Chapter 21: Last Business in Reim

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I own nothing
Chapter 21: The Priestess

It takes a substantial amount of force to faze a dragon typically, a warrior especially. However, (Y/N) was still a young woman, technically still in her teenage years, warrior or not. So the act of her best friend, one she had just come to terms with her feelings for and seeing him manipulate children into a battle which could've ended badly, kissing her was enough to scramble both her logic and her instincts. The girl was frozen as Sinbad continued to lead the kiss, unsure of whether to pull back or to engage. The purple haired male however was determined, placing his hand to her cheek as if to plead with her to not run away. Ever since Sinbad had found out she was alive, this had replaced his previous nightmares of her. He had been dreaming of this, and perhaps some part of him had been ruminating on the idea for far longer than he was willing to admit.
Eventually, (Y/N)'s brain managed to sort itself enough for her to make a decision. While the logical part of her brain wanted to end the kiss, her heart won out as she met Sin's passion, wrapping her arms around his neck. That only further encouraged the male as he deepened the kiss, tilting her head back slightly as the friends were framed in the light of the moon. Now, Sinbad was no stranger to kissing and everything that followed, he had a certain reputation that drove both (Y/N) and Ja'far to madness, but this was different. In any other situation, Sinbad would definitely have gone farther, but this was special. It was his first kiss with the woman he loved, and hopefully it was the first of many. After sometime, the two broke apart, their foreheads touching as Sin caught his breath. Their gazes met.
"I've been wanting to do that forever." The male admitted with a grin.
(Y/N)'s cheeks went pink as she realized now was the time.
"I love you, Sin."
He blinked in astonishment, before a new smile broke out on his face as he pulled her in for another kiss. This time, the dragoness fully matched him as Sinbad was still grinning like an idiot when he pulled away.
"I've been dreaming you'd say that." His smile softened. "I love you too, (N/N)."
(Y/N) couldn't fight her giddiness anymore as she all but tackled Sinbad to the floor for a hug. He laughed as he held her close, both laughing like a pair of love-struck fools (which they were). Eventually, the boy tipped the girl's head up as they met for one final kiss.
(Y/N) woke up the next morning, somehow on the couch in her office, with a blanket over her, and Sinbad clinging to her. It took a moment for the previous night's events to come racing back to her brain, but when they did, her entire face went crimson as she attempted to sit up. Sinbad had other plans as he groaned dramatically and tightened his grip on her.
"Sin, we have to get up. People are going to notice we're gone."
"Nooo." He moaned like a child as he pushed his face to her chest. "Just a little longer."
"H-hey!" She began trying to shove him. "What we did last night does not mean you get to do this yet!"
Sinbad gave her a smirk. "Oh, so later I can?"
"OFF!" She kicked him and the purple haired male was knocked off the ground.
He was laughing as (Y/N) attempted to compose herself. She huffs, smoke billowing from her nose.
He smiled back. "But you love me. You said it."
She threw a pillow at him. "Yeah, and I'm starting to regret it. Go take a bath, you stink."
"Are you willing to join me?"
"Bath. Now." He laughed again as she began to march towards the door. "Sin...what are we now?"
He tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"I mean us. What are we after that kiss, after saying THAT?"
He looked at her like she was crazy. "I still don't follow. We're together, obviously. Right?"
"I guess?"
He walked up to her, now looking concerned. " do want to be together, don't you?"
"Of course I do!" She snapped. "I wouldn't have confessed if I didn't! But Sin, is it a good idea?"
"Why wouldn't it be? I don't see a problem."
She sighed. "Of course you wouldn't. I'm your Vice President, a business partner. People are going to start saying you're giving me preferential treatment."
He smirked. "That's hardly new information."
"I'm also a dragon, Sin. Just like how dragons whisper behind my back about my loyalties, humans aren't exactly going to turn a blind eye to one of their own being in a relationship with a dragon, especially any magicians."
"I don't care." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Those fools can go green with envy that I have a beautiful, powerful, and fearsome dragoness by my side."
She grasped his chin. "You don't need anymore hits to your reputation, Mr Lady Killer."
He smirked. "Well, good thing I only have eyes for one woman."
