Thanku♡ and story title for the next part(people mentioned)

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Hey guys!!!!!
Been a long time!🤗🤗🤗🤗(if u just want to see the title for next part then skip till a line made of "____" appears😊)
I am really happy right now!!!! Thanku to u alll!!!!!😆

I would like to thank isabelgreat,^_^😊
and last but not the least
ContestshippingWorld^_^😊 for following me!!!!!😊 Thanku so much!!!!!😄
I finally have 11 followers!!!!!!😳 And more than 60 reader😳 thanku to alll!!!!!!😍 Your the best🤗

And a special thanks to SsstVvb ^_^😄to be the first one to comment on my story!!!!!🤗🤗🤗 I am crying tears of joy!😭🤧


And as I said in the title 'Thanku♡ and story title for the next part(people mentioned)' that I'll tell the title and some details for the next part so hear u go😊

Look down👇

The title of the story will be 'THE SUDDEN MEET' and ofcourse it is a contestshiping story!😤 New characters would be introduced and many things😄!!! Please look👀 forward to it😄 if u have ideas please do tell or any requests.😄 I'd be really happy! And if u have a guesses what will be in the story🤔 then I'd mention u in the next chapter😃 or if u want I can also add u in the story😄.

Well then...Bye!!!!!😆 Thanku so much once again!😄

Have a nice day/night 😴😴😴😴😄......

Until next time!😄

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