunting me. I suppose next you're going to tease me about Sinbad?"
He grinned mischievously. "Well the thought did cross my mind. Though if two rulers are telling you similar things, you might have to believe it as truth."
"Please stop." She said. "You were looking for me before?"
"Ah, yes." His face became serious. "The meeting between our allies and Maader will take place in a week's time. Be prepared for it."
"Believe me, I will." He gave her a look. "What?"
"I do not tell you this because I doubt your capability, (Y/N). You are perhaps one of the most respectable people I know. I tell you this because I worry for a friend: keep your emotions at bay for now. We will get him back, I vow it as king and a teacher."
She smiled and nodded. "Warriors do not falter in the face of the enemy. I won't cause problems.
The princes somehow were able to earn their night flight, and for once Ahbmad kept his mouth shut. Gliding through a dark, clear sea of shimmering stars and silver moonlight left them all spellbound and unable to talk about anything else for a few days. Unfortunately, habits died hard and Ahbmad was back to bullying Alibaba in no time, so the blonde prince had often sought company with the dragons, who regaled him with tales of glory and honor. This allowed time to pass quickly, and soon enough, she and Cloverheart, along with Rurumu and Ja'far were at the gates of their hated foe. (Y/N) detested how gaudy the building and stank of blood from the nearby coliseum. Sinbad could be extravagant at times, but he had enough restraint to keep it tasteful (though that was more to keep (Y/N) treasure hoarding instincts in check).
The dragons were garbed in simple robes with hoods, clothing specifically picked by King Rashid to hide their fit bodies and not arouse suspicion. (Y/N) stood next to Rurumu and the two felt calm in each other's presence.
"How much time will you need?"
"As much as you can buy. With how big this place is, we'll have our work cut out for us. Dance circle around the witch for me, if you don't mind."
The Imuchakk smirked. "Gladly."
"Keep out of sight." Ja'far pleaded. "Sinbad would never forgive himself if you were put in danger trying to save him."
"A little late for that." Cloverheart quipped. "Let's focus on saving him before weighing down his conscience, shall we?"
They all nodded in agreement as the dragons seem to vanish in a moment. The two warriors quickly found an opening to pass through. While the building was guarded for typical intruders, it clearly wasn't guarded for dragons. They walked swiftly through the halls, darting to the shadows of the rafters when they heard approaching footsteps. Eventually, they followed a staff member to an office, hopefully Maader's, and slipped in without a sound. They had to if they wanted to avoid bloodshed. (Y/N) never was one for taking lives so carelessly, but if it meant catching off guard, saving Sinbad, she wouldn't hesitate. Fortunately, the staff member quickly vacated and Cloverheart locked the doors as (W/N) began rummaging through the desk.
"I hope you know what you're doing." He said.
"Of course I do. Found it!" She pulled out a map and laid it out on the desk.
"Shipping routes?" Her fellow warrior questioned.
"Maader would never write down exactly where her slaves were hidden if she were smart. However, she still has to plot out the most profitable routes. And considering her cargo, even if she didn't specifically mark it on the map, a plethora of her ships would have several points of intersection." She pointed out a small land mass that the ships were seemingly pacing through without reasons. "Here. I bet all the gold in my tribe that's where they are."
Cloverheart chuckled. "You think more like a merchant than a warrior now."
"I find they're not too different these days."
Quickly jotting down the coordinates to send to the lookout team, the dragons fled out the window after covering their tracks and slipped back into the ground floor. As they headed slowly to the exit, they heard the voices of Ja'far and Rurumu, as well as one (Y/N) couldn't recognize. Cloverheart stiffened.
"That her?" (Y/N) asked coldly.
He nearly growled. "I'd know that voice anywhere."
Creeping closer, the dragons spied in on the meeting. Maader had dark hair and even darker eyes. While a seemingly attractive woman, to (Y/N), she only resembled the demons that haunted the hatchery stories of her youth. Her sickeningly sweet tone made the dragoness want to vomit.
"I've never seen anything like you before." The witch falsely complimented Rurumu. "After all, I've never received anyone from Imuchakk in any of my shipments before."
Ja'far looked ready to rush her, but Rurumu held him back with a cool smile.