He pecked her lips and she finally gave a sigh of surrendering, smiling as she pushed him.
"Bath, then meet me in the conference room. We've got a lot of work to do to get the company back on track."
"Yes, ma'am." He teased before they went their separate ways.
(Y/N) was going over company records as she kept Rurumu and Hinahoho's new set of twins entertained by letting them chase her tail. The two Imuchakk, even with Pipirika's arrival the day before, were exhausted by the pair. Drakon, who had been a blessing upon the company during this time, nodded in approval.
"Despite everything, I believe the company will be able to profit this year."
The dragoness sighed in relief. "It's a miracle. I have to thank you, Drakon. I don't know how we would've managed without you or your companions."
He nodded to her. "I owed you and Sinbad a debt. I was simply paying back your kindness."
"We're friends, Drakon, you don't need to pay back kindness."
"No, but I wish to."
She elbowed him playfully. "Softie."
Just then, the other dragons came up to them as the twins crawled into a basket for a nap.
"How are things looking?" Ambertail asked.
(Y/N) nodded to them. "Seems we'll be able to recover. I don't know how, but we managed it."
"I would hope so!" Windweaver exclaimed dramatically. "Everyone's been running back and forth keeping this place running. Honestly, I don't know how you managed it before, (W/N). It's exhausted."
"I guess warriors have more stamina than artists." Icesheer teased as Bullcharge snorted.
As the two males butted heads, (Y/N) felt Blitzscale's gaze upon her.
"Something the matter, Blitzscale?"
The older dragoness grinned mischievously. "So, how was he?"
(Y/N) paused. "Eh?"
"Sinbad. Was he as good as the rumors say?"
The other dragons stopped their bickering to stare as the heir to the Tribe of Fallen Star's face became a bright crimson.
"Eh!? B-Blitzscale! Where is this coming from!?"
"You two slipped away last night and weren't seen till now. Of course we would assume things!"
Drakon coughed in embarrassment as Cloverheart joined in the teasing.
"Blitzscale bet you two would go all the way while Ambertail said you'd chicken out."
The Vice President turned to her hatchery mate. "You bet against me?"
Ambertail quickly deflected. "So something did happen last night."
(Y/N) turned her back to them. "That's none of your business."
"It did!" Windweaver laughed. "Oh Ambertail, you really don't know your own tribemate."
"Oh please. Sinbad had to have been the one to initiate it. Cloverheart was the one who riled him up."
(Y/N) swerved her head. "Come again?"
"Oh, there's Sinbad." Drakon said, trying to defuse the situation.
The purple haired male was walking towards them, a smile on his face. (Y/N) could feel the smug grin on Icesheer's face.
"Ah, that face. That's the face of love struck idiot if I ever saw one. No bite marks though, guess you won the bet, Cloverheart."
"I will skin all of your pelts." (Y/N) threatened as her partner joined her.
"How are things?"
"Well, thanks to everyone's hard work and the new shipments from our allies, we'll be able to recover."
"That's great news! We really should make it up to Rurumu."
"I think some vacation time will do." (Y/N) smiled at the sleeping twins. "These two are quite the handful."
"Sinbad?" A small voice said. "(Y/N)?"
The duo turned to see some of the remaining slave children. Most of the others had left already, escorted by the merchants or dragons back to their homes and families, but there had been those who couldn't do so. This had been another issue left for the dragoness to resolve.
"Thank you for freeing us from slavery. You helped our friends return to their home so they could search for their families. We're all very grateful for your help. But, those of us who are left are orphans with no home or family to return to. We finally gained our freedom...but we have no idea what to do now. What should we do, Sinbad?"
(Y/N) sighed with a smile, bending down to their eye level. "What? Do you think we're gonna leave you to fend for yourselves? I made a promise to help you guys, and I always keep my promises."
"Trust me, she does." Sinbad insisted before frowning. "Everyone...thank you for believing in me and going along with my plans. Also, I'm sorry. I got you all caught up in my fate, and then I ended up forcing you to be responsible for choosing your own futures. But, just becoming free probably doesn't make that an easy choice. If that's the case, won't you become citizens of my country? We of the Sindria Trading Company are creating alliances with various countries and tribes." The dragons grinned at his declaration. "Expanding our trading, and will eventually build our own country. My goal is to rid the world of conflict and to save all the people forced to endure injustice. I want to save all of you too. That's why I'll build a country. So, join my country! Let's build it together, a place everyone can call home!"
