Chapter 4:Stupid overnight travel

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                                             🔵~  Connor  ~🔵
I  somehow  managed  through the  gig. I  was  absolutely  bursting  for  a  wee  but had no time  to  use the  toilet  before  leaving . We had to run to the bus which already had our bags on it.   We ran to the bus and we got on and started to drive off. Unfortunately  for  me  the bus doesn't  have  a  toilet  on it. I don't  think  I can wait until  we arrive  at  services .  When we travel  overnight  in  the  bus , there's only 2-3 service  stops if we're very lucky enough  to  get that a many stops. It was 12 and James was the first one in his bunk. Then there was Trissy he'd rather go to bed late as well  as  Brad . And then there's Madeline  who's trying to stay awake.  We'd been on the  bus  for about  20  minutes  now, it was just after 12 o'clock ,  Maddie began  yawning her head off. Me and her were sat at the back of  the  bus.   Mads teased me after I yawned . “  Well ,  I  guess  that  the yawning  is catching you need to stop yawning  Mads " I laughed .  “  I  can't help it Con" Madeline  said  through  a  yawn. I   guess that  we fell a sleep . I wasn't positive  of that ... I guess  since  I  woke  up  it was all just a horrible  nightmare . I dreamed that :

Brad James  and  Tris  and me were in our record label  arguing  with  the  people  from  our record label .  A man  in a black ski mask walked in and sat down  at the head of the table . 
It turned  out  that  he was working  for  the  Mafia ,  and we were  pretty  much  going to be controlled  by  what the Mafia  says goes or they go after our label  our team ,our families  and  friends  and each other if we don't do everything  as they say. I was terrified . I  looked to James  for  an answer .  He just shook his head  no and gave me the most sad and apologetic  look I'd ever  seen .  Brad and Tristan  tried to  protest  against  this. And the man pulled out a pistol  gun. He shot Brads leg and Tristan's  foot. Then yelled the worst words imaginable .  “  Bring Mada-line   in ". Who? I know  a Madeline pronounced  Madelyn . But no Mada-line  . Then two strong guys dressed the same as the first guy with the  ski mask  came in with a girl I almost  didn't recognize . Madeline ! She he was wearing a skimpy  matching bra and  underwear  set ,which was pretty  much  just  mesh and she was crying  and  had  makeup  smugged  on her face she was forced down onto her knees. “  Leave her alone ! "I SCREAMED .  “   if yous don't  do exactly  what  you're  told I'll shoot her. " " You there walking streetlight ,  come over here right now . Tris got up.
"  French  kiss him now you bitch ". “  No! I won't let you do this to her." "Tris  just do as he says" Madeline  said .  They made out. "  Good now strip tease the one with  the  green eyes  ". “  But I  -I"- she was cut off .  "  Do it now or I'll shoot." She tripped in her heels. I rushed over and helped her up. This was so sick and twisted .  I  helped her over to James . "I -I  don't know  how...". Madeline  walked away from  James  and  walked over to Brad . “  How's your  leg?" "  That's not  a  strip tease". The man quickly had Madeline  in a  headlock ,  I tried to get   her free. The man back handed me and I lost my balance  and fell over. He shot Maddie . I woke up crying .  Ewweeewwwww! my  nappy  was soaked. Mads  quickly  rushed over to me.  I must  have  woke her up.  "  What is it, Con ? " Madeline  asked  me .  “  I  -  I-I  had a terrible  nightmare  ".  “  Awww tell me all about it mate". “  Well  it didn't  really  happen  you're  okay  now , it's all right  ". “  How's  y ' know?  Erm .  .  .  " Mads  whispered .  "  Well  erm... I think  I  might've  wee'd  a little". Great . .. just  great ! I  had  to  piss  again . I  shifted  my  weight .  Ewweeewwwww! My nappy  was all squishy. I  found  myself  blushing . “  when you  finish  weeing  have  a  look at  your  nappy  to  see if it needs immediate  changing . It really  does  I thought  to myself .   I  went back to sleep .  Soon  I was woken up by  James .  We'd arrived  at  services . I got up with  my backpack  and headed  to  the  toilet .  I  changed  my  nappy  and put a clean one on. I got back on the  bus. I didn't really want to sleep. What if I wee'd myself  agian ? What if I had another  terrible  nightmare  again? Somehow  I  managed  to  get  back  to  sleep .  I  don't  remember  any other nightmares ,  Madeline  woke  me  up  for services .  Ah man I really  was absolutely  bursting  for  a  wee  then .  I  checked  my  nappy  to make sure I wasn't wet. I  was  not  even  in the  slightest  bit.

I  slept  without  nightmares .  I  was  woken  up  by  Tris . My nappy  was wet,I was  bursting  for  a  wee  again .  I  don't  think  I  can  hold  it  in  for  very  long .  Trust me  when  I  say that  I  think  I  was able  to  hold  it  in  better  when  Maddie  and  me  were  in  the  forest .  And that night  I'd nearly  wet myself .  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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