"This is the first time you've seen someone from Imuchakk? We are strong, giant, and excellent swimmers. I'm sure if you used us as slaves, we would certainly be useful. If you haven't made any deals, please consider going through our Sindria Trading Company. If you need someone to negotiate a deal with the Imuchakk, leave it up to me. I would also offer negotiations to the dragon tribes allied to my people, but that falls to our Vice President who is currently occupied with her own affairs."
(Y/N) got a sick satisfaction seeing Maader hesitate over Rurumu's cold response. Still, the witch smiled.
"I apologize for making you say something so demeaning about your own people. I was just testing you. You pass. If it's with you, Ms. Rurumu, it seems we can forget about the past."
(Y/N) growled beneath her breath as Maader's words seem to slither like a snake. This woman, the one who had caused so much suffering, she just feet away from her claws. All it would take-.
Cloverheart grabbed her wrist. "Restrain yourself, (W/N)."
(Y/N) blinked, not realizing her claws were and digging gouges in her palms.
She took a breath. "Forgive me. I underestimated my rage."
"Believe, I understand. I understand it so well that it hurts. I want that woman to suffer, but I promised to help Wavereader back to you alive, and I intend to show the Tribe of Sharp Rocks honors its promises."
She nodded, smiling softly. "Right. Let's go. We can't risk any more outbursts."
"You two..." A small voice said.
The two swung their heads to see a small boy hiding behind a corner. His hair was light red along with his eyes. He was also dressed in white rags and chained up at his feet.
A slave.
Cloverheart was ready to incapacitate the boy, but (Y/N) held him back.
The boy just kept staring. "You aren't human, are you? I can smell it."
"Can you now?" She asked softly, trying not to startle him. "Judging by your hair and eyes, you're a Fanalis. Is that correct?"
He nodded quickly. "H-he...he said I could trust you."
(Y/N) blinked at him, not understanding.
The boy kept going. "He said 'the pretty dragon with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes is a friend. If you meet her, you can trust."
(Y/N) nodded, starting to understand. "Did Sinbad tell you that?"
He nodded once more. "Are you going to help us?"
"I'm trying to."
"(W/N)!" Cloverheart whispered intensely. "You shouldn't tell him anything just because he knows Wavereader! He's probably the Fanalis that got him enslaved in the first place! For all we know, he's Maader spy!"
(Y/N) ignored him. "What's your name?"
She smiled and nodded. "My name is (Y/N). Sinbad is right, I am a friend.
The shy boy seemed to crack a tiny smile before quickly hiding himself. Realizing this was likely her only chance to deliver a message to Sinbad, (Y/N) looked at the boy determined.
"Masrur, how does this sound: if I do you a favor, can you do one for me in return?"
He blinked. "W-what kind?"
"It's nothing hard. I just need you to get a message to Sinbad for me. Can you do that?" He nodded. "Atta boy. Now, what can I do for you?"
He seemed to ponder it for a moment, the heavy chains around his ankles creaking protest as he unconsciously moved. He winced as they rubbed harshly against his skin.
"How about I get those off you?" She offered.
He looked up at her. "You need the key."
She smiled, holding up a clawed finger. "I've a key right here. Now hold still, I don't want to accidentally hurt you."
Jamming her claw into the lock, (Y/N) blew a small, concentrated stream of fire into it, being careful not to heat the surrounding metal and hurt the boy. The mechanisms yielded to the heat and the chains snapped off, (Y/N) catching them before they hit the ground.
"There, I bet that feels a lot better."
Masrur stared down in amazement, as if he hadn't felt the weight of the chains for his entire life. In a second, he wrapped his arms around the dragon and hugged her neck. (Y/N) was surprised for a moment, but hugged him back as if to shield him. She desperately did not want to leave him here with that monster, but Maader would definitely notice a Fanalis missing. They couldn't risk it. She handed the chains back to the boy.
"The chains won't lock now, but you need to pretend they do. Don't let anyone notice them. Understand?" He nodded, more determined this time. "Good lad. Now, I need you to deliver this to Sinbad." (Y/N) let a few scales grow on her arm and quickly ripped one out, ignoring the sting. The large scale glimmered as she wrapped it in a piece of twine and hung it from Masrur's neck. "Give that to Sinbad and tell him that help is coming. Tell him (Y/N) is on her way."