The kids smiled, teary eyed as they took the older kids' hands.
(Y/N)'s expression softened. "We'll be counting on all of you." She then stood up, composing herself. "Of course, we're still just a company, so you guys will be employees with us. You'll have housing, food, and clothing provided to you, and you'll all earn wages, if that isn't a problem."
"It won't. These guys were working for Maader, so they should be able to read, write, and even do some calculations, right?"
One of the boys nodded eagerly. "That's right! We were high class slaves after all!"
"Well, we could probably set them up with the dragons for now so they can take on the physical labor for them."
Bulkcharge grinned. "You kids get to be with the warriors! We're gonna teach you the fun stuff!"
Cloverheart smacked his head. "You will not be a bad influence."
"Hey, I'm a great influence!"
"Hold it." (Y/N) interjected. "We're missing one. Where's Masrur?"
Eventually, they found the kid on the roof of the building, lost in thought.
"How did he even get up there?" Hinahoho asked.
Sinbad ignored the question. "Masrur! What are you doing up there?"
The Fanalis ignored him as (Y/N) sighed.
"I'll get him." She flew up to him and greeted him with a bright smile. "It's impressive you got up here on your own. Certainly worth the view. Everyone's worried about you, you should come back."
"I'm...going." He mumbled.
"There's nothing left for me. No family...I never had anything besides fighting. Even though I've been freed from slavery, there's nothing I want to do. The reason I helped start the rebellion was because that person said I was necessary...because he told me that I could use my real strength."
"Sinbad, I will kill you later..." (Y/N) growled her breath (Sinbad felt a horrible shiver in his spine).
"Besides, I'm a Fanalis. I'm different from everyone else, completely different. I can in with everyone else."
Just then, (Y/N) whipped her tail at him. Masrur jumped away and cracked the roof topper. The dragoness smirked, flexing her claws.
"Oh, you think you're so unique because you're a Fanalis? Well, hate to break to you sweetie, but I'm a dragon. But I'll let you try to prove to me you're just as different to the humans down there as I am!"
From below, everyone started to panic as pieces of the roof began falling off.
"(Y/N)!" Sinbad called from below. "Why the hell are you fighting him!?"
"She's proving a point to him, Sinbad." Hina said, understanding completely what the dragoness was trying to do. "To be honest, I would've done the same."
Above, Masrur was trying to land a hit, but (Y/N) proved to be as flexible as she was physically powerful. To be fair, the dragon was also having some trouble landing hits.
"You're quick, I'll give you that, but you're still a bit too inexperienced to be fighting me." She landed a punch that knocked him to the ground. "We're done here."
Refusing to give up, the Fanalis wrapped himself around her arm like a snake and began to squeeze, attempting to break the limb. Not even flinching, scales sprouted on her arm, causing the boy to have less of a grip. In that moment, (Y/N) wrapped her tail around his waist, yanked him off, and kicked him into the wall.
"I said, we're done."
Masrur, barely hurt in the slightest, had stars in his eyes. "How did you do that?"
She grinned. "Natural ability. I'd say you're closer to the people here than I am."
"You were holding back. There's someone here...who is stronger than me...this is the first time I've met someone like you."
(Y/N) walked over to him and ruffled his hair. "I'd say you're around Hinahoho's level. You've still got some growing to do before you're ready to wrestle me at full strength. It's not unusual though. When you've traveled like I have, you realize there's always someone stronger out there. Even in this company, there are a few people who can go toe-to-toe with me." She smiled down at Sinbad. "So I wouldn't worry about being different. Look at me, I'm a completely different species and I do pretty well for myself. Everyone here is different. Some of the dragons here are ones I used to fight against. Even Ja'far, that kid used to be an assassin who tried to kill me and Sinbad. We'll accept you no matter who you are, or where you come from. That was Sinbad's idea. So what if you don't know what you want to do? You can start looking right here, surrounded by people who'd be happy to help. But, the choice is yours."
