hanging out with the boys

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                                              🌼~Madeline ~ 🌼
I decided to take Connor's mind off things . After weeing himself in the lift I'd wanna forget it had happened to me if I was in Conn's shoes . Conn and I had just decided to let our legs take us anywhere . These are the moments I miss while Connor's busy. We'd eventually found ourselves in a forest it brought back good memories . We used to play in the forest as kids just the two of us . I was enjoying this moment I didn't want it to end. We were on a conversation about the band.
Connor stopped walking and turned and looked me in the eye. We stood in silence .

                                              🔵~ Connor ~ 🔵
I stopped walking and turned round to look at Madeline . We were in a forest . It brought back memories of us as kids . We'd runaway and play in the forest away from our parents and I'd always thought about Peter Pan and Wendy Darling . This flashed through my mind : at about 11 years old we'd lost track of time one summer night . It was about half 9. Our bedtime and we weren't home we both got home at about 9: 50 when I walked through the door my dad was out looking for me with my mom in the lounge and Madeline's mom and dad out with my dad searching for the two of us . Everyone worried sick about us. Despite getting grounded.

 Despite getting grounded

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we enjoyed that. And me right now thinking yea meeting Taylor Swift was nice and Mcfly but nothing beats this . Mads , God will she ever know just how much I love her? I decided to pray that she will one day.

Part of me wondered how this sweet little girly girl turned out to be the best cutest tomboy I've ever met?

Anyhow , we were silent for a while then she asked me what I was thinking about . " Oh , nu-nothing , j-just . .. a song idea " I stuttered . Hoping Mads would believe me. She has known me for most of my life . "What's the consept?" Madeline asked sarcastically . " Um erm... well , I was thinking about a girl back home I really like   ". " You've  been  deep  in  a coma but I stood right here when    you thought there was noone  I was still right here , you were scared but I  told  ya open up your eyes never saw me as someone  who  could  love you  well  ,   had to  show  you  the  hard way  only time  would  tell revelations  and heartaches  make you  realize , I was always in front of you so wake up  your  sleeping  heart, I  know  sometimes  we'll  be  afraid  but no more playin  safe my dear I'm here so  wake  up. That's all I got". " That's really sweet , it'd sound great set acoustically with some really strong back vocals from you , James and Trissy's . " So who's the unlucky girl?". " It's Catlin isn't it ? Or no its Nikki , or is it Jen ? " " Yeah well I'm not into purple hair , or girls who beat me at every sport , Catlin is just so girly and stuck up and on herself ". We were both in fits of laughter . " Hey Conn , I dare you to climb up the tree and hang upside down on that branch , whist I climb up right behind you " Mads said smiling . We eventually were hanging upside down together . Maddie began to slip I grabbed hold of her and we both came crashing down . Grunts escaped our lips as we landed on the floor . " OMG , I think we totally smashed it!" Mads said smiling at me. Think my heart melted . " You okay ? " I asked. " No , shit sherlock , takes a wee bit more than that to hurt me". I laughed . I stood helping Madeline up and pulling her into a hug . " I think I could spend the rest of today and tonight with you Madeline , it's good fun when I'm with you".

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