The Fanalis understood and ran off. Cloverheart approached her.
"That was a large risk you took." He noted.
She didn't even turn her head to look at him. "It's worth it. I needed him to know I was alive. Besides knowing Sinbad, he isn't planning to sit still. Hopefully he'll understand to stay put for now."
The child slaves were gathered at the furthest room in their prison, away from prying eyes. The children looked up expectantly at Sinbad, who had held this meeting off until Masrur returned. He knew he'd need the Fanalis for this plan to work.
"I've used my authority as head slave to keep all of the adults out of this room for now. Children...there's something I'd like to talk to all of you about. We must step back and re-evaluate our positions. We're 'slaves', and as slaves, we can't ever be anything more or less than that. In other words, Maader will never really love you."
The children began to break down in tears, before they rose up angrily.
"Sinbad...what are you saying? There's no way that's true!"
"It's not true that Lady Maader doesn't love us!"
"That's right! If you can say something like that, you're not one of us!"
"Aren't you one of Mother's children anymore!?"
"Fatima was shipped out." He reminded them, silencing them in an instant. "Just as you all know, he devoted himself to his role as head slave. He respected Maader and was an excellent child, but in the end...even he was shipped out."
"Th-that's just natural." One boy argued. "Because we are all Lady Maader's children."
"You don't call something like that a child. It's a slave. You're not Maader's real children, are you? You're taken care of as merchandise, bought and sold. You'll be treated as a commodity until you die. You're nothing like real children. You're only slaves. There's no love for someone in your position."
Sinbad's dark words and manipulation sunk deep as the children began to shake. He knew they were just children, he knew what he was doing was wrong, that (Y/N) would yell at him for even considering this, but she wasn't here.
" I understand." He lied. "I felt the same way that you do. The truth is that somewhere deep in your hearts, you've always known the truth. Maader is not your real mother. Despite that, you wanted to feel close to someone, to be needed by, you devoted yourself to someone that gave you a place to be...that's true, isn't it? But let's stop clinging to a lie. Remember the world outside of these walls. Outside, there weren't any cells or chains, right? Outside, you weren't slaves and you lived as humans. It's a free world where you're not bound by anyone. In that world, there's a chance for you to be whatever it is that you want to be! But there are people who want to take that away from you. Your future is being stolen from you by that false mother! We can't allow her inhumane acts to go unpunished! That's why we must take action now, to free ourselves from slavery and take back our freedom!"
There was a surge of fury that rose from the children. Sinbad's words sparked a fire within them all, a desperate animalistic urge to fight. Despite his dark intention, most of what he said was true. Though no one said anything, there was an unmistakable air of acknowledgment. Everyone was in agreement. As the children dispersed, Sinbad notices Masrur in back, playing with something around his neck. Curious, the purple haired teen approached the young Fanalis.
"Masrur? What's wrong?"
The boy glanced at him with a single eye, hiding the trinket from sight, only making the older boy more curious. It was then that Sinbad notice Masrur's chains laying next to his feet.
"Wait, how did you get those off?"
Masrur stood up, grabbed Sinbad's arm, and placed something in palm. Opening his hand, Sinbad's heart leaped as he saw the familiar scale.
"(Y/N) said she was coming to help." Masrur finally said.
Joy crashed into Sinbad, something he hadn't felt in a year. He had intentionally never told Masrur her name in case a different dragon tried to impersonate her for whatever reason. He held up the modest necklace and kissed, the smell of ash and the ocean bringing him peace.
She was alive, she was safe, that was all that mattered to him at this moment.
In an instant, the images of her terror filled face and her voice crying out in fear were replaced by her kind smile and laugh calling to him. Once more, she became a beacon.
But this time for all the wrong reasons.
Sinbad was blinded by the revelation that she was safe that he failed to realize her message likely meant he should wait for her to come get him. (Y/N) had failed to realize the desperation in her friend would spur her friend into action. He had to see her again. They had been separated for a year, he couldn't bear a moment longer without her. No matter what it cost him, he would return to the one dearest to his heart.

We had to get into his dark side eventually, you all knew what you were signing up for. I promise their relationship will get more fluffy.

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