Masrur seemed to take it to heart and hugged her leg. (Y/N) patted his head and got them both back on the ground. Sinbad greeted her warmly with a smile.
"Well done, (N/N)."
"Hey, if I'm gonna lead a tribe, I need to be able to help those who need a little guidance."
"Helps that you're really good with kids."
She sighed. "And, that's three..."
He tilted his head. "What?"
"Oh nothing."
Masrur followed Hinahoho and Rurumu back inside, leaving the company head's outside. Sinbad looked at his partner, a sense of relief washing over him.
"All of those children can move forward towards the future." He thought, reaching his hand out towards (Y/N)'s. "I also need to move forward."
"Sinbad." A voice interrupted, making Sinbad pull his hand back.
He turned to see a familiar woman standing behind him. "Princess Serendine."
"I'd thank her." (Y/N) urged. "She's the one who fixed up your clothes."
Sin blinked at the dragon before giving a baffled look at the princess.
Serendine's calm exterior immediately cracked into nervousness. "I...I learned a lot from Miss Rurumu and now I've become part of the company! I can help the dragons arrange transports of goods and keep up with account, and I'm working on remembering how to take orders! But I've learned a lot! And as a member of the company, it's only natural that I'd be worried about our leader! Especially with the amount of stress you've put on (Y/N)! She jumped into this mess directly after ending a civil war! And seeing that...I'm sorry for how I'll just get back to work!"
She tried to run away and (Y/N) struggled to keep a chuckle in. She liked this version of the princess.
"Seren!" Sinbad called. "Thanks."
She didn't respond, only quickly walking away.
"Give her some time to warm up." (Y/N) suggested. "She's actually a very pleasant person to talk to."
"Oh really?"
"She's the one who convinced me to give you a chance."
Sinbad's eyes widened. "You're kidding!"
"Nope. She found me moping in my office before you came and said that I clearly cared about you too much to let this destroy our relationship. She was right, it seems."
Sinbad laughed, but then frowned as he remembered the conversation that pushed him to admit his own feelings.
"Hey, (N/N)? That dragon, Cloverheart, what do you think of him?"
She raised a brow at him. "What do you mean?"
"I mean...he seems to really respect you, and you seem kinda close to him."
"He's a good warrior, and I think he'll make a good leader for his tribe. To be honest, I don't think the war would've ended as smoothly as it did without him. Plus, he kept me level headed when we were trying to get you back."
"I see." Sinbad didn't like that.
"Why do you ask?"
He just slipped his hand into hers and kissed her cheek. "It's nothing, just curious."
They returned into the building, only to find a group of guards waiting for them. Sinbad held her hand tighter as they approached.
"Are you the dragon known as (W/N)?" Their captain asked.
"I am." She answered.
"You've been summoned before the Great Priestess of the Reim Empire. Please come with us, quietly."
"She's moving faster than I thought." (Y/N) pondered.
Before she could move, Sinbad stepped forward.
"She's not going alone."
The guards seemed to be more aggressive. "We were ordered only to bring the dragon leader."
Knowing Sinbad wasn't about to back down, she held up a wing in front of him.
"I'm sure the Great Priestess can understand why a dragon would hesitate to speak alone with a magician. My leader is a human and the head of the company I represent, I'm sure bringing him would be less trouble than any of the others of my kind."
The captain seemed to take the hint. "Very well. Follow us."
The other heirs, who had been the ones to greet the guards, stood to the side with narrowed eyes.
"Take care of things here." She ordered.
The palace of the Magi was unwelcoming to say the least. (Y/N) felt every hair on her body stand on end as they approached the chambers. Despite preparing for this moment, dread was still weighing her down, and she was grateful Sinbad was beside her. The purple haired male hadn't let go of her hand.
"What could she want from you? Is this about Maader? You had every right-,"
"It's about the silver wings." (Y/N) shot back.
"How could she know that?"
"I don't know, but I can't imagine a Magi would get involved with affairs between trading companies. Regardless, I broke the treaty."
"That witch broke it first. You and everyone else were defending yourselves!"
"Even before that, Sin, I used that magic."
"Instinctively! It's not like you knew what you were doing!"
"Even still. Don't worry, I have a plan. I don't think I'm in a poor spot just yet."
"What do you mean?"
"I've heard a couple of things about her, and if what I heard was true, then I might be able to negotiate silver wings back for the dragons."
The guards stopped at a grand door. "This is as far as he goes. You will speak to the Priestess alone."
Sinbad wanted to argue, but (Y/N) stopped.
"Very well." She turned to him. "Please, just trust me. I'll be back."
He smiled and kissed her. "If she tries anything, I will bust in there and save you."
The dragoness rolled her eyes. "Then we'd be fleeing to Balbadd."
"For you, it would always be worth it."
She happily smiled at him and walked inside. Rather than some throne room and audience chamber, what greeted her was a lavish bedroom, with a larger covered bed, decorative rug and a seating area. On a balcony, she spotted someone, a blonde, short woman in white robes, no shoes though, with a massive wand in the shape of a trident. Any other person would've mistaken her for a child, but the feeling of every nerve in her body screaming at her to flee made it clear to (Y/N) this was the Magi. The woman turned to her with a bright smile.
"Greetings, (W/N). Please, take a seat." Not to be rude, the dragon accepted. "I am the Magi and Great Priestess of Reim. You may call me Scheherazade."
"It's an honor, Scheherazade. If you are allowing me to use your name, allow me to extend the same courtesy. Most humans refer to me as (Y/N) to begin with."
She nodded, taking a seat across from her. "I apologize for summoning you at this hour. You must be exhausted after your ordeals this past year. Allow me to extend my condolences."
"With all due respect, Scheherazade, I am exhausted, so I would like to skip the formalities and discuss why you summoned me here. I know this has little to do with what I did to Maader."
She nodded, her expression becoming more stoic. "Yes, I would never allow you to be punished for your actions against that woman, you were well within your right. I am well aware of what she did not only to your tribe, but many of the dragon coastal tribes. It should have never happened. What I am concerned with is how you managed to kill those magicians. It would've been reckless to confront them outright."
"We had Wild Magic." The dragon admitted.
The Magi was shocked at her honesty. "And you freely admit you broke the treaty."
"These magicians were controlling dragon leaders and having tribes slaughter each other. The treaty was already broken. We had a right to defend ourselves."
"I understand that." Scheherazade agreed. "But where did you learn it from? To my knowledge, it was lost magic."
"Untaught, but not lost. The magic is dormant in bloodlines. We suspect magic exposure awakened the power in those whose ancestors used it."
"Such as yourself."
The Magi nodded and smiled. "It doesn't surprise me. Of course Silverstar's descendants would lead this generation to resurrect it."
Now it was (Y/N)'s turn to be surprised. "You know my ancestor?"
"Ha! Silverstar is a boogie man among magicians. I'd wager if those magicians did know the tribe they were attacking was his and his descendants still led it, they would've never crossed you. (Y/N), I agree you had every right to protect yourselves, including using Wild Magic, but you and I both know this will raise objections."
"Just as you and I both know where those magicians had to have come from." The Magi was silent to her challenge. "The Kingdom of Magic is the only place I would guess where those forbidden spells could be achieved and taught. And if there's one band of magicians with this magic-,"
"There are bound to be others." Scheherazade finished. "You're intelligent, (Y/N). Good. I suspect you'll find yourself dealing with more cunning enemies after this. Though, I have high hopes for you if you conduct yourself as meticulously as you did when handling Maader."
"Considering you're willing to overlook that, I assume you're just as concerned about Magnostadt."
The Magi nodded. "I will admit there are...anomalies that concern me. The idea of them also being able to control dragons? I can't allow that. You want permission for your kind to practice Wild Magic again? I will see to it."
The dragoness smiled. "Thank you."
Scheherazade stood with a smile. "I hope we can meet again in less...dire circumstances. I wish you well in Balbadd."
"The feeling is mutual. Good day."
Bidding farewell, (Y/N) exited, finding a rather nervous Sinbad there to greet her.
She smiled and took his hand. "To Balbadd?"
He calmed down and brought her hand to his lips. "To Balbadd."

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